This’n’That; July Ninth #1; Veteran’s Jobs

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Somebody’s Hirin’!!
    With “Clown Princeobama doing everything in his power–as your exalted ruler–to destroy the jobs markets in the United States, Canadian companies are taking an active role in counteracting his plans.  obama has made a big deal in promoting various pipeline segments within the United States; segments that have already been approved; segments he has no power to stop!!

    The Canadian oil companies intend to sell their oil to someone and deliver it somewhere.  To that end–with obama‘s Keystone XL Pipeline delays–a pipeline is being built from the Fort McMurray area of the Province of Alberta to a terminis on Canada’s west coast, rather than wait until the communists are forced out of American governance.  Canada doesn’t have the vast population in the hinterlands that the U.S. has.

    The ‘powers that be’ in Canadian capitalism have partnered with the American Veterans of Foreign Wars in providing the human capital that obama refuses to put to work in more than ‘make-work’ government jobs.  The Edmonton Economic Development Corporationin the aforementioned partnership–is providing an ongoing, daily listing of 55,000 jobs to the VFW jobs website.  Does “Clown Princeobama need any more evidence that–at least in Canada–the private sector is the far better provider of jobs than is the government?!?

Where is Governor Romney on this obama-forced OUTSOURCING of American jobs?!?
‘Splain to me again why YOU elected this Verdammte Arschloch!?! 
Til Nex’Time…. 

This’n’That; July Ninth #1; Veteran’s Jobs

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Somebody’s Hirin’!!
    With “Clown Princeobama doing everything in his power–as your exalted ruler–to destroy the jobs markets in the United States, Canadian companies are taking an active role in counteracting his plans.  obama has made a big deal in promoting various pipeline segments within the United States; segments that have already been approved; segments he has no power to stop!!

    The Canadian oil companies intend to sell their oil to someone and deliver it somewhere.  To that end–with obama‘s Keystone XL Pipeline delays–a pipeline is being built from the Fort McMurray area of the Province of Alberta to a terminis on Canada’s west coast, rather than wait until the communists are forced out of American governance.  Canada doesn’t have the vast population in the hinterlands that the U.S. has.

    The ‘powers that be’ in Canadian capitalism have partnered with the American Veterans of Foreign Wars in providing the human capital that obama refuses to put to work in more than ‘make-work’ government jobs.  The Edmonton Economic Development Corporationin the aforementioned partnership–is providing an ongoing, daily listing of 55,000 jobs to the VFW jobs website.  Does “Clown Princeobama need any more evidence that–at least in Canada–the private sector is the far better provider of jobs than is the government?!?

Where is Governor Romney on this obama-forced OUTSOURCING of American jobs?!?
‘Splain to me again why YOU elected this Verdammte Arschloch!?! 
Til Nex’Time…. 

This’n’That; March Twentieth #2; More Effects?!?

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The Ancillary Effects
    The current national average gas price (03/20-AM) is $3.846; diesel-$4.142.  Of course, these averages are important…. but not nearly as important as the pump prices where you are!!  If you check the ‘aaa’ URL below, be prepared for a surprise with the “E85 MPG/BTU adjusted price!!”
The EPA, the tree-huggin’ environmentalists would like grain-based fuels to be mandated for use.  As you can see–at these prices–said mandate would bankrupt the average consumer.
    The national pamphleteers will never report it; the ‘Palace‘ mouthpieces will never admit it, but the gargantuan rise in fuel prices can be directly attributed to the failed national energy policy–IF there even is one–of the “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” regime!!  The “Palace”  mouthpieces say that approval of the “Keystone XL Pipeline” project won’t get us out of this “Clown Prince“-made economic hole.  True, as far as it goes.  In every case, NOW is when we prepare for the FUTURE.  The “Keystone” project–when the NEXT ruler anoints it–will be on line eventually to start the fall in fuel prices; to start the rise to +/- 200,000 additional, permanent–well paying–jobs!!  The “Palace” mouthpieces say we can’t ‘drill our way out’ of this kerfuffle.  If we can’t then why drill at all?!?
    We can carp about the “Clown Prince” and his failed presidency–til-the-cows-come-home–to no avail!  He is what he is; socio-fascists–apparently–can not be reformed!  What we must be more concerned about is the ancillary net effects of his failed policies.  While we’re getting raped at the pump, has anyone thought about what happens practically everywhere else in the economy?!?  I have.
    In practically every sector of the economy, the products travel from point-to-point by truck.  Eventually, as inventory is sold and replenished, the affects of higher fuel prices will be felt at the retail level:
The Wegman’s; the Topps; the Giant; the Winn-Dixie; the HEB supermarkets will be forced to raise prices on foodstuffs to reflect the higher fuel expense.
The local Walmart, Target, Macy’s, et al, will do the same; 
The local Lowes’, Home Depot, Menard’s, et al, will do the same;
The local Pep Boys, Advance Auto Parts, O’Reilly’s, et al, will do the same; on and on to every segment; to every level of the wholesale and retail economies!
    The affects are felt not only at the pump and the local retail establishments but the various branches of house-building…. hell, every segment you can think of!!  Not only do we have to worry about current and future retail prices, now the “i-word“–inflation–will be an ever greater factor in price increases as well!!
‘Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch!?!
Til Nex’Time….

