This’n’That; June Nineteenth #2; Farm Bill

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‘pinky’ reid Again “The Obstructionist!”
    With the U.S. Senate in deliberations on the next ‘farm bill–S. 3240–(with the delusionary title: Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012)’ harrypinkyreid will play obstructionist in deciding which amendments will come to the floor for debate.  The amendment with the most importance to conservatives, the “Tea PartyMovement, is Senator Rand Paul‘s which would change the administration of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) funds to block grants to the states.
    Senator Paul‘s amendment–S. Amdt 2177–would require the individual states to administer their own SNAP grants.  Each state would establish it’s own eligibility requirements as well as monitoring and enforcement procedures.  This amendment–which failed, 65-33–would have reduced the welfareRAT income source by $280 Billion “over-ten-years” by freezing funding at the current level of $45 Billion a year.
  Although my senators (C. Ellis Schumer and Kirstin “The Invisible Senator” Gillibrand) are communists from New York, ‘The Welfare State,’ I intend to inform them of my plans to insure they find retirement or unemployment!!  Hopefully, you’ll do the same if your senator(s) voted against this amendment!!
Til Nex’Time….
[List and voting results],_Conservation,_and_Energy_Act_of_2008

This’n’That; June Nineteenth #2; Farm Bill

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‘pinky’ reid Again “The Obstructionist!”
    With the U.S. Senate in deliberations on the next ‘farm bill–S. 3240–(with the delusionary title: Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012)’ harrypinkyreid will play obstructionist in deciding which amendments will come to the floor for debate.  The amendment with the most importance to conservatives, the “Tea PartyMovement, is Senator Rand Paul‘s which would change the administration of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) funds to block grants to the states.
    Senator Paul‘s amendment–S. Amdt 2177–would require the individual states to administer their own SNAP grants.  Each state would establish it’s own eligibility requirements as well as monitoring and enforcement procedures.  This amendment–which failed, 65-33–would have reduced the welfareRAT income source by $280 Billion “over-ten-years” by freezing funding at the current level of $45 Billion a year.
  Although my senators (C. Ellis Schumer and Kirstin “The Invisible Senator” Gillibrand) are communists from New York, ‘The Welfare State,’ I intend to inform them of my plans to insure they find retirement or unemployment!!  Hopefully, you’ll do the same if your senator(s) voted against this amendment!!
Til Nex’Time….
[List and voting results],_Conservation,_and_Energy_Act_of_2008

This’n’That; March Twentieth #1; How Can Ya Tell?!?

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SOME Liars Are Easy To Spot
How can ya tell when “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” is Lyin’?!?
When his lips flap and his ears wiggle!!
How can ya tell when “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” is tellin’ the truth?!?
Ya can’t…. he NEVER does!!
    Remember last summer when “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” wasted most of the 435 Congressional Members’ evening with one of his blathers AT their joint gathering? At the time the country–as well as the Congress–was embroiled in the ‘debt-ceiling’ kerfuffle.  There had been meetings between Speaker John Boehner and the “Clown Prince” at barackingham Palace At the time, the “Clown Prince” was whining that Boehner was holding out for spending cuts ONLY; not offering some of the tax increases the “Clown Prince” demanded.  He blathered as much AT the Congress.  Now we find–courtesy of The Washington Post and The Rush Limbaugh Show–this allegation was a bold-faced lie!!  Boehner and Eric Cantor offered over $800 Million in tax increases, which the “Clown Prince” arrogantly and flatly refused.
    Why, one might ask.  First and foremost “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” wouldn’t know the truth if he were hit-over-the-head with it!
Secondly, the “Clown Prince‘s” re-immaculation plan for some time has been to run against a ‘do-nothing Congress’ rather than whom ever became the GOP candidate.  To do that, he couldn’t let it be known that the Congress–in the persons of John Boehner and Eric Cantor–had actually offered compromises that–in the real world–he would have and should have accepted.
Thirdly, the plan was to run against a ‘do-nothing CONGRESS’ not a ‘do-nothing GOP!!’  An important distinction!  To that end–with his lies to the Congress on the aforementioned debt-ceiling kerfuffle–he gladly ‘fed nancy PORKlosi and ‘pinkyreid to the media ‘wolves.’  Since the inception of owe-bama‘s “Campaign-of-Fluff” in 2007, the media ‘wolves’ haven’t been all that ‘hungry!!’
    Everything he’s said, written, teleprompter’d have all been lies, all in the name of his re-immaculation!!  Most important to the “Clown Prince” is to continue to self-massage his ego by being the ‘ruler of the kingdom!!’
‘Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch!?!
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; March Ninth #1; ‘pinkie’ Tickled Pink!

