This’n’That; August 2nd; obama Continues Perversion

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“Clown Prince” barack Hussein Ist Continuing “The Fix”
The fix” that began shortly after barack Hussein, The First‘s first coronation as Ruler of America is now being hastened in earnest.  Look at all the steps taken to insure that Crooked Hillary would be installed as the democRAT nominee in the 2016 presidential campaign.  The graphic below illustrates the care taken in the steps required to have the ‘right crook [Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz]’ in the right place [the DNC Chairmanship] at the right time [the months and years running up to the 2016 primary process]:

Clown Prince barack Hussein Ist was~and continues to be~instrumental in fixing the democrat nomination.  He ‘parked’ “Crooked Hillary” in the State Department where~he thought~she could do no harm… we all know how well that turned out!!  As with his entire regime, nothing’s going right with this presidential election cycle:

  • Crazy Bernie” was never supposed to develop the following he has;
  • Crooked Hillary‘s” opposition was never supposed to be as rabid as it is, they were to~as Crazy Bernie did, and ordered~’roll-over-and-play-dead’;
  • Donald Trump was never to achieve the republicRATic nomination, he was expected to drop out after having ‘gained some fame;’
  • Donald Trump was never expected to tally the most primary votes in party history;
  • Donald Trump was never expected to rally crowds numbering in the tens-of-thousands of dedicated fans/followers~to “Crooked Hillary’s” dozens, up into the single-hundreds;
  • Donald Trump was expected to ‘toe-the-socially-accepted-line‘ with benign, pointless statements and sound-bites.  He was never expected to point out the oppositions’ flaws… that had rarely been done in previous primaries/elections.

Now “Clown Princebarack Hussein, Ist has had to step in and right-the-train, put it back on the rails.  During a blather opportunity atbarackINGHAM PALACE, the “Clown Prince” had this to say in his usual attempt to disparage Donald Trump:

*The notion that he [Donald Trump] would attack a Gold Star family that had made such extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our country, the fact that he doesn’t appear to have basic knowledge around critical issues in Europe, in the Middle East, in Asia, shows that he is woefully unprepared,”

*The question I think that they[GOP leadership] have to ask themselves is, if you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him? What does this say about your party that this is your standard-bearer?”

*”There has tocome a point at which you say somebody who makes those kinds of statements doesn’t have the judgment, the temperament, the understanding to occupy the most powerful position in the world,”

This, from the man who perpetuated a hoax far greater than the current ‘global-warming/climate change hoax; the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on America populus; the American government, going back to King George III of Great Britain!!  See, Clown Princebarack Hussein Ist, is not a legal resident of the United States let alone the bonefide President of the United States.

The “Clown Prince“~then using the alias Barry Soetoro“~entered Columbia University as a foreign student to avail himself of the federal grants; of the racial and economic point system to enhance his placement, standing.
By definition, a ‘foreign student’ is NOT a citizen of the United States! With Hussein Ist‘s release of a cobbed-up birth certificate~after “Crooked Hillary” initiated her ‘birther’ claims~leads almost everyone to question his American citizenship.  The “Clown Prince” has never released ANY of his school records… records from any educational level!!
Clown Prince barack Hussein, Ist~since day-one, 2009~has rigged the political system for HIS~alone~benefit; constantly circumvented the U.S. Constitution; completely ignores~to this day~the rule-of-law!!  Now he~realizing “Crooked Hillary” is a complete political boob~is trying to save socialism in the United States, at any cost!
That’s all I got.
Til Nex’Time….
Justin Case
Reference “Lie-Barry:”

This’n’That; July 8th; Why Believe Him Now?