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; March 17th

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A Patriotic Response To The “Clown Prince;” 03/17/2012

barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
March 17, 2012
    As I’m sure you’ve noticed over the past few weeks, the price at your local pump has been going up and up. And because it’s an election year, so has the temperature of our political rhetoric.  What matters most to me right now is the impact that rising prices have on you. When you’ve got to spend more on gas, you’ve got less to spend on everything else. It makes things harder. So I wanted to take a minute this weekend to explain what steps my Administration is taking when it comes to energy – most importantly, producing more of it while using less of it.  The truth is: the price of gas depends on a lot of factors that are often beyond our control. Unrest in the Middle East can tighten global oil supply. Growing nations like China or India adding cars to the road increases demand. But one thing we should control is fraud and manipulation that can cause prices to spike even further.  For years, traders at financial firms were able to game the energy markets, distort the price of oil, and make big profits for themselves at your expense. And they were able to do all that because of major gaps and loopholes in our regulations. When I took office, we did something about it.  The Wall Street reforms I signed into law are helping bring energy markets out of the shadows and under real oversight. They’re strengthening our ability to go after fraud and to prevent traders from manipulating the market. So it’s not just wrong, but dangerous that some in Congress want to roll back those protections and return to the days when companies like Enron could avoid regulation and reap enormous profits, no matter who it hurt.  What’s more, at a time when big oil companies are making more money than ever before, we’re still giving them $4 billion of your tax dollars in subsidies every year. Your member of Congress should be fighting for you. Not for big financial firms. Not for big oil companies.
[What I’m not telling you:  Good morning, subjects.  As you’re well aware by now, I’m always ready-and-willing to claim credit whether my decisions are responsible for the actions or not.  To that end, I’m claiming credit for the fuel prices’ advance, both of late as well as over the l-o-n-g term of my reign.  As the blogosphere is rightfully claiming–under my tutelage–the national average gas prices are up nearly 110%with diesel prices up over 90%–since my immaculation.
    The sources required to ‘feed’ the United States’ demand for oil are truly worldwide.  I’ve been on the phone, begging those middle-east oil producers to boost production in an effort to start a downward cycle of U.S. gas and diesel prices.  The truth is–and ya better bookmark this, ‘truth’ is not a prevailing conception for me–Canada is the largest supplier of oil to the United States.  After acting against creating 15,000-25,000 short-term jobs; against creating upwards of 200,000 long-term, permanent jobs by refusing to approve the “Keystone XL” Pipeline project, the Canadian government seems to be making good on it’s promise.  See, I make idle threats almost daily and as such, I don’t expect people to take them seriously.  I’m finding the ‘Canadian mindset’ isn’t the same, they don’t make idle threats!!
    The net affect of the loss of the “Keystone XL Pipeline” is Canada has lost the U.S. Gulf Coast as a ‘customer’ for their oil.  At the time the tree-huggers protested the pipeline and I came down on their side, the Canadian government assured us they’d pipe the oil to the Canadian west coast and ship it to China.  So, my decision on the pipeline project had a two-fold negative decision:  not only did Americans lose this source of good-paying, permanent  jobs, the country lost the Albertan oil as a source to feed our ever-growing energy demands.
    This brings up the area of ‘commodities trading.’  To explain the entire system–which I just learned the intricacies of, yesterday–would take several hours and many pages.  I’ll try to explain what very little I know about this market.  A ‘commodity’ is an item of value which can be traded on markets created for each ‘commodity.’ 