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Senate Votes To Forsake The Unemployed 
    ‘pinkyreid, the Nevadan miscreant Senate Majority Leader, was positively giddy at the results of the “Keystone XL” pipeline vote.  After lobbying phone calls from “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist,” the Senate owe-bamacRATics voted 56-42 to defeat fast-tracking the pipeline amendment to the Transportation bill. 
The “Keystone XL” vote–if positive–would have fast-tracked the legislation.
The “Keystone XL” amendment will have transfer approval authority from the State Department to the Congress.
    The “Clown Prince” wasn’t too successful in lobbying his socio-fascist philosophy to several owe-bamacRATic Senators.  Apparently the reid/owe-bama stranglehold on the U.S. Senate is waning as noted by the owe-bamacRATic defectors in the “Keystone” vote:
Max Baucus-Montana;
Mark Begich-Alaska;
Kay Hagan-North Carolina;
Mary Landrieau-Louisiana;
Joe Manchin-West Virginia;
Claire McCaskell-Missouri;
Mark Pryor-Arkansas;
John Tester-Montana;
Jim Webb-Virginia;
Robert Casey-Pennsylvania, and
Kent Conrad-North Dakota.
    In a parallel vote, republicRATic Senators defeated an owe-bamacRATic amendment to the “Keystone XL” legislation (Author: Ron Wyden-Oregon) that would have required the oil delivered by said pipeline stay in the United States after refining.  That vote was 34-64, against.
    After narrowly buying re-election in Nevada, ‘pinkyreid may very well have ‘hitched his wagon’ to a falling owe-bama star!!  If they both continue on the current path of ignoring the vast numbers of unemployed; the stagnant OWE-BAMACONOMY, ‘pinkyreid and the “Clown Prince“–most probably–will join the very group of Americans they continually denigrate!!
    Knowledgeable–oil industry–insiders have projected the “Keystone XL” pipeline project would create 15,000-25,000 short-term construction jobs and–upon completion–more than 100,000 permanent jobs.
‘Splain to me again why YOU elected these Arschlochs!?!
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; January Fourth #1; Economy

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It’s The Economy, STUPID!!
    While the early 1990s economy was on a deliberate, shallow climb from the “Read my lips…..” era of President George H.W. Bush (41), then-candidate “Slick-WillieClinton with Algore, kept beating us over the head with:
“….the worst economy in the last 50 years!” and
“It’s the economy, stupid!”
People–“Slick-Willie‘s” own KoolAid drinkers–bought into the slogans of “Slick‘s” bumper-sticker campaign, his–poll driven–bumper-sticker administration.  The “Slick-and-Algore Show” continued their foray into advanced socialism for eight years.  While “Slick-Willie” continued his dalliances with ‘the hired help;’ screwing everything that walked–including the taxpayer–muslim terrorists were hard-at-work, planning many and various attacks on the United States and it’s overseas assets.
    In the ’90s–during “Slick‘s” two terms–“PayGo” was the largely ignored ‘theme-of-the-day.’  In essence, the plan demanded that new spending legislation be ‘paid-for’ by spending cuts in other areas or the much-beloved tax increases.  The 1990s “PayGo” legislation conveniently expired in 2002 and was never brought up again until 2007.
    George W. Bush beat Algore after ump-teen Florida recounts and became president on January 20, 2001.  Just nine-months later, Al Qaeda brought down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center!  This and various other security and diplomatic measures caused a 26% rise in deficit spending, to $378.2 BILLION; B-I-L-L-I-O-N!!
    The 2006 mid-term election brought a 1-seat owe-bamacRATic majority in the Senate, a 31-seat majority in the House of Representatives.  After Nancy PORKlosi was elected Speaker of the House, she made the following statements:
(November 8, 2006; On MSNBC-Brian Williams interview:)
“No new deficit spending, no new bridges to nowhere, heaping mountains of debt on our children.”
(December 12, 2006; During a speech after the elections:)
“demo-[owe-bama]-cRATs are committed to ending years of irresponsible budget policies that have produced historic deficits.  Instead of piling trillions of dollars of debt onto our children and grandchildren, we will restore ‘pay-as-you-go’ budget discipline.” 
Senator ‘pinky’ reidincoming Senate Majority Leader–also blathered about:
(November 12, 2006; On CBS News-Bob Scheiffer interview:)
“If you want to have a new program, figure out a way to pay for it without raising taxes.”
Statements of these two legislative miscreants attempted to re-ignite interest in largely ignored legislation forcing the Congress to curtail their “tax-and-spend” budgetary philosophy.  I estimate the re-ignition lasted all of about twenty-minutes!!  Then prevailing ‘ignorance‘ resumed!!
    On January 20,2009–to re-invigorate the “Slick-WillieEra of screwing-the-public–“Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” was immaculated.  The first day “Clownie” went to play in The Oval Office, the national debt was still just over $10 TRILLION (December, 2008-$10.7 TRILLION)!! An emperor in his own mind, the “Clown” started down the path of “empire equalization.”  Rather than institute fiscal policies that would raise world-wide standards of living, “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” went about lowering the American standard of living to the best (or worst) of his abilities!!
    To express his hatred for the United States in general–and his hatred for the accomplished i.e., the rich–“Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” went about his ‘scorched economy style destruction, simultaneously in two directions.  The PORKlus bill to reward his supporters, contributors and voters came into being in February, 2009-with funds borrowed largely from China.  His attempt at “Cap-and-Trade” legislation–where your utility bills will ‘necessarily sky-rocket‘–was soundly defeated while owe-bamaKare was a minor ‘success (with major consequences!),’ supported by congressional socio-fascists. 
    Since “The Grand Immaculation,” the national debt has been increased by $6 TRILLION in less than three-years!  Yes, that’s right! Over Two-Trillion-Bucks a year, on average!!  Currently–as illustrated by the national debt clock ( –the United States Government OUT-SPENDS it’s income by $1.3 TRILLION each year.  If you and I ran our checkbooks that way, we’d have been in jail for the last ump-teen years!! That’s exactly where the likes of George Soros (an owe-bama handler-by-proxy), most of the Congressional Ruling Class of any party as well as all of the current regime should reside for the next decade, at least.  Now there’s a job creator: building the prisons to house all these miscreants!! 
‘Splain to me again, why YOU elected “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?”
Til Nex’Time…. 

