This’n’That; April Eleventh #1; ROMNEY Cabinet

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Does Governor Christie Warrant A Spot?!?
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is certainly outspoken at times.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is certainly bombastic at times.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is certainly conservative all the time.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is certainly ‘smaller government’ all the time.
    On Tuesday, April tenth,  New Jersey Governor Chris Christie correctly described the largest–and growing–contingent of American society:  The WelfareRAT!!  Speaking at the George W. Bush Presidential Center, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is quoted:
“….the country is in danger of becoming a ‘paternalistic entitlement society’ where people sit on the couch ‘waiting for the next government check.'”
Another ‘Christie-ism’ describing the ‘least optimistic period he’s ever seen for the nation,‘ from the same address:
“It’s because the government’s now telling them, stop dreaming, stop striving, we’ll take care of you.  We’re turning into a paternalistic entitlement society.  That will not just bankrupt us financially, it will bankrupt us morally.”
NOTEPresident Bush (43) also spoke at the same conference, laying out the basis of his keynote topic: “Tax Policy for 4% Growth,” aimed at the current Congress.  In keeping with his post-presidential policy of not commenting on the owe-bama Regime‘s public policy, President Bush (43) voiced approval of- and support for- “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist‘s” ‘soak-the-rich class-warfare tax policy–the “Buffett Rule.”
    In conclusion, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has earned a seat in the upcoming President Mitt Romney administration, just what that should be is anyone’s guess.  While I don’t think his basic nature is conducive to being Secretary of State, he may be a ‘good fit’ as Secretary of the Treasury–he knows how to navigate ‘TurboTax!’–or maybe the EPA Administrator, or maybe the Secretary of The Interior, or maybe–if owe-bamaKare makes it through The Supreme Court–Secretary of Health and Human Services.  Any of these would be far better than anyone in the current owe-bama Regime!!  As expected, the national pamphleteer ‘corpse’ is labelling New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as a racist for his ‘sitting on the couch‘ comment.  I contend the national pamphleteer ‘corpse’ are racists for their suggestion that most welfareRATs are negro, minorities; something New Jersey Governor Chris Christie DID NOT EVEN SUGGEST!!
    The “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist‘s” ‘Buffett Rule‘ allegedly speaks to his ‘paying-their-fair-share‘ principle.  Not So!!!  This tax policy–if foolishly passed by the Congress–is nothing more than thinly-veiled wealth re-distribution by a control-freak!!   If ‘paying-their-fair-share‘ were truly in the “Clown’s” policy construction, why doesn’t he call me about my proposal:
“No representation without taxation,”
a take-off on our Forefathers’ ‘No taxation without representation’ chant directed at King George III, of Great Britain.  Those among us who are–to quote New Jersey Governor Chris Christie–“sitting on the couch waiting for the next government check,” are the very ones NOT ‘paying-their-fair-share,’ and yet–as a voting block–have sufficient numbers to force the re-immaculation of our exalted ruler, an Alinsky-esque socio-fascist!!  At the expense of most other voting blocks, “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” is concentrating on the aforementioned welfareRATs as well as the negro voter block.
    “Slick-WillieClinton had also declared he’d not comment on his successsor’s public policy decisions for the usual one-year after leaving office.  As I recall, “Slick” lasted all of about 90 days before initiating pot-shots at President Bush (43) which continued for the full two terms!   Now’s the time for President Bush (43) to make his start at carrying on the tradition, weighing in on various ludicrus policies, plans, regulations and decisions of the “Clown Prince.”  That probably won’t happen; President Bush (43) is far more presidential–out-of-office–than the two aforementioned political miscreants, combined!!  At the very least, President Bush (43) has to get back into ‘campaign-mode’ to help the Mitt Romney Campaign in any way he can!!  We can rest-assured, “Slick-Willie” and the rest of the ‘commie-lib’ miscreants will certainly render assistance in keeping the “Clown Prince“–the worst ruler in U.S. history–in office!!
What’cha think?!?
‘Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch!?!
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; February Ninth #2; ‘Tricked??’

