This’n’That; May Thirty-First #1; New York Stupidity

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New York Legislature, In It’s Infinite Wisdom…
    ….and in retaliation for the release of damaging information, is attacking yet another segment of New York taxpayers.  A couple of days ago, The Tax Foundation released some information gleaned from IRS public information as well as the latest census activity.
    Between 2000 and 2010 3.4 million persons left the State of New York.  During the same period, 2.1 million persons foolishly migrated INTO the state making a net population loss of 1.3 million lucky persons.  The departing citizens took $45.5 billion in earnings with them!  With the State of New York being Number Two on the ‘states with the highest state and local tax burden‘ list, the departures mean a hell’uva bite in the expected revenue to the state treasury. 
    Given said loss in tax revenue over the 2000-’10 decade, the New York legislature has found a solution:  find another taxpayer segment and tax THEM out-of-existence!!  They’ve decided on independent contractors in the state’s trucking industry.  With enactment of
The New York State Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act,” the state’s legislative miscreants will essentially force the state’s segment of the trucking industry companies to bear costs originally the responsibility of the independent contractors (also known as ‘owner-operators).  The so-called ‘Fair Play Act’ is anything but fair!!  It makes said independents trucking company employees, to be organized and ruled by that evil Teamsters Union.  And adding unmanagable expenses to the individual trucking companies.
    I know from whence I speak.  I was an over-the-road truck driver for almost eleven years (7 years of that as an owner-operator) until an insane federal law forced me out of the tractor I owned.
A bit of definition:  Those independent contractors were different than myself, in that they relied on ‘load-boards’ to find loads.  I leased my tractor to Crete Carrier Corporation who offered me loads, rather than me having to find them on my own through said ‘load-boards’.
Various manufacturers–actually, anyone with frieght to have hauled–list on  load-boards from time-to-time for unexpected freight movements.  Independents consult these boards, contact the shipper and negotiate various aspects of ‘the deal.’
    The ‘arschlocher’ in the New York legislature are grasping at straws to continue to fund:
one of the best–worst, if you’re a taxpayer–welfare benefit systems in the country;
one of the best state employee union retirement systems in the country;
one of the best state employee union medical benefit systems in the country;
one of the best legislator financial perquisite systems in the country, et al.
The way to continue the lavish career of a state politician must not be partially on the backs of the state’s trucking industry.  These guys–and gals–‘fight-tooth-and-nail’ every day just to make ends meet in the caree they love.
Every arschloch that votes to enact this legislation must be resoundingly kicked out on their collective asses at the next election!!
Blogger sidebar:  I thoroughly enjoyed my eleven years ‘on the road.’ Even better were the seven of those years as an owner-operator.  Without the federal interference I’d still be out there, discovering something new each-and-every-day!  Anyone who’s nomadic by nature would bode well to check out the trucking industry for his–or her–next career endeavor.
    I’ve met retired doctors, dentists, nurses, accountants, corporate executives, among us ‘commoners” who call ourselves truck drivers.  There are handicapped drivers, one of which was a wheel-chair bound driver I met in a truckstop, somewhere!! Truck driving as a career–while it looks cool–is not for the fainthearted; the stress levels can be hellish!!  With an open mind, the rewards can far outweigh the negatives.
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; December Twenty-Seventh #2 Webinars

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A Necessity For ANY Trucker!!
    Owner Operator Independent Driver Association (OOIDA) is offering it’s “new season” of Business Webinars geared specifically for the trucker, both company drivers considering becoming owner-operators and current owner-operators.  The program begins on January 12th, registration is ongoing.
    If these were offered back in 1999 when I bought my first truck, I wasn’t aware of them.  What I knew–and subsequently learned–about “owner-operatin’” came from the trucker-based talk radio (Charlie Douglas, Dale Somers, Dave Nemo, Bill Mack)  Just from reading the brief synopsises of each course, they appear to be a wealth of information; necessary information for the “trucker-as-a-small-business-owner!!”  The courses seemed to be priced the same, at $50 per.  I don’t know if there are ‘class size’ limitations, but were I…. you, I’d not hesitate!  Good education is always a worthwhile investment!!!
Call ’em today: 1-800-444-5791
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; December Nineteenth #1; XM Radio