This’n’That; January Fourth #1; Economy

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It’s The Economy, STUPID!!
    While the early 1990s economy was on a deliberate, shallow climb from the “Read my lips…..” era of President George H.W. Bush (41), then-candidate “Slick-WillieClinton with Algore, kept beating us over the head with:
“….the worst economy in the last 50 years!” and
“It’s the economy, stupid!”
People–“Slick-Willie‘s” own KoolAid drinkers–bought into the slogans of “Slick‘s” bumper-sticker campaign, his–poll driven–bumper-sticker administration.  The “Slick-and-Algore Show” continued their foray into advanced socialism for eight years.  While “Slick-Willie” continued his dalliances with ‘the hired help;’ screwing everything that walked–including the taxpayer–muslim terrorists were hard-at-work, planning many and various attacks on the United States and it’s overseas assets.
    In the ’90s–during “Slick‘s” two terms–“PayGo” was the largely ignored ‘theme-of-the-day.’  In essence, the plan demanded that new spending legislation be ‘paid-for’ by spending cuts in other areas or the much-beloved tax increases.  The 1990s “PayGo” legislation conveniently expired in 2002 and was never brought up again until 2007.
    George W. Bush beat Algore after ump-teen Florida recounts and became president on January 20, 2001.  Just nine-months later, Al Qaeda brought down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center!  This and various other security and diplomatic measures caused a 26% rise in deficit spending, to $378.2 BILLION; B-I-L-L-I-O-N!!
    The 2006 mid-term election brought a 1-seat owe-bamacRATic majority in the Senate, a 31-seat majority in the House of Representatives.  After Nancy PORKlosi was elected Speaker of the House, she made the following statements:
(November 8, 2006; On MSNBC-Brian Williams interview:)
“No new deficit spending, no new bridges to nowhere, heaping mountains of debt on our children.”
(December 12, 2006; During a speech after the elections:)
“demo-[owe-bama]-cRATs are committed to ending years of irresponsible budget policies that have produced historic deficits.  Instead of piling trillions of dollars of debt onto our children and grandchildren, we will restore ‘pay-as-you-go’ budget discipline.” 
Senator ‘pinky’ reidincoming Senate Majority Leader–also blathered about:
(November 12, 2006; On CBS News-Bob Scheiffer interview:)
“If you want to have a new program, figure out a way to pay for it without raising taxes.”
Statements of these two legislative miscreants attempted to re-ignite interest in largely ignored legislation forcing the Congress to curtail their “tax-and-spend” budgetary philosophy.  I estimate the re-ignition lasted all of about twenty-minutes!!  Then prevailing ‘ignorance‘ resumed!!
    On January 20,2009–to re-invigorate the “Slick-WillieEra of screwing-the-public–“Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” was immaculated.  The first day “Clownie” went to play in The Oval Office, the national debt was still just over $10 TRILLION (December, 2008-$10.7 TRILLION)!! An emperor in his own mind, the “Clown” started down the path of “empire equalization.”  Rather than institute fiscal policies that would raise world-wide standards of living, “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” went about lowering the American standard of living to the best (or worst) of his abilities!!
    To express his hatred for the United States in general–and his hatred for the accomplished i.e., the rich–“Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” went about his ‘scorched economy style destruction, simultaneously in two directions.  The PORKlus bill to reward his supporters, contributors and voters came into being in February, 2009-with funds borrowed largely from China.  His attempt at “Cap-and-Trade” legislation–where your utility bills will ‘necessarily sky-rocket‘–was soundly defeated while owe-bamaKare was a minor ‘success (with major consequences!),’ supported by congressional socio-fascists. 
    Since “The Grand Immaculation,” the national debt has been increased by $6 TRILLION in less than three-years!  Yes, that’s right! Over Two-Trillion-Bucks a year, on average!!  Currently–as illustrated by the national debt clock ( –the United States Government OUT-SPENDS it’s income by $1.3 TRILLION each year.  If you and I ran our checkbooks that way, we’d have been in jail for the last ump-teen years!! That’s exactly where the likes of George Soros (an owe-bama handler-by-proxy), most of the Congressional Ruling Class of any party as well as all of the current regime should reside for the next decade, at least.  Now there’s a job creator: building the prisons to house all these miscreants!! 
‘Splain to me again, why YOU elected “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?”
Til Nex’Time…. 