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‘Trickery’ Redefined!
    The words ‘trickery; trick, are being redefined by the owe-bama Regime. The ‘Funk ‘n’ Wagnalls‘ version:
1.  An act or procedure intended to achieve an end by deceptive or fraudulent means.
2.  A mischievious action; a prank.
3.  A stupid, disgraceful, or childish act or performance.
1.  The practice or use of tricks; deception by stratagem.
Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist’s” redefinition:
1.  A deceptive or fraudulent act by any number of large banks, relative to the issuance of mortgages.
1.  A loan/mortgage officer’s strategy of deceiving mortgagers
    As his blather opportunity at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building indicated, the “Clown Prince” and his miscreant ‘GeneralHolder are happier-than-a-pig-in-sh*t!!!  And of course, he had to parade a group of ‘the offended’ before the national pamphleteers for effect.  As many before me have factually stated–and the “Clown Prince” and many other owe-bamacRATics refuse to acknowledge–this whole residential mortgage travesty began with the “Slick-WillieClinton administration.  “Slick” and his HUD Secretary–the current New York GovernorAndrew Cuomo pressured both the GSEs and private bankers to issue mortgages to those of marginal qualifications.  All presidents since, exacerbated the kerfuffle with the added pressure of their own vote-buying schemes.
    Now with George Soros finally admitting “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” is no longer the ‘shoo-in’ for a second term that everyone believed, they’ve got to do something–ANYTHING–to shore up their voter base.  My guess is: privately, George is wondering how he could have picked such a stupid individual to buy a presidency for!!  The “Clown Prince” daily proves that advanced education does not indicate advanced intelligence.
    The “Clown Princeand his minions would have you believe that bankers all across the country looked out their office windows one day, saw some unsuspecting folks walking down the street, ran out to them and individually ordered them into his office.  Using the ‘presidential version of trickery,’ said bankers then cajoled these some-millions of unsuspecting passers-by into signing mortgage papers for some house that’s most probably beyond their means.  Have you ever known anyone who was dragged–kickin’n’screamin‘–into a bank to sign the paperwork for a mortgage they didn’t want?!?  NEITHER HAVE I!!!
Your thoughts?
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; February Ninth #2; ‘Tricked??’

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‘Trickery’ Redefined!
    The words ‘trickery; trick, are being redefined by the owe-bama Regime. The ‘Funk ‘n’ Wagnalls‘ version:
1.  An act or procedure intended to achieve an end by deceptive or fraudulent means.
2.  A mischievious action; a prank.
3.  A stupid, disgraceful, or childish act or performance.
1.  The practice or use of tricks; deception by stratagem.
Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist’s” redefinition:
1.  A deceptive or fraudulent act by any number of large banks, relative to the issuance of mortgages.
1.  A loan/mortgage officer’s strategy of deceiving mortgagers
    As his blather opportunity at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building indicated, the “Clown Prince” and his miscreant ‘GeneralHolder are happier-than-a-pig-in-sh*t!!!  And of course, he had to parade a group of ‘the offended’ before the national pamphleteers for effect.  As many before me have factually stated–and the “Clown Prince” and many other owe-bamacRATics refuse to acknowledge–this whole residential mortgage travesty began with the “Slick-WillieClinton administration.  “Slick” and his HUD Secretary–the current New York GovernorAndrew Cuomo pressured both the GSEs and private bankers to issue mortgages to those of marginal qualifications.  All presidents since, exacerbated the kerfuffle with the added pressure of their own vote-buying schemes.
    Now with George Soros finally admitting “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” is no longer the ‘shoo-in’ for a second term that everyone believed, they’ve got to do something–ANYTHING–to shore up their voter base.  My guess is: privately, George is wondering how he could have picked such a stupid individual to buy a presidency for!!  The “Clown Prince” daily proves that advanced education does not indicate advanced intelligence.
    The “Clown Princeand his minions would have you believe that bankers all across the country looked out their office windows one day, saw some unsuspecting folks walking down the street, ran out to them and individually ordered them into his office.  Using the ‘presidential version of trickery,’ said bankers then cajoled these some-millions of unsuspecting passers-by into signing mortgage papers for some house that’s most probably beyond their means.  Have you ever known anyone who was dragged–kickin’n’screamin‘–into a bank to sign the paperwork for a mortgage they didn’t want?!?  NEITHER HAVE I!!!
Your thoughts?
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; January Thirty-First #1; Engineering