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She ‘Pushed’ My Friend Out
    As I’ve said in previous posts, “SlamDuncan has been a friend “since the turn of the century.”  I’d met “Slam” as a caller to the XM-Radio show he ‘subbed’ on: “The Dave Nemo Show.”  We became friends, talking several times a week as well on-air during the Sunday Nemo Show.  As happens with the political ‘ins-and-outs’ of radio, Mr Duncan was quietly pushed out in favor of Marica (mar-SEE-aa) CampbellMs Campbellto me–seemed unable to carry the show on her own, even with interested–and interesting–truckers calling in!!
    Ms Campbell found her way into the pages of LandLine Magazine, a publication from Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA).  As the story relates, after the merger of Sirius Satellite Radio and XM-Radio, the primary focus of the trucking channel became talk-info rather than music-gossip.  Seems Ms Campbell had no place in the altered concept of “The Dave Nemo Show.”  She now hosts her own show–“The WSM All-Nighter“–on WSM 650 AM (
    As one who holds grudges for long, long periods of time, I’ve softened my opinion of Marcia Campbell.  No longer is she the woman who pushed my friend off XM-Radio; she’s the lady who serves to provide an important service to the nation’s trucking industry!!
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; December Twelfth #3; Mexican Trucking

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Socio-Fascism STILL Rampant!
    As is the norm around my house, we’re usually too busy to keep up with the printed material that comes it.  To that end, I started reading the NOVEMBER issue of LandLine Magazine from OOIDA.  The back page of the magazine has a column of “Roses and Razzberries.”  That means kudos to those who do positives with and for the trucking industry; ‘razzberries’ for those who defame the industry.
    Someone–possibly the editors–gave Oregon Representative Peter DeFazio “roses” for a letter he wrote to the FMCSA Administrator, quering her motives as she administers the Cross-Border Trucking Initiative as perscribed by NAFTA.  The letter:

September 16, 2011

The Honorable Anne S. Ferro
AdministratorFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Ave,
SEWashington, DC 20590
Dear Administrator Ferro:
    I am writing to express my concern over the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) recent actions to move one step closer to allowing Mexican trucking companies to operate long-haul in the United States, in advance of fulfilling a statutory mandate to correct deficiencies in its proposed program and to report to Congress.  In 2007, in response to the previous Administration’s attempt to rush into an ill-advised trucking pilot program, Congress required the Office of Inspector General (IG) to audit FMCSA’s readiness to enforce compliance with U.S. safety rules and regulations before the agency could initiate any future pilot program (Section 6901, P.L. 110-28). The law requires FMCSA to take action to address any issues raised by the IG, and to report to Congress on the measures taken. The IG completed its audit on August 19 and made the results available to the public on September 6, 2011.
    The report identified a number of areas that FMCSA must address. Specifically, the IG found that FMCSA did not yet have plans in place to: conduct on-site safety reviews in Mexico for at least half of participating carriers, as required by law; ensure that pilot program drivers and trucks are identified and inspected at each unique border crossing; verify driver and truck eligibility for the pilot program; acquire electronic monitoring devices for use in the pilot program; and train inspection and enforcement personnel at the border and within the United States.
    To date, FMSCA has not sent a report to Congress or otherwise communicated plans to address the issues identified by the IG. Yet the agency is moving full speed ahead. On the same day the audit was made public, FMCSA published in the FMCSA Register the application of the first Mexican carrier to successfully complete a pre-authorization safety audit. This week, FMCSA published the name of another carrier. According to FMCSA’s regulations, listing a carrier in the FMCSA register is a “preliminary grant of operating authority” (49 CFR 365.507). I fail to see how the agency is authorized to grant authority prior to meeting all statutory requirements.
    This further reinforces my longstanding concern that the Administration is not launching a pilot program, but rather starting the full liberalization of cross-border trucking that will have significant impacts on safety, security, and American jobs. Proceeding with the processing of Mexican carriers’ applications on a separate track from meeting any requirements the agency believes apply to the pilot program confirms that FMCSA intends for this pilot program to casually terminate and morph into an open border. This flies in the face of the limitation enacted by Congress. I know you hold FMCSA’s mission to protect the safety of the traveling public in the highest regard.
    I hope you will agree that addressing the deficiencies identified by the Inspector General in a meaningful way is the only prudent course before Mexican trucks can be permitted to operate long-haul in the U.S.
Peter A. DeFazio

