This ‘n’ That; August 12th; Trump Economic Team

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Trump’s Economic Team And What It Means
Donald Trump has assembled his economic team, members of which are some of the best minds in business today.  The mainstream media is whining about this collection as being all millionaires and billionaires… SO WHAT?!?

1.  Unless they’ve inherited their wealth, these men and women must have had some of the qualities and ideas to run a business and make it/them successful.2.  To most self-made millionaires and billionaires the dollars-and-cents are more a way to keep score than wealth to be flaunted.3.  To the aforementioned media whiners I have to ask this:  “Of the paychecks you’ve earned, how many have been signed by a poor person?!?  I venture to say: none… that’s N-O-N-E!!

So why in hell does the same media bitch about those with a proven record and promote those who’ve put us in~kept us in~this EIGHT-YEAR-LONGeconomic doldrum?
The Trump Economic Team includes such folks as:
John A. Paulson~President, CEO-Paulson and Company.
Steven Mnuchin~Founder-Dune Capital Management [renamed OneWest]; Producer of “American Sniper.”
Steven Roth~Founder, CEO-Vernado Realty Trust.
Harold Hamm~Founder, CEO-Continential Resources.
Howard M. Lorber~CEO-Vector Group.
Andrew Beal~Founder, President-The Beal Bank; self-taught math whiz, once sued Donald Trump.
Thomas Barrack, Jr.~Founder, Executive Chairman-Colony Capital.
Stephen M. Calk~CEO-Federal Savings Bank.
David Malpass~Former Chief Economist, BearStearns.
Dan DiMicco~Former President and CEO-Nucor Corporation.
Steve Feinberg~Founder, CEO-Cerberus Capital Management.
Peter Navarro~Professor of Economics, Public Policy-UC, Irvine.
Stephen Moore~Visiting Fellow-Heritage Foundation’s Project for Economic Growth.
Anthony Scaramucci~Founder-Skybridge Finance; active philanthropist.
Mr Trump recently added the following women to his economic team:
Betsy McCaughey~Former New York Lt Governor.
Brooke Rawlins~CEO-Texas Public Policy Foundation; former aide To Texas Governor Rick Perry.
Diane Hendricks~CEO-ABC Supply[building supplies, materials].
Darlene Jordan~National Finance Co-Chair of 2012 RINO presidential nominee/candidate [read: ‘MittensRomney].
The Donald‘ has outlined some of his plans for ‘righting-this-ship’ we call America:
1.  Meaningful tax reform, not just transferring amounts due from one taxpaying entity to another;
2.  Regulatory reform which will reduce the red tape strangling businesses of all sizes.
3.  Trade reform; remove the current advantages to foreign countries trading with the United States.
4.  Energy reforms, including rescinding obama’s idiotic destruction of the oil, gas and coal industries. Stop payments to any and all UN climate-change-hoax intiatives.
5.  obamaKare; repeal and replacement.
6.  Infrastructure repair and replacement.
7.  Childcare as it relates to low- and middle-income families and taxes.
Now, compare that to the LyinCrooked Hillary‘s socialist agenda, essentially “Clown Princeobama, Two-Point-Oh!!
1.  Establish an “Infrastructure Bank” to largely benefit donors to the ‘Clinton Crime Family Foundation;’
2.  Require companies to fund a ‘family-leave’ policy;
3.  Budget addition of $35 billion PER YEAR to refinance student debt [i.e., require you and I to pay for “his kid’s” education]; PAY STATES to ‘guarantee tuition[?!?];’
4.  Budget addition of $27.5 billion PER YEAR to fund her “National Infrastructure Plan;”
5.  Budget addition of $27.5 billion PER YEAR to fund her “Expanded Childcare Plan,” to fund preschool indoctrination for all 4 year olds, to fund and expanded ‘Early Head Start’ indoctrination;
6.  Raise the national minimum wage to a job-destroying $15/hour; increase worker benefits, expand overtime, support workers’ collective bargaining;
7.  Expand the FAILED obamaKare [Affordable Care Act], expand job training, lower college and healthcare costs, fight wage theft [but not declaring she’d end it… donors wouldn’t like that!].
CrookedHillary‘s diatribe went on to explain on how she’d continueobama‘s ongoing destruction of the middle class to the benefit of the ‘Crime Family‘s’ donors.  She’d continue to give unfair trade advantage to the ‘Crime Family‘s’ donors through the trade ‘partnerships’ currently in force.
In conclusion, how can any sane, intelligent America voter support the “Lyin, CrookedHillary Clinton… that, I just don’t understand.  With her continued “liberties-with-the-truth” you just know anything she says will never come to fruition, particularly if it goes against the financial and power demands of her chief closet ‘advisor,’ George Soros or “The Clinton Crime Family Foundation‘s” donors.
If you thought the State Department was truly a “Clinton Crime Family Foundation” funding mechanism, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet IF “Lyin’ CrookedHillary ever gets into “The Ovary Orifice!!”
Wake Up America!!
That’s all I got.
Til Nex’Time….
Justin Case