The Sunday ‘Report;’ 11/06/2011

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What The National Pamphleteers Don’t Report:

Former heavyweight champ Joe Frazier deathly ill with liver cancer
By Steve Cofield
November 5, 2011
Joe Frazier was one of the most feared knockout artists in the history of boxing, but now he’s facing an opponent very few can KO.  According to the N.Y. Post’s Kevin Kernan, the 67-year-old Frazier is battling advanced stages of liver cancer.  “He’s in serious shape, we’re looking for a miracle,” said a source close to the former heavyweight champ. “They’re only giving him a short time to live. We need to have as many people as possible praying for Joe right now.”   According to Leslie Wolff, Frazier’s personal and business manager, the former fighter was [….]

Food, energy inflation not so temporary

by Steve Goldstein
October 31, 2011

The Federal Reserve likes to say that food and energy price hikes have just had a temporary impact on inflation.
But Deutsche Bank economists Joseph LaVorgna and Carl Riccadonna say, not so fast.
To be sure, they say in a research note published Monday, food and energy prices are volatile. And surveys of purchasing managers have shown slowing price pressures. But that’s not the same as saying as companies are reporting price declines.  Moreover, food and energy prices have generally been on the way up.  Since 1987, there have been only four years when combined food and energy prices in the CPI index have declined – and always they have recovered in the next year. On an annualized basis, the economists  [….]

Obama deportation numbers a ‘trick’
The author says that Janet Napolitano’s claim of strengthened border security are untrue.
by Rep. Lamar Smith
October 25, 2011 
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano last week announced that the Obama administration has deported a record number of illegal immigrants in the past year.  But the Obama administration is using smoke and mirrors to achieve its so-called historic record. Take away the illusion, and the facts show that the administration conjures up its deportation statistics.  The administration appears to have artificially inflated its deportation numbers. It includes voluntary removals in the deportation statistics. But this is not removal because an illegal immigrant is not then subject to penalties for returning to the United States. For example, a single illegal immigrant can show up at the border and be voluntarily returned numerous times in one year — and counted each time as a removal.  Even The Washington Post found the Obama administration used questionable [….]

Destroying the Electoral College: The Anti-Federalist National Popular Vote Scheme
By Hans von Spakovsky

The Heritage Foundation
October 27, 2011
Abstract: The National Popular Vote (NPV) plan is the latest in a long line of schemes designed to replace the Electoral College. Imbued with the ideals of this nation’s Founders, the Electoral College has proved itself to be both effective in providing orderly elections for President and resilient in allowing a stable transfer of power of the leadership of the world’s greatest democracy. Therefore, while it would be a mistake to replace the Electoral College, replacing this system with the NPV would be a disaster. The NPV would devalue the minority interests that the Founders sought to protect, create electoral administrative problems, encourage voter fraud, and radicalize the U.S. political system. It also would likely violate the U.S. Constitution’s Compact Clause while directly contravening the Founders’ view of federalism and a representative republic. In an age of perceived political dysfunction, effective policies already in place—especially successful policies established by this nation’s Founders, such as the Electoral College—should be preserved.  Our system for electing a president has worked pretty well. There is no real case [….]

Amid deficit gloom, some states enjoy surpluses

Associated Press
November 4, 2011JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — The budget questions that sent Alaska lawmakers into special session this year had nothing to do with austerity measures or disagreements over cuts to state agencies or programs.
They just couldn’t agree on what to do with all that extra money.
Resource-rich Alaska took in nearly $1.9 billion more than expected last fiscal year thanks largely to high oil prices and ended the fiscal year with an estimated $260 million surplus, an amount equal to nearly 4 percent of its general fund.  A handful of states — led by those that enjoy bountiful energy reserves such as West Virginia, Wyoming and North Dakota — have found themselves in similarly enviable positions, oases of optimism in an otherwise barren landscape of budget cuts and government layoffs. A few other states, including Massachusetts, South Carolina and Virginia, have combined slight increases in tax revenue with tight spending controls to produce modest surpluses.  In West Virginia, the surplus is going toward reserves, pension programs and debt. Wyoming put [….]

Beginner chess mistakes to avoid

By Mike Smith
Plugged In,
November 2, 2011Becoming a great chess player is a journey. And as is the case with any truly great game, understanding the rules is just the first step.  The second, we’d venture to say, is being able to identify, understand, and fix your mistakes. Fortunately, there are a few elementary (and easily corrected) blunders that nearly all beginner players fall into at some point. Dodge them, and grand mastery — or, at any rate, a much better standard of play — is just around the corner.  Here are seven of the most common.
Hands off the queen
Let’s be honest about it: queens kick ass. Zooming about the board, owning up the place, they’re the chess equivalent of a Sherman tank…except Sherman tanks generally can’t [….]