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There’s ABSOLUTELY NO Truth On Dem Side
Look at all the lies floating around, primarily from the democRAT side of the 2016 presidential campaign.  “Clown Princeobama has been lyin’ through his teeth probably since his first words as a toddler.  Hillary Clinton has taken “great-liberties-with-the-truth” as well.  To be fair, we should probably go back aways to them both justice.  Except we can’t.  We have the lies about the past, just not from the past.  So let’s start with the “Clown Prince‘s” lies, in no particular order.  We’ll do it with A-the lie; B-the rough date; C-the circumstances:

  • My father left my family when I was two years old.”   Sept, 2009.  Babyobama had never spent a single night under the same roof with his father, let alone two years.  The “Clown Prince” was blathering at the nation’s schoolkids.
  • The Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration.”   Sept, 2012.  “Clown Princeobama spun this tale during a Univision forum, knowing at the time it was bullshit. The F’n’F Program started in October, 2009 by the obama Department ofJust Us.”
  • Not even a smidgen of corruption.”   May, 2013.  obama gave that response to a Bill O’Reilly (The Factor-FoxNews) question after the revelation of the obama IRS Scandal.
  • We revealed to the American people exactly what we understood at the time.”  StupidBowl Sunday interview, Feb, 2012.  We know now the obama regime knew their bullshit ‘video’ statement wasn’t true; not then, not a week earlier, not the night of the murders!
  • Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.” Jan, 2009.  This is athe bullshit whooper the “Clown Prince” told his staff on the first day of his reign.  Neither of the aforementioned has come to pass.  In fact, “Clown Princeobama has gone out of his way to violate both principles as a matter of convenience!
  • If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election” Sept, 2007.  obama went on to break his  promise in June, 2008.  When he made the pledge, it’s likely he knew it was bullshit.
  • So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma.”  March, 2007.  obama made this statement to reinforce his claim that Selma, [Alabama; civil rights march] inspired his parents to get together.  obama was born in 1961.  Sadly, Selma happened IN 1965!
  • We’ll have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN” Oct, 2013.  obama pushed this bullshit no fewed than EIGHT TIMES while he and the democRATs were jamming obamaKaredown the public throat.
  • For my mother . . .  to spend the last months of her life in the hospital room arguing with insurance companies . . . there’s something fundamentally wrong about that.”  Oct, 2008.  obama piled on this bullshit during a presidential debate with Senator John McCain.  He lied about his mother’s death, about her health insurance coverage, as dug up by The Washington Post:  …Mrs [Stanley Ann Dunham] Obama’s problem was with her Cigna disability insurance policy, not her health insurer…  “Michelle Antoinetteobama even joined in, lying:  “She developed ovarian cancer, never really had good, consistent insurance.” 

[Gawd!! With my references, this bullshit could go on forever!!! But, it ain’t… we’re gonna stop here with “Clown Princeobama.]
The scary thing is the “Clown Prince” actually believes all this [certified] bullshit.
He believes that posting a shot from his personal photographer online is “transparent.”
That targeting conservative groups for audits isn’t corrupt.
That everything that has gone wrong with his presidency is President George W. Bush’s fault.Now, let’s look into that lil’ scamp, “Crooked HillaryClinton.  We’ll use the same order as with obama:

  • Crooked-Hillary lied as a staff member of the House Judiciary Committee [investigating the Watergate Scandal].  May, 1973-June, 1974.  Jerry Ziefman~the guy who fired Ms Rodham at the conclusion of the Watergate Hearings~had this to say about “Crooked-Hillary:” Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a senator or president — and if she were to become president, the last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson will be destroyed.”  Ms Rodham was fired for lying, removing government files, writing fraudulent legal briefs……
  • “I remember landing under sniper fire…. “There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.” March, 1996.  The Washington Post exposed Clinton‘s story as a lie, saying “hadHillary Clinton‘s plane come under sniper fire, we would certainly have heard about it long before now.”  CBS also debunked the story by releasing a video clip of the landing that showed Clinton holding a bouquet of flowers.
  • [In misrepresenting her senatorial record,]  Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., attempted to change the measure by which anyone might assess who criticized the Iraq war first, her or Sen. obama April, 2008.   She claimed that using that measure, she criticized the war in Iraq before obama did.  But Clinton’s claim was false.
  • [In misrepresenting her role in the Irish Peace Accord] …it [Crooked-Hillary‘s presence] was ancillary to the main thing. It was part of the stage effects, the optics… The road to peace was carefully documented, and she [Crooked-Hillary] wasn’t on it.”  March, 2008. “There is a simple point to be made.” He [author Paul Bew] referred me to a new book by Jonathan Powell, “Great Hatred, Little Room: Making Peace in Northern Ireland.” Powell was chief of staff to British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and his book […] is an insider’s account of the peace talks that led to the Good Friday Agreement. Look at the index of this book for “Hillary Clinton
  • [Chelsea had gone on] “what she thought was going to be a great jog. She was going to go down to Battery Park, she was going to go around the towers. She went to get a cup of coffee and, and, that’s when the plane hit.”  Sept, 2001.  Weeks later, Chelsea Clinton told a magazine that she was in an apartment 12 blocks away when the first plane hit.
  • Crooked-Hillary has long claimed~albeit, a lie~that she was named afterSir Edmund Hillary, the first to scale Mount Everest.  “Crooked” was born on OCTOBER 26, 1947;  Sir Edmund Hillary completed his fete on MAY 29, 1953.   Seems to be a bit of disparity there, aye “Hill..?!?”
  • Crooked-HillaryClinton lied about the “uninsured” woman who died after childbirth [from her stump speech-“ uninsured pregnant woman who lost her baby and died herself after being denied care by an Ohio hospital because she could not come up with a $100 fee..”].  Feb, 2008.  “Trina Bachtel, did die last August [2007], two weeks after her baby boy was stillborn at O’Bleness Memorial Hospital in Athens, Ohio. But hospital administrators said Friday that Ms. Bachtel was under the care of an obstetrics practice affiliated with the hospital, that she was never refused treatment and that she was, in fact, insured…”

Much like “Clown Princeobama, there’s no end to “Crooked-HillaryClinton‘s lies! These folks do and will, say ANYTHING to get into the voters’ good graces while at the same time, disparaging their opponents, OF EITHER PARTY!
To hell with the facts!
To hell with the conditions of the country or its people!
So~to boil it all down~why the hell should any of us~from either party; with any ideology~believe anything obama or Clinton say?!?  Someone has to come up with plans and programs that will right “this ship of state,” it’s been off-kilter for so long as to nearly, maybe, become uncorrectable!!  The democRATs~over the past 50-75 years~have proven over and again that SOCIALISM IS NOT THE ANSWER!!
That’s all I got.
Til Nex’Time….
Justin Case
[“Clown Princeobama portion:]!
[“Crooked-Hillary” portion:]!

“Clown Prince” Correction, April 5th

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“Clown Prince” Correction, April 5th