Some of the more actively traded commodities are: gold, silver, diamonds, platinum, crude oil, heating oil, gasoline, coffee, wheat, corn, maize, oats, rice, soybeans, beef, live cattle, pork, eggs, cocoa, butter, orange juice, sugar, aluminum, nickel, copper, lead, ferrous scrap metal, plastic, natural gas and–w-h-e-w!!–bio-fuels, just to name a partial list
These various ‘commodities’ are traded on markets such as the New York Mercantile  Exchange, the Dubai Mercantile Exchange, the Central Japan Commodity Exchange, the New York Board of Trade, the Kansai Commodities Exchange, the Singapore Commodities Exchange, Euronext (London), the Chicago Board of Trade, the Risk Management Exchange, the Minneapolis Grain Exchange, the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange, the Tokyo Grain Exchange, the London Metal Exchange, the Shanghai Futures Exchange, the Hedgestreet Exchange (California),  the Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange, the Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange, the National Commodities Exchange Limited (Pakistan), the Dalian Community Exchange (China) and–again, w-h-e-w!!–the Bursa Malaysia.
    Some of these many traders actually create markets for various commodities, where none previously existed–a truly valuable service.  Although I’m currently trying to vilify the various petroleum traders who–I say–drive up prices, actually may reduce prices, given the demand or lack thereof.  With the expulsion of the “Keystone XL Pipeline“–and by extension, Canada–I have–consciously or unconsciously–driven up the gas prices for my subjects.
[WHEW!!  I went way off-teleprompter, there!!!]
    OK boys and girls, back to the original topic as programmed into the teleprompter:  We have to continue to vilify that evilBig Oil!”  I contend that this $4 Billion in subsidies is a huge amount for the American taxpayer to shoulder.  Bull-SHIT!!  To gain the proper perspective, compare said subsidy to the national debt of say….15.5 TRILLION dollars.  The 4 BILLION dollar subsidy is but .000258% (commonly spoken, it’s: two-hundred, fifty-eight… hundred-thousandths of a single percentage-point!!!  ….4 billion divided by 15,500 billion)  I suppose one can say that the national debt–and related borrowing; and related SPENDING–has a 25,800,000 times greater NEGATIVE affect on fuel prices than does the miniscule subsidy to that evilBig Oil!!’]
    In the next few weeks, I expect Congress to vote on ending these subsidies. And when they do, we’re going to put every single Member of Congress on record: They can either stand up for oil companies, or they can stand up for the American people. They can either place their bets on a fossil fuel from the last century, or they can place their bets on America’s future. So make your voice heard. Send your representative an email. Give them a call. Tell them to stand with you.  And tell them to be honest with you. It’s easy to promise a quick fix when it comes to gas prices. There just isn’t one. Anyone who tells you otherwise – any career politician who promises some three-point plan for two-dollar gas – they’re not looking for a solution. They’re just looking for your vote.  If we’re truly going to make sure we’re not at the mercy of spikes in gas prices every year, the answer isn’t just to drill more – because we’re already drilling more. Under my Administration, we’re producing more oil here at home than at any time in the last eight years, that’s a fact. We’ve quadrupled the number of operating oil rigs to a record high, that’s a fact. And we’ve opened millions of acres on land and offshore to develop more of our domestic resources.  Those are the facts. But we can’t just rely on drilling. Not when we use more than 20 percent of the world’s oil, but still only have 2 percent of the world’s known oil reserves. If we don’t develop other sources of energy, and the technology to use less energy, we’ll continue to be dependent on foreign countries for our energy needs. That’s why we’re pursuing an all-of-the-above strategy. As we develop more oil and gas, we’re also developing wind and solar power; biofuels, and next-generation vehicles – and thousands of Americans have jobs right now because of it. We need to keep making those investments – because I don’t want to see those jobs go to other countries. I want to create even more of them right here in America.  