Broke Green Company Greases Director Six Figures for Obama Loans

by John Ransom
November 4, 2011
A financially-troubled Canadian alternative energy company with ties to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid paid a director the lion’s share of $758,828 (CAD) in reported consulting fees, according to an analysis of the filings made by the company. The fee was a part of a consulting agreement in order to successfully arrange a loan guarantee by the Department of Energy.  The loan, made by insurance powerhouse John Hancock, could put taxpayers at risk for 80 percent of both interest and principal due to the insurance company under the terms of the agreement amidst signs that the energy company may be bankrupt by the end of the year.  In the June filings for Canadian-based Nevada Geothermal, which according to the New York Times employs only 22 people in Nevada, the company’s auditors issued “going-concern” warnings that without additional investment or revenues, the company could cease operations.  At stake is about $135 million in financing by the [….]

FCC cracks down on religious broadcasters
The churches were granted FCC exemptions from closed captioning in 2006.
by Brooks Boliek,
October 31, 2011
If a church broadcasts the word of God on TV without closed captions, it risks incurring the wrath of the FCC.  Some 300 small- to medium-sized churches can expect letters from the commission within the next few days explaining why their closed captioning exemptions were lifted for TV shows like “Power in the Word” and “Producing Kingdom Citizens.”  The FCC has been mailing the letters for the past few days to churches from Maine to California, explaining that the hundreds of exemptions are now rescinded and giving the programmers 90 days to reapply.  The churches [….]

Italy 10-year yield rises amid debt plan worries
By William L. Watts
October 31, 2011FRANKFURT (MarketWatch) — Italian government bond yields rose, with the 10-year yield nearing a level last seen in early August, as concerns mounted about the effectiveness of the euro-zone rescue plan adopted last week by European leaders. The 10-year yield /quotes/zigman/4869096 IT:10YR_ITA -0.38% rose 21 basis points to 6.10%. The yield rose as high as 6.18% on Aug. 4, according to trading platform Tradeweb, before retreating in the wake of purchases of Italian and Spanish government bonds by the European Central Bank. The cost of insuring Italian government debt against default via credit default swaps rose Monday. The spread on five-year Italian CDS widened 28 basis points [….]

Janet Napolitano defends White House role in deportation reprieves
by Josh Gerstein,
October 26, 2011
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is defending the involvement of President Barack Obama’s White House in crafting priorities for deportation of illegal aliens and for laying out criteria for which illegal immigrants may win a reprieve from deportation in an upcoming review of pending cases.  “Because immigration involves two major agencies: DHS and DOJ, it is entirely appropriate and, yes, there was coordination with the White House,” Napolitano told Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas) during a House Judicary Committee oversight hearing Wednesday.  It’s unusual for the White House to [….]

Oregon veteran faces eviction if he hangs US flag
November 3, 2011
SPRINGFIELD, Ore. (AP) — Edward Zivica, a 70-year-old who served in the Navy in the 1960s, faces a hard choice come Veterans Day next week: He can obey the rules and remain in his apartment complex, or he can follow his tradition of hanging the American flag outside his place.  The managers at his subsidized housing project in Springfield, Ore., have given him notice he’ll be evicted if [….]

Heart-Warming: Wheelchair-Bound Football Player Scores Touchdown

by Jonathon M. Seidl,
November 3, 2011
Trent Glaze loves football. In fact, he even wants to coach it one day. But as a high school football player he also had a dream of getting on the field. That may sound like a simple goal, but Glaze has muscular dystrophy and is confined to a wheelchair. But despite his physical setback, his dream came true on last Friday night.  It was his opportunity to shine,” Fairfield Union (Ohio) coach Tom McCurdy told WBNS-TV. “He’s my right-hand man. He’s always telling me what we need to do (and) what needs to improve.”  But on Friday, the “right-hand man” became his star player. WBNS explains [….]

Students Graduating From NH Colleges Have Highest Average Debt

By Lauren Leamanczyk,
WBZ-TV’s New Hampshire Bureau Chief
November 3, 2011
DURHAM, N.H. (CBS) -It’s a tough time to be graduating from college. Jobs are hard to find and student debt is skyrocketing.  A new study shows the problem is especially big in New Hampshire. Students graduating from New Hampshire colleges and universities in 2010 had [….]