“Clown Prince” Obama’s Weekly Blather
District of Corruption,
April 5, 2014
    Today, our economy is growing and our businesses are consistently generating new jobs.  But decades-long trends still threaten the middle class.  While those at the top are doing better than ever, too many Americans are working harder than ever, but feel like they can’t get ahead.  That’s why the budget I sent Congress earlier this year is built on the idea of opportunity for all.  It will grow the middle class and shrink the deficits we’ve already cut in half since I took office.  It’s an opportunity agenda with four goals. Number one is creating more good jobs that pay good wages. Number two is training more Americans with the skills to fill those jobs. Number three is guaranteeing every child access to a great education.  And number four is making work pay – with wages you can live on, savings you can retire on, and health care that’s there for you when you need it.
[Last week’s blather opportunity found me ‘a broad’ so my dunce-like backupHairplugJoe Biden read the teleprompter in my stead.  This week it’s me~your ‘Dear Leader’~ reading the lies my handlers want reinforced.  So here we go…. ‘sit down, shut up, pay attention and hang on!’]
    My socio-fascist ‘jobs-killing’ policies and programs have made it nearly impossible to return to those far better days of “that evil George W. Bush.”  With few jobs; with even fewer newly created FULLTIME jobs, the actual (March) unemployment rate remains stalled at 12.7%, increased from February’s 12.6%.  obamaKare is increasingly proving to be a far better “jobs killer” than any of my handlers could have hoped for!  As Bernie Marcus noted in his WSJ op-ed, we’ve successfully killed 146,000 with obamaKare ALONE!  Not only that, we’re well on our way to a “single-payer” system
[translation-THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT will control every aspect of each individual’s life (AND DEATH), CRADLE to GRAVE, with little-to-no input from THE VICTIM!!];
Not only that~again as Mr Marcus mentions~the ‘hidden sales tax’ forcibly paid by insurance companies on premiums for each policy written for individual, small and medium companies.  This ‘fee’ necessarily drives up the healthcare costs to the purchaser, not to mention the increasingly unmanageable out-of-pocket premium and deductibles expense demands of the aforementioned obamaKare-forced policies. 
    “….built on the idea of opportunity for all.” 
That statement in the teleprompter blather fails to note that my handlers’ prevarications blithely intend “EQUAL outcome for all,” and by Allah if that’s not achieved, we WILL force it!!  The American premise has been so bastardized by socio-fascists for decades as a method to force those ‘evil RICH, white guys‘ to relinquish a majority of their wealth to those who refuse to work!  This illustrates yet another obama Regime accomplishment: Since the presidency of that evil George W. Bush, we’ve driven up the Food Stamp participation from HIS 29.6 million (after 8 years) to OUR 46.5 million (after less than 5 years)!!
“Number one is creating more good jobs that pay good wages:”
This is a perfect illustration of how my not taking ‘Econ-101’ as a foreign student at Occidental College, at Columbia University, at Harvard, at Harvard Law is essential in the Alinsky principles I subscribe to.  Tax reduction is the single greatest force behind increased jobs creation; the minimum wage at any governmental level is complete bullshit!!  In a free economic society, the free market forces should be the ONLY WAGE DETERMINANT!
“Number two is training more Americans with the skills to fill those jobs:”
The ‘training’ principle runs counter to my normal blather in that I practically demand that every high school grad be enrolled in a college or university.  That~on it’s face~makes no sense!  Not everyone is suited to, nor has the desire to attend a college or university.  Remember: 
“Far more lawyers call plumbers than do plumbers call lawyers!!”
Number three is guaranteeing every child access to a great education:”
The ‘Headstart Program‘ originated as THE pre-school education resource for America’s 4-5 year-olds.  It’s steadily digressed into~not only a free babysitting service, but~the colossal educational failure it is today!  Given that, why on earth would any administration~let alone, my regime~continue down that path with ever-more young minds?!? Nuff said!
Number four is making work pay….:
For this to come to fruition, one must have skills that can be applied to a trade or a corporate position. See that “lawyers-plumbers” thingie, above.  The quality of the work performed will advance the participant up the ladder of success.  The stress on the minimum wage is sure to reduce the workforce, and those still working will be relegated to the bottom rung of said ladder. 
    This week, the Republicans in Congress put forward a very different budget.  And it does just the opposite: it shrinks opportunity and makes it harder for Americans who work hard to get ahead.  The Republican budget begins by handing out massive tax cuts to households making more than $1 million a year.  Then, to keep from blowing a hole in the deficit, they’d have to raise taxes on middle-class families with kids.  Next, their budget forces deep cuts to investments that help our economy create jobs, like education and scientific research.  Now, they won’t tell you where these cuts will fall.  But compared to my budget, if they cut everything evenly, then within a few years, about 170,000 kids will be cut from early education programs.  About 200,000 new mothers and kids will be cut off from programs to help them get healthy food.  Schools across the country will lose funding that supports 21,000 special education teachers.  And if they want to make smaller cuts to one of these areas, that means larger cuts in others.  Unsurprisingly, the Republican budget also tries to repeal the Affordable Care Act – even though that would take away health coverage from the more than seven million Americans who’ve done the responsible thing and signed up to buy health insurance.  And for good measure, their budget guts the rules we put in place to protect the middle class from another financial crisis like the one we’ve had to fight so hard to recover from.