  Apparently, Ms Ferro has partaken of the owe-bamaKoolAid” in her administration of the safety aspects of her position as Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.  As such, she’s tasked by statute for the safety of both the various portions of those ‘motor carrier’ aspects as well as the safety of the general public.  she is failing miserably, just as Mr DeFazio is suggesting!!
    One needs to spend but twenty-minutes in a border city such as Laredo, El Paso, Brownsville, Texas; Nogales, Douglas, Arizona; Otey Mesa, California, to witness the general lawlessness that permeates the country of Mexico!!
    Need we another reason for impeachment?!?
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; December Twelfth #3; Mexican Trucking

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Socio-Fascism STILL Rampant!
    As is the norm around my house, we’re usually too busy to keep up with the printed material that comes it.  To that end, I started reading the NOVEMBER issue of LandLine Magazine from OOIDA.  The back page of the magazine has a column of “Roses and Razzberries.”  That means kudos to those who do positives with and for the trucking industry; ‘razzberries’ for those who defame the industry.
    Someone–possibly the editors–gave Oregon Representative Peter DeFazio “roses” for a letter he wrote to the FMCSA Administrator, quering her motives as she administers the Cross-Border Trucking Initiative as perscribed by NAFTA.  The letter:

September 16, 2011

The Honorable Anne S. Ferro
AdministratorFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Ave,
SEWashington, DC 20590
Dear Administrator Ferro:
    I am writing to express my concern over the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) recent actions to move one step closer to allowing Mexican trucking companies to operate long-haul in the United States, in advance of fulfilling a statutory mandate to correct deficiencies in its proposed program and to report to Congress.  In 2007, in response to the previous Administration’s attempt to rush into an ill-advised trucking pilot program, Congress required the Office of Inspector General (IG) to audit FMCSA’s readiness to enforce compliance with U.S. safety rules and regulations before the agency could initiate any future pilot program (Section 6901, P.L. 110-28). The law requires FMCSA to take action to address any issues raised by the IG, and to report to Congress on the measures taken. The IG completed its audit on August 19 and made the results available to the public on September 6, 2011.
    The report identified a number of areas that FMCSA must address. Specifically, the IG found that FMCSA did not yet have plans in place to: conduct on-site safety reviews in Mexico for at least half of participating carriers, as required by law; ensure that pilot program drivers and trucks are identified and inspected at each unique border crossing; verify driver and truck eligibility for the pilot program; acquire electronic monitoring devices for use in the pilot program; and train inspection and enforcement personnel at the border and within the United States.
    To date, FMSCA has not sent a report to Congress or otherwise communicated plans to address the issues identified by the IG. Yet the agency is moving full speed ahead. On the same day the audit was made public, FMCSA published in the FMCSA Register the application of the first Mexican carrier to successfully complete a pre-authorization safety audit. This week, FMCSA published the name of another carrier. According to FMCSA’s regulations, listing a carrier in the FMCSA register is a “preliminary grant of operating authority” (49 CFR 365.507). I fail to see how the agency is authorized to grant authority prior to meeting all statutory requirements.
    This further reinforces my longstanding concern that the Administration is not launching a pilot program, but rather starting the full liberalization of cross-border trucking that will have significant impacts on safety, security, and American jobs. Proceeding with the processing of Mexican carriers’ applications on a separate track from meeting any requirements the agency believes apply to the pilot program confirms that FMCSA intends for this pilot program to casually terminate and morph into an open border. This flies in the face of the limitation enacted by Congress. I know you hold FMCSA’s mission to protect the safety of the traveling public in the highest regard.
    I hope you will agree that addressing the deficiencies identified by the Inspector General in a meaningful way is the only prudent course before Mexican trucks can be permitted to operate long-haul in the U.S.
Peter A. DeFazio

  Apparently, Ms Ferro has partaken of the owe-bamaKoolAid” in her administration of the safety aspects of her position as Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.  As such, she’s tasked by statute for the safety of both the various portions of those ‘motor carrier’ aspects as well as the safety of the general public.  she is failing miserably, just as Mr DeFazio is suggesting!!
    One needs to spend but twenty-minutes in a border city such as Laredo, El Paso, Brownsville, Texas; Nogales, Douglas, Arizona; Otey Mesa, California, to witness the general lawlessness that permeates the country of Mexico!!
    Need we another reason for impeachment?!?
Til Nex’Time….