And after three decades of inaction, we raised fuel economy standards so that by the middle of the next decade, our cars will average nearly 55 miles per gallon. That’s nearly double what they get today. That means you’ll only have to fill up every two weeks instead of every week. And that will save the typical family more than $8,000 over the life of the car – just by using less gas.  Combined, these steps have helped put us on a path to greater energy independence. Since I took office, America’s dependence on foreign oil has gone down every single year. In 2010, for the first time in 13 years, less than half the oil we used came from foreign countries.  We can do even better. And we will. But what we can’t do is keep being dependent on other countries for our energy needs. In America we control our own destiny. So that’s the choice we face – the past, or the future. And America is what it is today because we have always placed our bets on the future.
[What I’m not telling you:  You SHOULD contact your members of Congress!!  Were I in your position, I’d demand they keep the subsidies to the evilBig Oil‘ companies in force.  To remove said subsidies is tatamount to an added tax on the American driver!!  In the whole scheme of things, ending said subsidies and putting that $4 Billion back into the general fund is to give me more money to piss away; more money with which to reward my supporters and donors!! 
  My support of–nay, DEMAND for–green energy development is ludicruis on it’s face!!  As they currently stand, each segment of ‘green’ energy is unsustainable without federal subsidies!!  Why are ‘green’ energy subsidies the way to go, while subsidies to that evil ‘Big Oil’ is not?!?  We have a 250-year supply of fossil fuels at current demand levels.  We have no–proven workable–supply of the various ‘green’ energy sources!! 
As that evil Limbaugh is wont to say–and I paraphrase, I don’t OPENLY listen to him
When ‘green’ energy can get an airliner to 30,000 feet, I’m all for it!!
(or something like that)” 
    Prior to my immaculation–prior to the formation of my regime–there was a long-standing ‘nationalism’ mindset.  This United States is the country that won two world wars; who provided most of the materiel for said wars; completely rebuilt entire countries we had necessarily destroyed to prevent just the socio-fascist government that I represent!!   In just a few, short, recent years, the country has evolved into an “I, me, my” society with no regard for our neighbors, or any others we interact with in our daily lives!!  I feel responsible for that.  NO…. I am the reason for that mindset, all a part of my devisive, derisive governance.  Divide-and-conquer is the mindset that one country uses as both and offense and a defense against OUTSIDERS!  I use it as a successful method in promoting–accomplishing–my ‘class’ warfare among the ‘commoners.’  Rather than me continuing to explain an untenible governing position, far more information can be gleaned from reading:    
This is an explanation of my unremarkable remarks read at the Prince Georges Community College, Largo Maryland.  Suffice it to say, that blather was geared to those impressionable young minds not yet converted to socio-fascism.
In conclusion:  Beyond pure vilification, there’s little sensible reason to continue to attack that evilBig Oil;” those evil commodities traders!!  If it makes sense to ‘go after’ these two sectors of commerce, the same reasoning would justify a tax on…. investment in gold bullion, for example.  NO, you say?!?  That resounding statement seems to be coming from my supporters, controllers!! 
An aside:  Do you know the definition of ‘arschloch?!?’  It’s german for @$$hole!!  To those bloggers–you know who you are–I take offense to being assigned that label!!  I am NOT German!!  I am a muslim Asshole!!!]