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LOGICAL ‘Social’ Engineering
    The commie-libs among us have long depended upon social engineering to both placate and increase their voter base.  The ‘modern era’ of commie-lib social engineering is generally associated with the “Slick-Willie” presidency; largely with their sham of reducing the welfareRAT rolls.  The Clinton Administration along with the Newt Gingrich-led House, did little more than move the ‘RATs from the welfare rolls to the SSI rolls-with the goal of the continuation and growth of ‘dependency-class’ Americans.
    Now, fast-forward to the “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” Regime.  The regime’s notion of ‘social engineering’ vastly outpaces the “Slick-Willie” concept.  Not only does the “Clown” both continue and inhance the numbers of individual recipients of monetary benefits, he extends it to unsustainable–quasi-experimental–solar and wind energy production as well as payoffs to several of his ‘favorite’ politicians:  Anyone remember the vote-buying payoffs involved with owe-bamaKare?!?  Senator Mary Landreau ring a bell?!?
    With “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” building on his successes (of national destruction) by gutting the Defense Department, here comes my suggestion of LOGICAL social engineering:
With the lagging NON-recovery; with the problematic U-3 unemployment rate in the 8.5% range; with the more accurate, actual U-6 unemployment rate in the 23% range, actually consider the short, mid and long term effects of military “down-sizing”  (reduction-in-force [RIF]) relative to the unemployment rates.  Currently, approximately 80,000 military “souls” have–or are scheduled to have–their asses ‘kicked-to-the-curb,’ both the decision for the RIF as well as the numbers involved in said RIF should be relative to the current and projected U-3 and U-6 unemployment rates.  A U-3 rate of 4.5% is considered full employment.  Have the RIF figures be based on national full employment, example:  if the fascists want to dis-employ 100,000 military “souls,” they should do so at 4.5% unemployment;  85,000 at 5.0%;  70,000 at 5.5%;  55,000 at 6.0%;  40,000 at 6.5%;  25,000 at 7.0%;  10,000 at 7.5% and ZERO at 8.0% and above!!
    Not only have the vast majority of said “souls” put their lives-on-the-line on a minute-by-minute basis, they are subjected to long tours of duty away from family and friends; subjected to international moves with minimal notice!  Given these military “souls” do the work “most Americans won’t do,” do they deserve to be tossed out of a chosen career ‘on their proverbial asses?!?’  I think NOT!!!
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; January Fifth #2; Tactics