The Dream Team

by Ben Crystal,
Personal Liberty Digest
October 27, 2011

During the run-up to the 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination, the relationship between the competing Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama campaigns plumbed impressive depths, culminating in now-Secretary of State Clinton’s poorly worded intimation that Obama might not serve out his entire term.  But President Obama managed to bury the hatchet (although perhaps not in the precise spot for which he was aiming). The two camps put aside their differences with Obama’s nomination of Clinton to the Nation’s top diplomatic post. With Clinton relegated to the State Department, Obama could focus on his top priorities: blaming others for his failures, remaining “unaware” of malfeasance in his cabinet, grubbing for cash with Lady Gaga and playing golf.
    Nonetheless, with America waking to the reality that Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like Andrew Jackson, Obama better start bringing his A game. Otherwise, he and Hillary can discuss what might have been over coffee in the Berkeley poli-sci department. Meanwhile, I [….][P11667790]&rrid=387432349

The Rise Of The Entrepreneur

by Robert Ringer,
Personal Liberty Digest,
November 1, 2011
Increasingly, it appears that the far left has found a straw dog to replace its long-cherished, but now embarrassingly discredited, global-warming hoax: “unequal distribution of wealth.”  Of course, class warfare has been around for thousands of years, so it was just a matter of reviving a tired old idea. And, unfortunately, it’s an idea that works nearly 100 percent of the time — at least with those who are ignorant of history and unwilling to study or think.  But as the ne’er-do-well in the White House and Congressional Democrats continue to cast the entrepreneur as a greedy, avaricious villain whose success comes at the expense of the working man, a healthy backlash is occurring. With the word entrepreneur becoming increasingly popular with media pundits on both the right and the left, more and more people are coming to realize that entrepreneurship was the driving force behind America’s widespread prosperity — prosperity that few Americans could have imagined as recently as the mid-20th century.
    After all, many of the Founding Fathers were entrepreneurs, and perhaps the two most famous in that regard are George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. They also are good examples of just how far apart the results of individual entrepreneurs can be. Though they were both farmers, Washington was one of the richest men in America, while Jefferson struggled financially throughout his life and died broke.  Jefferson’s financial difficulties are a reminder that there are no guarantees for the entrepreneur, who labors away without the luxury of a safety net. In fact, perhaps the single greatest attribute of an entrepreneur is his willingness to take risks — including the risk of losing everything if he fails.  By everything, I’m not just referring to savings, stocks, bonds and collectibles. I’m talking about his house, his furniture, his cars — everything he owns — not to mention his credit and his self-esteem.
    In this vein, ultra-liberal Barbara Walters, of all people, did an excellent special last week on self-made billionaires. The slant of the show belied the rhetoric of left-wing politicians who frantically try to convince the public that being rich, of and by itself, is evil. Their words clearly imply that rich people [….][P11861803]&rrid=387432349

One Town‘s ’Declaration of Independence’

by Tiffany Gabbay,
November 4, 2011
Glenn Beck clearly works hard to make sure that each segment of his GBTV show ranks high in measures of quality and content. But you can tell when he classifies a topic as a “must watch” segment. There are two such clips in this post.
    Consider this a story of a destiny reclaimed. One town, best by squabbles and scandals, rises up to chart a new and very American course.  Until November 2010, Vernon Township, New Jersey did not have a Mayor. Instead, the town functioned under the Faulkner Act – a “council-manager” – form of government. Under this system council members perform the town’s necessary administrative functions, with one council member serving either as an appointed (by the council members) or elected “mayor.” Effectively this individual is a figurehead and does not possess actual veto power [….]

Wounded elephant walks again, thanks to jumbo-sized false foot
By Ian Williams,
NBC News Correspondent
November 4, 2011
PHNOM TAMAO, Cambodia – “I really thought he would never make it,” said Nick Marx, stroking Chhouk’s trunk with a sense of pride and affection.  “He was seriously injured. He was extremely young, emaciated and very, very sick.”  Chhouk, a bull elephant now 5 years old, was found in the Cambodian jungle in 2007, alone and close to death, his left front foot mangled by a poacher’s trap.
Marx, the Director of Wildlife Rescue and Care at the Wildlife Alliance, a conservation group, was one of the first to the scene, nursing Chhouk in the jungle for a week.  “I stayed with him, slept beside him, hand-fed him everything he ate.”  Chhouk was [….]

Deranged homeless man goes on violent rampage in Zuccotti Park
New York Post,
November 4, 2011
A deranged homeless man who has been squatting among the Occupy Wall Street protesters in lower Manhattan went on a violent, early-morning rampage yesterday, cursing incoherently and kicking down tents.  The only thing that could stop Jeremy Clinch from his Godzilla-like rampage was a left hook to the face delivered by a paranoid fellow protester who claimed to be an ex-Turkish diplomat — and charged that his assailant was carrying out a plot hatched by Mayor Bloomberg.  “I’ve been here from Day One! I haven’t got a tent!” the Cleveland-native Clinch shrieked as he furiously kicked down tents onto sleeping protesters at about 8 a.m.
    It was just the type of increasingly violent incident that has downtown residents — already bombarded by megaphones, incessant drumming, graffiti and public urination — feeling on edge as the OWS takeover of Zuccotti Park enters its third month.  “You want to [….]
Who’s Getting Hired Right Now