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; March 17th

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A Patriotic Response To The “Clown Prince;” 03/17/2012

barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
March 17, 2012
    As I’m sure you’ve noticed over the past few weeks, the price at your local pump has been going up and up. And because it’s an election year, so has the temperature of our political rhetoric.  What matters most to me right now is the impact that rising prices have on you. When you’ve got to spend more on gas, you’ve got less to spend on everything else. It makes things harder. So I wanted to take a minute this weekend to explain what steps my Administration is taking when it comes to energy – most importantly, producing more of it while using less of it.  The truth is: the price of gas depends on a lot of factors that are often beyond our control. Unrest in the Middle East can tighten global oil supply. Growing nations like China or India adding cars to the road increases demand. But one thing we should control is fraud and manipulation that can cause prices to spike even further.  For years, traders at financial firms were able to game the energy markets, distort the price of oil, and make big profits for themselves at your expense. And they were able to do all that because of major gaps and loopholes in our regulations. When I took office, we did something about it.  The Wall Street reforms I signed into law are helping bring energy markets out of the shadows and under real oversight. They’re strengthening our ability to go after fraud and to prevent traders from manipulating the market. So it’s not just wrong, but dangerous that some in Congress want to roll back those protections and return to the days when companies like Enron could avoid regulation and reap enormous profits, no matter who it hurt.  What’s more, at a time when big oil companies are making more money than ever before, we’re still giving them $4 billion of your tax dollars in subsidies every year. Your member of Congress should be fighting for you. Not for big financial firms. Not for big oil companies.
[What I’m not telling you:  Good morning, subjects.  As you’re well aware by now, I’m always ready-and-willing to claim credit whether my decisions are responsible for the actions or not.  To that end, I’m claiming credit for the fuel prices’ advance, both of late as well as over the l-o-n-g term of my reign.  As the blogosphere is rightfully claiming–under my tutelage–the national average gas prices are up nearly 110%with diesel prices up over 90%–since my immaculation.
    The sources required to ‘feed’ the United States’ demand for oil are truly worldwide.  I’ve been on the phone, begging those middle-east oil producers to boost production in an effort to start a downward cycle of U.S. gas and diesel prices.  The truth is–and ya better bookmark this, ‘truth’ is not a prevailing conception for me–Canada is the largest supplier of oil to the United States.  After acting against creating 15,000-25,000 short-term jobs; against creating upwards of 200,000 long-term, permanent jobs by refusing to approve the “Keystone XL” Pipeline project, the Canadian government seems to be making good on it’s promise.  See, I make idle threats almost daily and as such, I don’t expect people to take them seriously.  I’m finding the ‘Canadian mindset’ isn’t the same, they don’t make idle threats!!
    The net affect of the loss of the “Keystone XL Pipeline” is Canada has lost the U.S. Gulf Coast as a ‘customer’ for their oil.  At the time the tree-huggers protested the pipeline and I came down on their side, the Canadian government assured us they’d pipe the oil to the Canadian west coast and ship it to China.  So, my decision on the pipeline project had a two-fold negative decision:  not only did Americans lose this source of good-paying, permanent  jobs, the country lost the Albertan oil as a source to feed our ever-growing energy demands.
    This brings up the area of ‘commodities trading.’  To explain the entire system–which I just learned the intricacies of, yesterday–would take several hours and many pages.  I’ll try to explain what very little I know about this market.  A ‘commodity’ is an item of value which can be traded on markets created for each ‘commodity.’ 
Some of the more actively traded commodities are: gold, silver, diamonds, platinum, crude oil, heating oil, gasoline, coffee, wheat, corn, maize, oats, rice, soybeans, beef, live cattle, pork, eggs, cocoa, butter, orange juice, sugar, aluminum, nickel, copper, lead, ferrous scrap metal, plastic, natural gas and–w-h-e-w!!–bio-fuels, just to name a partial list
These various ‘commodities’ are traded on markets such as the New York Mercantile  Exchange, the Dubai Mercantile Exchange, the Central Japan Commodity Exchange, the New York Board of Trade, the Kansai Commodities Exchange, the Singapore Commodities Exchange, Euronext (London), the Chicago Board of Trade, the Risk Management Exchange, the Minneapolis Grain Exchange, the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange, the Tokyo Grain Exchange, the London Metal Exchange, the Shanghai Futures Exchange, the Hedgestreet Exchange (California),  the Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange, the Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange, the National Commodities Exchange Limited (Pakistan), the Dalian Community Exchange (China) and–again, w-h-e-w!!–the Bursa Malaysia.
    Some of these many traders actually create markets for various commodities, where none previously existed–a truly valuable service.  Although I’m currently trying to vilify the various petroleum traders who–I say–drive up prices, actually may reduce prices, given the demand or lack thereof.  With the expulsion of the “Keystone XL Pipeline“–and by extension, Canada–I have–consciously or unconsciously–driven up the gas prices for my subjects.
[WHEW!!  I went way off-teleprompter, there!!!]