This’n’That; August 2nd; obama Continues Perversion

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“Clown Prince” barack Hussein Ist Continuing “The Fix”
The fix” that began shortly after barack Hussein, The First‘s first coronation as Ruler of America is now being hastened in earnest.  Look at all the steps taken to insure that Crooked Hillary would be installed as the democRAT nominee in the 2016 presidential campaign.  The graphic below illustrates the care taken in the steps required to have the ‘right crook [Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz]’ in the right place [the DNC Chairmanship] at the right time [the months and years running up to the 2016 primary process]:

Clown Prince barack Hussein Ist was~and continues to be~instrumental in fixing the democrat nomination.  He ‘parked’ “Crooked Hillary” in the State Department where~he thought~she could do no harm… we all know how well that turned out!!  As with his entire regime, nothing’s going right with this presidential election cycle:

  • Crazy Bernie” was never supposed to develop the following he has;
  • Crooked Hillary‘s” opposition was never supposed to be as rabid as it is, they were to~as Crazy Bernie did, and ordered~’roll-over-and-play-dead’;
  • Donald Trump was never to achieve the republicRATic nomination, he was expected to drop out after having ‘gained some fame;’
  • Donald Trump was never expected to tally the most primary votes in party history;
  • Donald Trump was never expected to rally crowds numbering in the tens-of-thousands of dedicated fans/followers~to “Crooked Hillary’s” dozens, up into the single-hundreds;
  • Donald Trump was expected to ‘toe-the-socially-accepted-line‘ with benign, pointless statements and sound-bites.  He was never expected to point out the oppositions’ flaws… that had rarely been done in previous primaries/elections.

Now “Clown Princebarack Hussein, Ist has had to step in and right-the-train, put it back on the rails.  During a blather opportunity atbarackINGHAM PALACE, the “Clown Prince” had this to say in his usual attempt to disparage Donald Trump:

*The notion that he [Donald Trump] would attack a Gold Star family that had made such extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our country, the fact that he doesn’t appear to have basic knowledge around critical issues in Europe, in the Middle East, in Asia, shows that he is woefully unprepared,”

*The question I think that they[GOP leadership] have to ask themselves is, if you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him? What does this say about your party that this is your standard-bearer?”

*”There has tocome a point at which you say somebody who makes those kinds of statements doesn’t have the judgment, the temperament, the understanding to occupy the most powerful position in the world,”

This, from the man who perpetuated a hoax far greater than the current ‘global-warming/climate change hoax; the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on America populus; the American government, going back to King George III of Great Britain!!  See, Clown Princebarack Hussein Ist, is not a legal resident of the United States let alone the bonefide President of the United States.

The “Clown Prince“~then using the alias Barry Soetoro“~entered Columbia University as a foreign student to avail himself of the federal grants; of the racial and economic point system to enhance his placement, standing.
By definition, a ‘foreign student’ is NOT a citizen of the United States! With Hussein Ist‘s release of a cobbed-up birth certificate~after “Crooked Hillary” initiated her ‘birther’ claims~leads almost everyone to question his American citizenship.  The “Clown Prince” has never released ANY of his school records… records from any educational level!!
Clown Prince barack Hussein, Ist~since day-one, 2009~has rigged the political system for HIS~alone~benefit; constantly circumvented the U.S. Constitution; completely ignores~to this day~the rule-of-law!!  Now he~realizing “Crooked Hillary” is a complete political boob~is trying to save socialism in the United States, at any cost!
That’s all I got.
Til Nex’Time….
Justin Case
Reference “Lie-Barry:”

This ‘n’ That, December 10th

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“…What’ta Hell’s Goin’ On…”

    Yup, that’s what ‘The Donald’ asked and so far, no one’s come up with an answer!  The current regime has done nothing but obfuscate any facts on the radical muslim terrorism occurring in San Bernardino on December 2nd.  Nobody believes the “Clown Prince” obama blather, Right-Out’a-The-Box…  Usta be, the media would back him to the hilt, powerfully reinforcing the rhetoric… now, not-so-much!