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The “Clown Prince’s” New Tactic
    With absolutely no positive record to run on, “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” will have to develop new and more devious methods of attracting voter and financial support.  One tactic he must be considering is the “Exploding-Head!!”
    Remember the past summer when the ‘hubb-bubb’ was all about increasing the debt ceiling to forestall a government shut-down?!?  The on-going owe-bamanomics did cause Standard and Poors to downgrade the country’s credit worthiness from “AAA” to “AA+!!”  The “Clown Prince” has blown through all that authorized borrowing to the point that the current national debt is 100.6% of the entire country’s total output!  “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” is–on an annual basis–spending more than the value of all the goods-and-services produced in the same year!!
The full Congress will be back at work (UGH!!) by January 23rd (House-01/17; Senate-01/23) and “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” is expected to ‘come-a-begging‘ soon thereafter!  The plan here is to order the Congress to approve and authorize an additional $1.2 TRILLION; from the current debt level of $15.2 TRILLION to $16.4 TRILLION.
I ask: What the hell for?!?
Last summer’s negotiations involved that ‘ubiquitious-around-Washington‘ phrase: “….over ten years….”  Any–at least, most–of the negotiated spending cuts don’t happen until after the upcoming elections on into 2016 or some such nonsense!!  Now is the time for any increase in the current debt ceiling to be equalized with immediate spending cuts; cuts that don’t involve the Department of Defense.
The “Exploding-Head” tactic:
Flood the airwaves with massive, indecipherable number-sets, aided by the Soros pamphleteers.
All the ‘billions’ and ‘trillions’ with the excessive ‘zeros’ on the end, do little more than confuse the electorate-as they are designed to do!!  A bit of debt-ceiling ‘history:’
August, 1997:  The last of “Slick-WillieClinton‘s increases raised the ceiling to $5.95 TRILLION.
October, 2008:  The last of President George W. Bush‘s increases raised the ceiling to $11.315 TRILLION; an increase of $5.365 TRILLION (over 8 years).
January, 2012:  The next owe-bama increase will raise the ceiling to $16.4 TRILLION; an increase of $5.085 TRILLION (in LESS THAN THREE YEARS!)
Mathmatically speaking, at this rate the failed owe-bamanomics will raise the debt ceiling $6.78 TRILLION to a 4-year total of $18.095 Trillion; if–foolishlyowe-bama is re-elected, if history holds, the result will be a $24.875 TRILLION debt-ceiling!!!??!!!
If your HEAD has not EXPLODED yet, think about this:
Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissistcould make the necessary ‘noises’ to start the KEYSTONE-XL Pipeline ‘rolling’ and
Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissistcould loosen the rules and cause an ‘explosion’ in DOMESTIC oil-drilling, production, and
Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissistcould reign in the EPA and their penchant for destroying the American economy, and
Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissistcould reign in the various federal agencies–like the NLRB vs Boeing–who aim to destroy American enterprise by supporting and promoting the–unsustainable–labor and service unions, and 
Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissistcould voluntarily cause owe-bamaKare to be struck down which will allow the expansion of businesses, large and small, and on, and on, ad infinitum!!
‘Splain to me again why YOU elected “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Naricssist?!?”
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; January Fourth #3; A Closer Look?!?

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Santorum Deserves A Closer Look
    Like lots’a others, I really didn’t give Rick Santorum even ‘a passing glance,’ politically speaking!  He just never ‘jerked my chain,’ although I liked his message on practically every topic.  So far, the only one I take issue with is his stance on the Second Amendment; he’s voted for various levels of gun control.
    Let’s have a look at Iowa:  Although Mr Santorum lost by ONLY EIGHT VOTES, statistically that’s a dead-heat.  Emotionally, it’s a huge win for Santorum over Mitt Romney!  But…. there IS a benefit to finishing SECOND or worse, in Iowa:
In 1976:  President Gerald Ford won the Iowa republicRATic Caucus but wasn’t re-elected.
In 1976:  Jimmuh Cahtah placed second in the Iowa owe-bamacRATic Caucus and was elected (UGH!!) president.
In 1980:  President Jimmuh Cahtah won the Iowa owe-bamacRATic Caucus but was not re-elected.
In 1980:  “Ronaldus-Magnus” placed second in the Iowa republicRATic Caucus and was elected president.
In 1984:  Walter Mondale won the Iowa owe-bamacRATic Caucus; “Ronaldus-Magnus” was re-elected.
In 1988:  Bob Dole (r) and Dick Gephart (owe) were their party’s Iowa Caucus winners.  Third-place winners George H.W. Bush and Michael Dukakis were their party’s nominees.  George H.W. Bush was elected president.
In 1992:  Tom Harkin won the Iowa owe-bamacRATic Caucus. “Slick-Willie” was a dismal fourth.  “Slick-WillieClinton was elected (UGH!!) president.
In 1996:  Bob Dole won the Iowa republicRATic Caucus.  “Slick-Willie” was re-elected.
In 2000:  George W. Bush and Algore won their party’s Iowa Caucus. “Dubya” became the fist Iowa winner to be elected president since before 1976.
In 2004:  John Heinz-Kerry won the Iowa owe-bamacRATic Caucus.  “Dubya” went on to re-election.
In 2008:  Mike Huckabee and barack owe-bama won their party’s Iowa Caucus.  The “Clown Prince” was the second Iowa winner (ugh!!) to be elected president since prior to 1976.
So…. Maybe Rick Santorum is in the desired position going into New Hampshire and beyond…. I think so!!
Til Nex’Time…. 