    OK boys and girls, back to the original topic as programmed into the teleprompter:  We have to continue to vilify that evilBig Oil!”  I contend that this $4 Billion in subsidies is a huge amount for the American taxpayer to shoulder.  Bull-SHIT!!  To gain the proper perspective, compare said subsidy to the national debt of say….15.5 TRILLION dollars.  The 4 BILLION dollar subsidy is but .000258% (commonly spoken, it’s: two-hundred, fifty-eight… hundred-thousandths of a single percentage-point!!!  ….4 billion divided by 15,500 billion)  I suppose one can say that the national debt–and related borrowing; and related SPENDING–has a 25,800,000 times greater NEGATIVE affect on fuel prices than does the miniscule subsidy to that evilBig Oil!!’]
    In the next few weeks, I expect Congress to vote on ending these subsidies. And when they do, we’re going to put every single Member of Congress on record: They can either stand up for oil companies, or they can stand up for the American people. They can either place their bets on a fossil fuel from the last century, or they can place their bets on America’s future. So make your voice heard. Send your representative an email. Give them a call. Tell them to stand with you.  And tell them to be honest with you. It’s easy to promise a quick fix when it comes to gas prices. There just isn’t one. Anyone who tells you otherwise – any career politician who promises some three-point plan for two-dollar gas – they’re not looking for a solution. They’re just looking for your vote.  If we’re truly going to make sure we’re not at the mercy of spikes in gas prices every year, the answer isn’t just to drill more – because we’re already drilling more. Under my Administration, we’re producing more oil here at home than at any time in the last eight years, that’s a fact. We’ve quadrupled the number of operating oil rigs to a record high, that’s a fact. And we’ve opened millions of acres on land and offshore to develop more of our domestic resources.  Those are the facts. But we can’t just rely on drilling. Not when we use more than 20 percent of the world’s oil, but still only have 2 percent of the world’s known oil reserves. If we don’t develop other sources of energy, and the technology to use less energy, we’ll continue to be dependent on foreign countries for our energy needs. That’s why we’re pursuing an all-of-the-above strategy. As we develop more oil and gas, we’re also developing wind and solar power; biofuels, and next-generation vehicles – and thousands of Americans have jobs right now because of it. We need to keep making those investments – because I don’t want to see those jobs go to other countries. I want to create even more of them right here in America.  And after three decades of inaction, we raised fuel economy standards so that by the middle of the next decade, our cars will average nearly 55 miles per gallon. That’s nearly double what they get today. That means you’ll only have to fill up every two weeks instead of every week. And that will save the typical family more than $8,000 over the life of the car – just by using less gas.  Combined, these steps have helped put us on a path to greater energy independence. Since I took office, America’s dependence on foreign oil has gone down every single year. In 2010, for the first time in 13 years, less than half the oil we used came from foreign countries.  We can do even better. And we will. But what we can’t do is keep being dependent on other countries for our energy needs. In America we control our own destiny. So that’s the choice we face – the past, or the future. And America is what it is today because we have always placed our bets on the future.
[What I’m not telling you:  You SHOULD contact your members of Congress!!  Were I in your position, I’d demand they keep the subsidies to the evilBig Oil‘ companies in force.  To remove said subsidies is tatamount to an added tax on the American driver!!  In the whole scheme of things, ending said subsidies and putting that $4 Billion back into the general fund is to give me more money to piss away; more money with which to reward my supporters and donors!! 
  My support of–nay, DEMAND for–green energy development is ludicruis on it’s face!!  As they currently stand, each segment of ‘green’ energy is unsustainable without federal subsidies!!  Why are ‘green’ energy subsidies the way to go, while subsidies to that evil ‘Big Oil’ is not?!?  We have a 250-year supply of fossil fuels at current demand levels.  We have no–proven workable–supply of the various ‘green’ energy sources!! 
As that evil Limbaugh is wont to say–and I paraphrase, I don’t OPENLY listen to him
When ‘green’ energy can get an airliner to 30,000 feet, I’m all for it!!
(or something like that)” 
    Prior to my immaculation–prior to the formation of my regime–there was a long-standing ‘nationalism’ mindset.  This United States is the country that won two world wars; who provided most of the materiel for said wars; completely rebuilt entire countries we had necessarily destroyed to prevent just the socio-fascist government that I represent!!   In just a few, short, recent years, the country has evolved into an “I, me, my” society with no regard for our neighbors, or any others we interact with in our daily lives!!  I feel responsible for that.  NO…. I am the reason for that mindset, all a part of my devisive, derisive governance.  Divide-and-conquer is the mindset that one country uses as both and offense and a defense against OUTSIDERS!  I use it as a successful method in promoting–accomplishing–my ‘class’ warfare among the ‘commoners.’  Rather than me continuing to explain an untenible governing position, far more information can be gleaned from reading:    
This is an explanation of my unremarkable remarks read at the Prince Georges Community College, Largo Maryland.  Suffice it to say, that blather was geared to those impressionable young minds not yet converted to socio-fascism.
In conclusion:  Beyond pure vilification, there’s little sensible reason to continue to attack that evilBig Oil;” those evil commodities traders!!  If it makes sense to ‘go after’ these two sectors of commerce, the same reasoning would justify a tax on…. investment in gold bullion, for example.  NO, you say?!?  That resounding statement seems to be coming from my supporters, controllers!! 
An aside:  Do you know the definition of ‘arschloch?!?’  It’s german for @$$hole!!  To those bloggers–you know who you are–I take offense to being assigned that label!!  I am NOT German!!  I am a muslim Asshole!!!]