by Jacquelyn Smith,
Forbes Magazine
Power Your Future
November 3, 2011
Millions of jobless American’s are struggling to find work as the unemployment rate stagnates around 9.1%. However, some lucky professionals are finding opportunities less difficult to come by.  If you are a jobless nurse, sales representative or truck driver — there’s plenty of hope for you.  Online job aggregator has sifted through its database to find the occupations that are hiring the most right now. The picture that results doesn’t reflect a precise number of available jobs, because an opening can be listed in more than one place and can remain online for a time after it’s filled. Also, some occupations include various job titles. For instance, sales manager includes vice president of sales, director of sales, and so on. That said, though, the numbers do offer a strong, broad gauge of who’s getting jobs right now.  “The data is an encouraging sign that, despite a struggling economy, opportunities are available in a variety of sectors,” says Paul Forster, chief executive and co-founder of  Registered nurses top the list, with 132,283 job postings at the moment. They include registered nurses (RN), staff RNs, operating room RNs, oncology RNs, and others.  “Health care fared better overall than any other industry during the recession and has had considerably more job postings available on Indeed than other sectors,” Forster says. “Registered nurses are one of the largest professions in the health care industry, and employment of nurses is expected to grow by more than 20% by 2018. Demand for preventive care is rising, and an aging baby boomer population will cause a surge in demand for health services.”
    Others jobs in the medical field that are also hiring like crazy: physical therapists and occupational therapists. They have 53,009 job postings and 46,598 job postings, respectively. “Occupational therapists and physical therapists are in high demand for many of the same reasons as RNs,” Forster says. “Occupational therapists and physical therapists also [….]

School police union slammed for edgy t-shirts

Associated Press,
November 1, 2011….
NORTH HIGHLANDS, Calif. (AP) — A Northern California school police officers union has angered a town after it sold T-shirts with a picture of a child behind bars and the slogan:
U raise ’em, we cage ’em.” 
Town leaders said the fundraising shirts are highly offensive and fuel mistrust of the Twin Rivers Police Department in North Highlands, the Sacramento Bee ( ) reported Tuesday.  “Unfortunately, this shirt seems to confirm that this is who Twin Rivers Police are and how they think, or at least some of them,” Derrell Roberts said. “This doesn’t speak highly of the culture of this department.”  The Twin Rivers Police Officers Association officials said they came up with the T-shirt idea in 2009 to raise money for fallen officers. Less than 30 shirts were ordered and most were sold for $12 to union members.  Association President Arlin Kocher said the shirts were a mistake and that the union stopped selling them this summer at the police chief’s request.
    “I don’t think this will be received well by the public, which is why we stopped selling them,” Kocher said. “Our union, especially me, take full responsibility.”  The Sacramento-area department has been under increasing scrutiny since one of its officers was shot four times on Oct. 22. The suspected shooter died hours later.  The department, which has 20 sworn officers, has had three cases [….]
Until Next Sunday….

This’n’That; November Fourth #2; One Reason….

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[As usual, likely out-0f-sequence, see:]
Why owe-bama NOT Re-electable
    I’ve found at least one reason “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” isn’t considered by most to be re-electable.  One can ‘google’ practically any topic considered ‘political or governmental’ and have the “Clown Prince” tied to it.  As the ruler of the country, the “Clown Prince” is the ‘chief-potentate’ of the bureaucracy; ‘the buck’ is supposed to stop at his desk;–you know, that Resolute Desk he puts his feet all over–he’s responsible for the decisions, the actions of all those in the federal government.
    Nevada is one of those states in the ‘direst of circumstances,’ and could use some injected economic activity outside the gambling and ‘boinking’ industries.  Many in the state’s legislature are questioning the logic, the reasoning behind the federal rules and regulations involving mining and oil industries.  With gold and silver bullion prices at or near all time highs, the owe-bama government continues to stand on the throats of those Nevadans who own and/or operate said precious metals mines.
    “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist“–by extension–requires that those considering opening/re-opening a mine perform the following:
    “pinky reid notwithstanding, can there be any greater idiot than barack INSANE obama whom we less-than-fondly refer to as the “Clown Prince?!?”  There’s gotta be Congressional member of the “Tea Party” persuasion who can come to the aid of not only Nevada mining interests but all other states and industries being castrated by “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” on the orders of George Soros and the other members of the Bilderberg Group.

The drill sites must be cleared by using hand tools.
The drilling equipment and fuel must be transported to the site by teams of pack mules.
The mules must be fed certified weed-free hay.
Drill site and trail reclamation must be done using hand tools.

Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; October Twentieth #3; Take That, Big Momma!