This’n’That; January Fourth #3; A Closer Look?!?

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Santorum Deserves A Closer Look
    Like lots’a others, I really didn’t give Rick Santorum even ‘a passing glance,’ politically speaking!  He just never ‘jerked my chain,’ although I liked his message on practically every topic.  So far, the only one I take issue with is his stance on the Second Amendment; he’s voted for various levels of gun control.
    Let’s have a look at Iowa:  Although Mr Santorum lost by ONLY EIGHT VOTES, statistically that’s a dead-heat.  Emotionally, it’s a huge win for Santorum over Mitt Romney!  But…. there IS a benefit to finishing SECOND or worse, in Iowa:
In 1976:  President Gerald Ford won the Iowa republicRATic Caucus but wasn’t re-elected.
In 1976:  Jimmuh Cahtah placed second in the Iowa owe-bamacRATic Caucus and was elected (UGH!!) president.
In 1980:  President Jimmuh Cahtah won the Iowa owe-bamacRATic Caucus but was not re-elected.
In 1980:  “Ronaldus-Magnus” placed second in the Iowa republicRATic Caucus and was elected president.
In 1984:  Walter Mondale won the Iowa owe-bamacRATic Caucus; “Ronaldus-Magnus” was re-elected.
In 1988:  Bob Dole (r) and Dick Gephart (owe) were their party’s Iowa Caucus winners.  Third-place winners George H.W. Bush and Michael Dukakis were their party’s nominees.  George H.W. Bush was elected president.
In 1992:  Tom Harkin won the Iowa owe-bamacRATic Caucus. “Slick-Willie” was a dismal fourth.  “Slick-WillieClinton was elected (UGH!!) president.
In 1996:  Bob Dole won the Iowa republicRATic Caucus.  “Slick-Willie” was re-elected.
In 2000:  George W. Bush and Algore won their party’s Iowa Caucus. “Dubya” became the fist Iowa winner to be elected president since before 1976.
In 2004:  John Heinz-Kerry won the Iowa owe-bamacRATic Caucus.  “Dubya” went on to re-election.
In 2008:  Mike Huckabee and barack owe-bama won their party’s Iowa Caucus.  The “Clown Prince” was the second Iowa winner (ugh!!) to be elected president since prior to 1976.
So…. Maybe Rick Santorum is in the desired position going into New Hampshire and beyond…. I think so!!
Til Nex’Time…. 