This’n’That; March Ninth #1; ‘pinkie’ Tickled Pink!

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Senate Votes To Forsake The Unemployed 
    ‘pinkyreid, the Nevadan miscreant Senate Majority Leader, was positively giddy at the results of the “Keystone XL” pipeline vote.  After lobbying phone calls from “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist,” the Senate owe-bamacRATics voted 56-42 to defeat fast-tracking the pipeline amendment to the Transportation bill. 
The “Keystone XL” vote–if positive–would have fast-tracked the legislation.
The “Keystone XL” amendment will have transfer approval authority from the State Department to the Congress.
    The “Clown Prince” wasn’t too successful in lobbying his socio-fascist philosophy to several owe-bamacRATic Senators.  Apparently the reid/owe-bama stranglehold on the U.S. Senate is waning as noted by the owe-bamacRATic defectors in the “Keystone” vote:
Max Baucus-Montana;
Mark Begich-Alaska;
Kay Hagan-North Carolina;
Mary Landrieau-Louisiana;
Joe Manchin-West Virginia;
Claire McCaskell-Missouri;
Mark Pryor-Arkansas;
John Tester-Montana;
Jim Webb-Virginia;
Robert Casey-Pennsylvania, and
Kent Conrad-North Dakota.
    In a parallel vote, republicRATic Senators defeated an owe-bamacRATic amendment to the “Keystone XL” legislation (Author: Ron Wyden-Oregon) that would have required the oil delivered by said pipeline stay in the United States after refining.  That vote was 34-64, against.
    After narrowly buying re-election in Nevada, ‘pinkyreid may very well have ‘hitched his wagon’ to a falling owe-bama star!!  If they both continue on the current path of ignoring the vast numbers of unemployed; the stagnant OWE-BAMACONOMY, ‘pinkyreid and the “Clown Prince“–most probably–will join the very group of Americans they continually denigrate!!
    Knowledgeable–oil industry–insiders have projected the “Keystone XL” pipeline project would create 15,000-25,000 short-term construction jobs and–upon completion–more than 100,000 permanent jobs.
‘Splain to me again why YOU elected these Arschlochs!?!
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; February Twenty-Eighth #2; As Expected….

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George Soros Grasping At ‘Arrows!’

    As expected, George Soros is directing one of his subordinates: The WHITE HOUSE to claim credit for the in-country Keystone XL project continuation.  The folks behind the Keystone XL pipeline project have gone ‘behind “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist‘s” back‘ in working on the associated project of a pipeline from the Cushing, Oklahoma oil storage hub to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast.

    Sorosand by extension,Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist“–fearing the expected owe-bama defeat in November, is using this opportunity to deflect the owe-bamacRATic’s complete lack of a domestic energy policy.  Recently, “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” has rightfully been taking a lot of heat over the 75% rise in gas prices; the 95% increase in diesel fuel prices, since the “Clown‘s” 2009 immaculation!!

Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch?!?
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; February Twenty-Eighth #2; As Expected….

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George Soros Grasping At ‘Arrows!’

    As expected, George Soros is directing one of his subordinates: The WHITE HOUSE to claim credit for the in-country Keystone XL project continuation.  The folks behind the Keystone XL pipeline project have gone ‘behind “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist‘s” back‘ in working on the associated project of a pipeline from the Cushing, Oklahoma oil storage hub to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast.

