‘pinkie’ reid, Nancy PORKlosi fulfill requirements
    [RE: T’n’T; Aug 11th #2]  The senior fascist in each house of Congress fulfilled requirements laid on them by the debt-ceiling legislative scam:  pick the socio-fascists to populate the marxist side of the ‘Super (or ‘Stupid’) Committee.’
The ‘PORKies:’

  • Rep James Enos Clyburn (SC-6): 2010-0.00% Conservative vote; 2009-0.00%; Ruling Class: 18 years; Lifetime conservative average: 8.23%. Voted with owe-bamacRATics 89% of 690 opportunities; voted with 111th Congress 98% of 1,654 opportunities. Another dam’ career politician.
  • Rep Xavier Becerra (Ca-31): 2010-0.00% Conservative vote; 2009-4.00%; Ruling Class: 18 years; Lifetime conservative average: 2.96%.  Voted with owe-bamacRATics 93% of 690 opportunities; voted with 111th Congress 98% of 1,543 opportunities. Another dam’ lawyer.
  • Rep Chris VanHollen (Md-8): 2010-0.00% Conservative vote; 2009-0.00%; Ruling Class: 8 years; Lifetime conservative average: 2.50%.  Voted with owe-bamacRATics 95% of 690 opportunities; voted with the 111th Congress 99% of 1,654 opportunities. Another dam’ lawyer.

The ‘pinkies:’

  • Senator Patricia Lynn Johns Murray (Wa): 2010-0.00%, Conservative vote; 2009-0.00%; Ruling Class: 18 years; Lifetime conservative average: 2.59%.  Voted with owe-bamacRATics 94% of 122 opportunities; voted with 111th Congress 97% of 689 opportunities.  34 sponsored bills-ZERO to law; 144 co-sponsored bills-4 to law.  Top four contributor groups:  unspecified, Lobbyists, Retired, Attorneys, Indian Gaming. Profession: teacher.
  • Senator Max Sieben Baucus (Mt): 2010-12.00%, Conservative vote; 2009: 20.00%; Ruling Class: 36 years; Lifetime conservative average: 14.15%. Voted with owe-bamacRATics 91% of 122 opportunities; voted with 111th Congress 92% of 692 opportunities. Another dam’ lawyer.
  • Senator John Heinz-Kerry-Heinz (Ma): 2010-0.00% Conservative vote; 2009-0.00%; Ruling Class: 26 years; Lifetime conservative average: 5.07%. Voted with owe-bamacRATics 92% of 122 opportunities; voted with 111th Congress 97% of 689 opportunities.  Another dam’ lawyer.

    These commie-lib, socio-fascist, Alinsky-marxists seem to have never seen a liberal, wealth-destributive, job-killing, economy-destroying plan or program they couldn’t support.  The vast majority–to include the most senior–seem to vote however ‘pinkie‘ and ‘PORKie‘ instruct them.
    Given the two diametrically-opposed factions, either nothing will be accomplished or the republicRATics will ‘roll-over-and-play-dead,’ “John Boehner-style,”  and set conservatism and constitutionalism back several decades, no matter how the “Tea Party” movement fights liberalism of every stripe-at every turn!!
Til Nex’Time….
[Clyburn] http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/C000537
[Van Hollen] http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/V000128
[Becerra] http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/B000287
[Johns Murray] http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/M001111  
[Baucus] http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/b000243/
[Heinz-Kerry-Heinz] http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/K000148
[Congressional stats:] http://www.conservative.org/ratings/ratingsarchive/2010/House-Senate-combo.htm#CA