This’n’That; January Fourth #1; Economy

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It’s The Economy, STUPID!!
    While the early 1990s economy was on a deliberate, shallow climb from the “Read my lips…..” era of President George H.W. Bush (41), then-candidate “Slick-WillieClinton with Algore, kept beating us over the head with:
“….the worst economy in the last 50 years!” and
“It’s the economy, stupid!”
People–“Slick-Willie‘s” own KoolAid drinkers–bought into the slogans of “Slick‘s” bumper-sticker campaign, his–poll driven–bumper-sticker administration.  The “Slick-and-Algore Show” continued their foray into advanced socialism for eight years.  While “Slick-Willie” continued his dalliances with ‘the hired help;’ screwing everything that walked–including the taxpayer–muslim terrorists were hard-at-work, planning many and various attacks on the United States and it’s overseas assets.
    In the ’90s–during “Slick‘s” two terms–“PayGo” was the largely ignored ‘theme-of-the-day.’  In essence, the plan demanded that new spending legislation be ‘paid-for’ by spending cuts in other areas or the much-beloved tax increases.  The 1990s “PayGo” legislation conveniently expired in 2002 and was never brought up again until 2007.
    George W. Bush beat Algore after ump-teen Florida recounts and became president on January 20, 2001.  Just nine-months later, Al Qaeda brought down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center!  This and various other security and diplomatic measures caused a 26% rise in deficit spending, to $378.2 BILLION; B-I-L-L-I-O-N!!
    The 2006 mid-term election brought a 1-seat owe-bamacRATic majority in the Senate, a 31-seat majority in the House of Representatives.  After Nancy PORKlosi was elected Speaker of the House, she made the following statements:
(November 8, 2006; On MSNBC-Brian Williams interview:)
“No new deficit spending, no new bridges to nowhere, heaping mountains of debt on our children.”
(December 12, 2006; During a speech after the elections:)
“demo-[owe-bama]-cRATs are committed to ending years of irresponsible budget policies that have produced historic deficits.  Instead of piling trillions of dollars of debt onto our children and grandchildren, we will restore ‘pay-as-you-go’ budget discipline.” 
Senator ‘pinky’ reidincoming Senate Majority Leader–also blathered about:
(November 12, 2006; On CBS News-Bob Scheiffer interview:)
“If you want to have a new program, figure out a way to pay for it without raising taxes.”
Statements of these two legislative miscreants attempted to re-ignite interest in largely ignored legislation forcing the Congress to curtail their “tax-and-spend” budgetary philosophy.  I estimate the re-ignition lasted all of about twenty-minutes!!  Then prevailing ‘ignorance‘ resumed!!
    On January 20,2009–to re-invigorate the “Slick-WillieEra of screwing-the-public–“Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” was immaculated.  The first day “Clownie” went to play in The Oval Office, the national debt was still just over $10 TRILLION (December, 2008-$10.7 TRILLION)!! An emperor in his own mind, the “Clown” started down the path of “empire equalization.”  Rather than institute fiscal policies that would raise world-wide standards of living, “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” went about lowering the American standard of living to the best (or worst) of his abilities!!
    To express his hatred for the United States in general–and his hatred for the accomplished i.e., the rich–“Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” went about his ‘scorched economy style destruction, simultaneously in two directions.  The PORKlus bill to reward his supporters, contributors and voters came into being in February, 2009-with funds borrowed largely from China.  His attempt at “Cap-and-Trade” legislation–where your utility bills will ‘necessarily sky-rocket‘–was soundly defeated while owe-bamaKare was a minor ‘success (with major consequences!),’ supported by congressional socio-fascists. 
    Since “The Grand Immaculation,” the national debt has been increased by $6 TRILLION in less than three-years!  Yes, that’s right! Over Two-Trillion-Bucks a year, on average!!  Currently–as illustrated by the national debt clock ( –the United States Government OUT-SPENDS it’s income by $1.3 TRILLION each year.  If you and I ran our checkbooks that way, we’d have been in jail for the last ump-teen years!! That’s exactly where the likes of George Soros (an owe-bama handler-by-proxy), most of the Congressional Ruling Class of any party as well as all of the current regime should reside for the next decade, at least.  Now there’s a job creator: building the prisons to house all these miscreants!! 
‘Splain to me again, why YOU elected “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?”
Til Nex’Time…. 