    Sorosand by extension,Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist“–fearing the expected owe-bama defeat in November, is using this opportunity to deflect the owe-bamacRATic’s complete lack of a domestic energy policy.  Recently, “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” has rightfully been taking a lot of heat over the 75% rise in gas prices; the 95% increase in diesel fuel prices, since the “Clown‘s” 2009 immaculation!!

Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch?!?
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; December Eighth #2; (ANOTHER) Time To Lead?!?

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obama Must Choose!
    “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” has to choose between two groups of supporters:  the labor and service unions versus the ‘tree-huggers!’  No matter which side he chooses, he’ll piss off a major contingent of his dwindling support base.
Anti Barack Obama Bumper Sticker 
    The kerfuffle “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” faces in the approval of the “Keystone Pipeline” project is pitting the two aforementioned forces against one-another in the approval or disapproval of said pipeline. 
With disapproval, the obama campaign loses it’s–much needed–union backing, not only the voter block–both living and dead–but the ‘enforcer’ capabilities as demonstrated in his last campaign: the SEIU’s “Purple People BEATERS” as well as the “New Black Panthers‘” voter-intimidation units!! 
With approval, he faces the distain of the environmentalists, the ‘tree-huggers!’  Remember how the ‘tree-huggers’ reacted during the logging kerfuffles of the 1980s?!?  They committed eco-terrorism by spiking valuable trees to prevent their cutting for lumber and other forest products.  No one wants disabling injuries like those that befell George Alexander.
Anti Obama Delusions of Adequacy bumper sticker
    “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” doesn’t a ‘leg-to-stand-on!’  In failing to approve the “Keystone Pipeline,” said arschloch is confirming–at the least–he’s a socio-fascist; at most, he’s intentionally continuing to destroy the American economy!!  It’s a given:  inexpensive energy is key to economic stability….nay….to economic growth!
Shovel Ready Jobs
    Look at the economic impact of disapproval:  The pipeline alone, is a $7 Billion project, employing tens-of-thousands of workers just in installation and maintenance.  The pipeline will transport over 700,000 barrels (barrel of oil=42 US gallons) per day from the oil sands of Northern Alberta, Canada, to the oil ports of Nederland and Moore Junction, Texas.
Anti Obama - Hope Aint Hiring
    The primary environmental kerfuffle has been successfully addressed.  The was some concern over contamination of drinking water held in the Ogalalla Acquifer of Nebraska.  The pipeline’s owners–TransCanada–have agreed to move the route to by-pass the acquifier.
    Barackingham Palace is saying that delaying the decision until after the upcoming presidential defeat is NOT politically motivated.  The republicRAT House is considering tying pipeline approval to the obama extension of the BUSH-43 era payroll tax reductions.  Rather than continuing to tell us how smart he is, “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” must consider BEING A PRESIDENT, at least for the remainder of his ONLY term!!
Til Nex’Time….
[bumper stickers from:]

This’n’That; November Eleventh #2; Pipeline

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“Clown Prince” Attempts Self-Preservation!
    “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist“–minor poll upticks notwithstanding–remains a statistical “cellar-dweller,” popularity-wise!!  In his usual failing methodology, the “Clown Prince” is attempting to placate two diametrically-opposed factions:  the labor unions and the ‘tree-huggers!’
    We’re talking about the Keystone-XL Pipeline (Phase I) which is to run from Hardisty, Alberta to Steele City, Nebraska.  Phase II–which went into service in February, 2011–continues the pipeline from Steele City to Cushing, Oklahoma; then onto existing terminals in Nederland, Texas.
    With “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist‘s” decision to delay the decision will placate said contributors, supporters and campaign workers-the ultimate goal in his ‘decision to delay the decision!’   The official delay in the pipeline’s approval puts 20,000-50,000 jobsif not in jeopardy–at a 12-16 month delay. 
Just what the country needs, given the 9++% unemployment rate; given the reduced revenues to the federal treasury
The delay immediately placates the protesting tree-huggers who protest practically everything possible!!  This is just another example of a dictatorial-regime masquerading as a representative-republic!!
Til Nex’Time….