    Policies that benefit a fortunate few while making it harder for working Americans to succeed are not what we need right now.  Our economy doesn’t grow best from the top-down; it grows best from the middle-out.  That’s what my opportunity agenda does – and it’s what I’ll keep fighting for.
    As is the norm, we obamacRATics blather on and on about how we’ve stood up for the downtrodden, stood up for the middleclass but in all fairness, how far have we gotten?  Rather than the aforementioned ‘talking points’ we continue to participate in fraud, deceit, outright theft of funds as well as adding the “Saltine-Americans (those pasty-white guys and gals; you may know them as ‘crackas’)” to our growing list of minorities we’ve put into the slavery that is the American welfare system. 
    The Paul Ryan-authored RepublicRATic 2015 Budget Proposal goes along way in the opposite direction to the obamacRATics of massive slavery, pointedly leading~ultimately~to a One-World Government, the ongoing desire of a vast majority of obamacRATics, of The Bilderberg Group, of academe, of the liberal ‘Drive-By’ media, et al.  The Ryan proposal intends to put Americans back on their feet financially with tax reductions, with less spending on welfareRATs, revision of a bloated, less-than-understandable federal tax code…. better yet, here’s Rep Ryan‘s bullet-points:

  • Expand opportunity by growing the economy;
  • Providing our troops the training, compensation and support they need;
  • Repeal obamaKare to clear the way for patient-centered reform;
  • Provide families with a fair, simple tax code to boost wages and create jobs;
  • Secure Seniors’ retirement by strengthening Medicare and other vital programs;
  • Strengthen the safety net and help people get back on their feet;
  • Restore fairness by cutting spending and combatting cronyism.

    A good start to be sure, but advancing beyond these bullet-points will be necessary to assure a return to the pre-obamacRATic America a vast majority of us yearn for!!
    As for all those phony obamaKare enrollment numbers…. just that: ALL LIES, or at the very least, massive obfuscations of the facts!  Now it’s my turn for bullet-points regarding obamaKare:

  • It destroys a working, workable health insurance system used by 95% of the population to install a crony-based, unworkable, less-than-understandable obamaKare system to insure the remaining 5% of the population, most of whom have no desire for health care;
  • Me~your ‘Dear Leader‘~ignoring the rule-of-law to “rewrite” legislation nearly 40 TIMES in my delaying various aspects of this unworkable monstrosity that may reflect poorly on obamacRATics in the upcoming (2014) mid-term elections;
  • obamaKare~rather than saving participants’ money~increases premiums 100-1000% for far less effective~and obviously unaffordable~coverage;
  • obamaKare demands out-of-pocket deductibles in the range of $4,000-$10,000 annually.  If the poor, the uninsured can’t afford the premiums of either plan, how-the-hell will they afford these outrageous obamaKare-forced deductibles?

….and those are just the highlights that come to mind; I’ve not included all the boldfaced lies my handlers demand I tell, to cram this plan down the collective American throat!

This’n’That; August Tenth #1; soetoro/obama Controversy

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Is soetoro/obama Contraversy ‘Gaining Steam?’

    I have long held–both in conversation and on these pages–that ‘obama‘ originally came to the United States as Barry Soetoro–an Indonesian exchange student–to take full advantage of the benefits of said student status.  Barry Soetoro/obama (let’s refer to this fraud as BSo) was not the economically disadvantaged student, resident of Hawaii, that he’s been portraying, promoting since coming to the public venue.  His maternal grandmother–Madelyn Dunham, with whom he lived for most of his early years–was promoted to Vice President of the National Bank of Hawaii when BSo was 9 years old.  During this time, his maternal grandfather–Stanley Dunham–was a successful salesman in the furniture industry.  Both BSo‘s grandparents would be considered upper-middle class in today’s socio-economic structure.

    Wayne Allyn Rootas a BSo Columbia University classmate–has reopened the dialogue that BSo is not eligible for the office he now holds in this article, an interview with Sean Hannity.  Billionaire publisher Steve Forbes seems to hold the same view of BSo‘s duplicity and suggests that Governor Mitt Romney demand a ‘document dump’ with both men releasing twenty-years’ tax returns; twenty years’ educational transcripts–I suggest back to elementary school–as well as twenty years’ health records.

    What reason does anyone have in withholding vital information other than obfuscating a previous, current–and on-going–misrepresentation?!?  With said document dump, the public would finally learn exactly who–other than of course, The Bilderberg Group–is ruling the United States; who is re-distributing the national wealth; who is expanding the size and scope of the federal government.

‘Splain to me again why YOU elected this Verdammte Arschloch!?!

Til Nex-Time….