This’n’That; January Fourth #1; Economy

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It’s The Economy, STUPID!!
    While the early 1990s economy was on a deliberate, shallow climb from the “Read my lips…..” era of President George H.W. Bush (41), then-candidate “Slick-WillieClinton with Algore, kept beating us over the head with:
“….the worst economy in the last 50 years!” and
“It’s the economy, stupid!”
People–“Slick-Willie‘s” own KoolAid drinkers–bought into the slogans of “Slick‘s” bumper-sticker campaign, his–poll driven–bumper-sticker administration.  The “Slick-and-Algore Show” continued their foray into advanced socialism for eight years.  While “Slick-Willie” continued his dalliances with ‘the hired help;’ screwing everything that walked–including the taxpayer–muslim terrorists were hard-at-work, planning many and various attacks on the United States and it’s overseas assets.
    In the ’90s–during “Slick‘s” two terms–“PayGo” was the largely ignored ‘theme-of-the-day.’  In essence, the plan demanded that new spending legislation be ‘paid-for’ by spending cuts in other areas or the much-beloved tax increases.  The 1990s “PayGo” legislation conveniently expired in 2002 and was never brought up again until 2007.
    George W. Bush beat Algore after ump-teen Florida recounts and became president on January 20, 2001.  Just nine-months later, Al Qaeda brought down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center!  This and various other security and diplomatic measures caused a 26% rise in deficit spending, to $378.2 BILLION; B-I-L-L-I-O-N!!
    The 2006 mid-term election brought a 1-seat owe-bamacRATic majority in the Senate, a 31-seat majority in the House of Representatives.  After Nancy PORKlosi was elected Speaker of the House, she made the following statements:
(November 8, 2006; On MSNBC-Brian Williams interview:)
“No new deficit spending, no new bridges to nowhere, heaping mountains of debt on our children.”
(December 12, 2006; During a speech after the elections:)
“demo-[owe-bama]-cRATs are committed to ending years of irresponsible budget policies that have produced historic deficits.  Instead of piling trillions of dollars of debt onto our children and grandchildren, we will restore ‘pay-as-you-go’ budget discipline.” 
Senator ‘pinky’ reidincoming Senate Majority Leader–also blathered about:
(November 12, 2006; On CBS News-Bob Scheiffer interview:)
“If you want to have a new program, figure out a way to pay for it without raising taxes.”
Statements of these two legislative miscreants attempted to re-ignite interest in largely ignored legislation forcing the Congress to curtail their “tax-and-spend” budgetary philosophy.  I estimate the re-ignition lasted all of about twenty-minutes!!  Then prevailing ‘ignorance‘ resumed!!
    On January 20,2009–to re-invigorate the “Slick-WillieEra of screwing-the-public–“Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” was immaculated.  The first day “Clownie” went to play in The Oval Office, the national debt was still just over $10 TRILLION (December, 2008-$10.7 TRILLION)!! An emperor in his own mind, the “Clown” started down the path of “empire equalization.”  Rather than institute fiscal policies that would raise world-wide standards of living, “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” went about lowering the American standard of living to the best (or worst) of his abilities!!
    To express his hatred for the United States in general–and his hatred for the accomplished i.e., the rich–“Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” went about his ‘scorched economy style destruction, simultaneously in two directions.  The PORKlus bill to reward his supporters, contributors and voters came into being in February, 2009-with funds borrowed largely from China.  His attempt at “Cap-and-Trade” legislation–where your utility bills will ‘necessarily sky-rocket‘–was soundly defeated while owe-bamaKare was a minor ‘success (with major consequences!),’ supported by congressional socio-fascists. 
    Since “The Grand Immaculation,” the national debt has been increased by $6 TRILLION in less than three-years!  Yes, that’s right! Over Two-Trillion-Bucks a year, on average!!  Currently–as illustrated by the national debt clock ( –the United States Government OUT-SPENDS it’s income by $1.3 TRILLION each year.  If you and I ran our checkbooks that way, we’d have been in jail for the last ump-teen years!! That’s exactly where the likes of George Soros (an owe-bama handler-by-proxy), most of the Congressional Ruling Class of any party as well as all of the current regime should reside for the next decade, at least.  Now there’s a job creator: building the prisons to house all these miscreants!! 
‘Splain to me again, why YOU elected “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?”
Til Nex’Time…. 

This’n’That; November Twenty-Fifth #1; TV Ads

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owe-bama Continues To Whine!
This post is about the ZERO-bama campaign whining about the Romney campaign using quotes originally co-opted by the “Clown Prince,” against him [ZERO-bama].
The blogspot site so screwed this post that I’ve deleted it.  It still exists at the wordpress site, where these screw-ups are the exception rather than the blogspot rule! 

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