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[As usual, sadly out-of-sequence!  Check:]
‘Mainiacs’ Retake Control Of Local Food!
    The residents and legislators of the small Maine town of Sedgwick have taken back their authority to make decisions at the local level!  The town’s 100 residents approved
The Ordinance to Protect the Health and Integrity of the Local Food System
at their March 5th town meeting.  The reclamation of their governmental rights has basis in the Maine Constitution, to wit:
Not only the Maine Constitution but the Declaration of Independence considered self-determination of great import:

“….all power is inherent in the people; all free governments are founded in their authority and instituted for their benefit, [and that] they have therefore an inalienable and indefensible right to institute government and to alter, reform, or totally change the same when their safety and happiness require it.”

    Of course, regime members at every level-of-control, from the ‘worst lady;’ Miz “eat’cher veggies” owe-bama,  to the Maine Attorney-General, are aghast at the testicular fortitude (balls!) displayed by those locals.  The residents have voted in opposition to both the state and the regime’s “foot-on-the-throat” control of all aspects of American life.

“….governments are instituted to secure peoples’ rights, and that government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.”

    Not only has Sedgwick become the first community–nationwide–to thwart federal control over basic human rights, but the Maine state government has a couple more bills pending:
LD-366 (Summary):  This bill clarifies that a license is not required of any person who produces and sells milk only on the premises of the producer and seller.  It defines ‘premises’ to include  a motor vehicle, and portable farm stand owned by the seller, if sales on these premises are made by that producer or an employee of that producer. 
LD-330 (Summary):  This bill facilitates direct sales between Maine farmers and consumers.  It allows people producing food in their own homes to sell directly to consumers or to offer homemade food at certain events without being licenses as food establishments.
Take that, George Soros!!
Take that, “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist!!”
Take that, ‘General’ holder!!
Take that, Nancy PORKlosi!!
Take that, ‘pinkie’ reid!!
Take that, ‘C. Ellis’ Schumer!!
Take that, United States Congress!!
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; August Twelfth #1; More "Supers"

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‘pinkie’ reid, Nancy PORKlosi fulfill requirements
    [RE: T’n’T; Aug 11th #2]  The senior fascist in each house of Congress fulfilled requirements laid on them by the debt-ceiling legislative scam:  pick the socio-fascists to populate the marxist side of the ‘Super (or ‘Stupid’) Committee.’
The ‘PORKies:’

  • Rep James Enos Clyburn (SC-6): 2010-0.00% Conservative vote; 2009-0.00%; Ruling Class: 18 years; Lifetime conservative average: 8.23%. Voted with owe-bamacRATics 89% of 690 opportunities; voted with 111th Congress 98% of 1,654 opportunities. Another dam’ career politician.
  • Rep Xavier Becerra (Ca-31): 2010-0.00% Conservative vote; 2009-4.00%; Ruling Class: 18 years; Lifetime conservative average: 2.96%.  Voted with owe-bamacRATics 93% of 690 opportunities; voted with 111th Congress 98% of 1,543 opportunities. Another dam’ lawyer.
  • Rep Chris VanHollen (Md-8): 2010-0.00% Conservative vote; 2009-0.00%; Ruling Class: 8 years; Lifetime conservative average: 2.50%.  Voted with owe-bamacRATics 95% of 690 opportunities; voted with the 111th Congress 99% of 1,654 opportunities. Another dam’ lawyer.

The ‘pinkies:’

  • Senator Patricia Lynn Johns Murray (Wa): 2010-0.00%, Conservative vote; 2009-0.00%; Ruling Class: 18 years; Lifetime conservative average: 2.59%.  Voted with owe-bamacRATics 94% of 122 opportunities; voted with 111th Congress 97% of 689 opportunities.  34 sponsored bills-ZERO to law; 144 co-sponsored bills-4 to law.  Top four contributor groups:  unspecified, Lobbyists, Retired, Attorneys, Indian Gaming. Profession: teacher.
  • Senator Max Sieben Baucus (Mt): 2010-12.00%, Conservative vote; 2009: 20.00%; Ruling Class: 36 years; Lifetime conservative average: 14.15%. Voted with owe-bamacRATics 91% of 122 opportunities; voted with 111th Congress 92% of 692 opportunities. Another dam’ lawyer.
  • Senator John Heinz-Kerry-Heinz (Ma): 2010-0.00% Conservative vote; 2009-0.00%; Ruling Class: 26 years; Lifetime conservative average: 5.07%. Voted with owe-bamacRATics 92% of 122 opportunities; voted with 111th Congress 97% of 689 opportunities.  Another dam’ lawyer.

    These commie-lib, socio-fascist, Alinsky-marxists seem to have never seen a liberal, wealth-destributive, job-killing, economy-destroying plan or program they couldn’t support.  The vast majority–to include the most senior–seem to vote however ‘pinkie‘ and ‘PORKie‘ instruct them.
    Given the two diametrically-opposed factions, either nothing will be accomplished or the republicRATics will ‘roll-over-and-play-dead,’ “John Boehner-style,”  and set conservatism and constitutionalism back several decades, no matter how the “Tea Party” movement fights liberalism of every stripe-at every turn!!
Til Nex’Time….
[Van Hollen]
[Johns Murray]  
[Congressional stats:]