    ‘San Bernardino‘ is the seventy-fifth act of radical muslim terrorism on American soil since 2001.  FORTY-SEVEN of those acts occurred during the obama Regime, under the thumb of Valerie Jarrett.   Ms Jarrett, herself a muslim-communist, is a devout Saul Alinsky disciple.  The radical muslim terrorism will continue~both worldwide and in the United States~because both the “Clown Prince” and “Rasputin” Jarrett have always~and will continue to~’soft-pedal’ any criticism of the actions of ISIS/ISIL, thus giving them free reign to continue their terror!!


    I’m sure Mr Trump has considered it,  but no one else seems to be talking about the target placed on his back with his demand that all muslim immigration into the United States be temporarily halted!  Back in late October both he and Dr Ben Carson requested Secret Service protection due to increased personal threats.  One can only assume said protection has been approved by the Congress.

    That’s all I got.

Recovering from a nagging backache ain’t the easiest thing I’ve ever done.  Moving ‘a double-house’ into a ranch style with no basement has been a trial for both our ol’ bodies…

Til Nex’Time….

Justin Case

Reference “Lie-Barry:”

This’n’That; December Fifth #2; ’bout Time!

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A REAL Conservative Debate?!?
    “The DonaldTrump will be hosting a (hopefully) conservative presidential debate in Des Moines, Ia., on December 27th.  I’d like to see a truely conservative, real debate rather than the socio-fascist moderated ones we’ve been subjected to thusfar!!  In each previous debate, the socio-fascist teleprompter readers from CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, MSNBC, et al, baited each of the GOP participants to battle each-other, rather than the primary objective: effective alternatives to “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist!!”
    The GOP primary ‘bottom-feeder,’ Jon Huntsman has already rejected participation in the Trump-moderated debate.  Through a spokesman, Mr Huntsman said he’s awaiting Romney and Gingrich as they ‘suck up to Trump!!’  Apparently forgetting the Trump demand that “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” produce a birth certificate,  Rep Ron Paul likewise rejected participation, saying “the event was below the dignity of the presidency!  Has Mr Paul not seen the photos of the current idiot in the White House with his feet all over the Resolute Desk?!?
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; November Twenty-Second #1; Trump on Value

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[Completely f**ked up by blogspot!!  A better view is:]
‘The Donald’ On The Discovery Channel:
    One of the latest ‘good’ shows on TV is the Discovery Channel’s “Curiosity.”  the episode I saw was interesting as well as informative.  I hope “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” was distracted away from the referenced episode featuring Donald Trump.  One–and by one, I mean ALL OF US!–can only hope the aforementioned “Clown” didn’t see the Trump episode where Mr Trump explores the ‘value of America.’
    A partial list of the categories involved are:
    The part we should not want “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” to learn is the grand total: the amount that should be asked if someone wanted to “buy America!”  Well it involves one last mathematical calculation:  The total value minus the debt:

All sub-terrainian mineral values;
Surface infrastructure values;
Surface naturally occurring (i.e., lakes, rivers, etc)values;
Human body value;
Human intellectual property values,
….and on and on.

  Now there’s some walkin’ ’round; some ‘piss-awaymoney for “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist!!”  Remember the last ill-conceived debt-ceiling increase?!?  How many days did it take said “Clown” to spend a majority of the billions-of-dollars unleashed?!?  He–as with all socio-fascists–has never seen a single dollar he couldn’t spend SOMEWHERE!!!

The gross total:  295 Trillion Dollars
 -National Debt:    15 Trillion Dollars
Net Total Value: 280 Trillion Dollars ($280,000,000,000,000.00!!)

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