The Sunday ‘Report;’ 10/23/2011

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What The Nation Pamphleteers Don’t Report:
Seven Hidden-Gem Careers
By Larry Buhl,
Monster Contributing Writer
Jobs that impress strangers and make your parents giddy with pride may not be the best for you. Whether you’re starting out or changing careers, lesser-known alternative careers may offer lower pressure, better hours and greater personal satisfaction. Here’s a look at seven hidden-gem careers:
If you love to teach but prefer adult students to kids:
Corporate trainers teach employees skills, technologies and protocols. A bachelor’s degree is required. A technical, business or psychology background plus a certificate are helpful. The median training and development specialist salary was $54,160 in May 2010, according to the BLS.
If you’re a wiz at finance and investing but wary of Wall Street:
Personal financial advisors are often self-employed, so you’ll need entrepreneurial skills. Strong math, accounting and problem-solving abilities [….]
Steve Jobs and the 7 Rules of Success

By Carmine Gallo
October 14, 2011
Steve Jobs’ impact on your life cannot be underestimated. His innovations have likely touched nearly every aspect — computers, movies, music and mobile. As a communications coach, I learned from Jobs that a presentation can, indeed, inspire. For entrepreneurs, Jobs’ greatest legacy is the set of principles that drove his success.  Over the years, I’ve become a student of sorts of Jobs’ career and life. Here’s my take on the rules and values underpinning his success. Any of us can adopt them to unleash our “inner Steve Jobs.”
1. Do what you love. Jobs once said, “People with passion can change the world for the better.” Asked about the advice he would offer would-be entrepreneurs, he said, “I’d get a job as a busboy or something until I figured out what I was really passionate about.” That’s how much it meant to him. Passion is everything.
2. Put a dent in the universe. Jobs believed in [….]

Conservative Celebrites (38 images)
Tony Danza
The star of “Who’s the Boss” is glad to see Republicans as the bosses, and is a registered Republican. [….]

U.S. truckers, lawmakers unite in bipartisan opposition to cross-border trucking

[Along with OOIDA’s Executive Vice President Todd Spencer, small-business trucker and OOIDA member Jose Escott spoke of concerns about opening the border to Mexico-based motor carriers. They were joined by Congressmen Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., and Bob Filner, D-Calif., along with James P. Hoffa, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.]
The Truckers News Service,
OTAY MESA, Calif. — The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) today stood at the Mexican border alongside Republican and Democratic lawmakers and other vocal opponents of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s cross-border trucking pilot program — citing concerns for highway safety, homeland security, and regulatory fairness for U.S.-based companies and drivers.  The bipartisan [….]

Letting Wood Express its Kinetic Energy
Posted by hipstomp

October 11, 2011
Having spent time in the shop, we all know the line that wood is still alive even after it’s dead. Sawn boards have an elasticity and flex that we attempt to master with screw guns and glue-ups (and occasionally, screw-ups). But here’s a rather novel use of wood’s properties for recreational purposes: The Stick Bomb.
A Stick Bomb is simply a grouping of sticks—in this case, tongue depressors or ice cream sticks—woven together [….]

The Conservative Case Against Mitt Romney (2011 Edition)
John Hawkins, 
October 18, 2011
It’s no accident that Mitt Romney has done so well during this election cycle. He has excellent name recognition, he’s extremely well organized, he’s a great fundraiser, he’s become a polished debater, and he’s not gaffe prone. His business experience doesn’t hurt either, although it is worth noting that the only reason he’s able to brag that he’s not a “career politician” is because he lost to Ted Kennedy for the Senate and probably would have lost in 2008 had he run for governor of Massachusetts again.
All that being said, there’s a reason why Mitt Romney has been unable to walk away with the nomination despite all of those advantages. It’s because Mitt is a deeply flawed candidate. Yes, he would certainly be better than Obama (and I will vote for him if he gets the nomination), but this IS NOT someone conservatives should want as their nominee.
1) Romneycare: One of the biggest issues the Republican Party has to run on in 2012 is Obamacare. Although Mitt Romney does oppose Obamacare, it’s purely a political calculation because [….]

Rare Titanic photos and letters

An archive of incredible photos and handwritten letters acquired from the descendants of Titanic survivors John and Nelle Pillsbury Snyder, who were returning from their honeymoon when the tragedy struck. They were some of the first people to board lifeboats and later rescued by the Carpathia, the first ship that arrived at the disaster scene on the morning of April 15, 1912. The collection is due to be sold by Philip Weiss Auctions on October 22, 2011, and the current minimum bid is $36,000. [….]

Random Thoughts
by Dr Thomas Sowell, Columnist,
October 18, 2011
Like so many people, in so many countries, who started out to “spread the wealth,” Barack Obama has ended up spreading poverty.
Have you ever heard anyone as incoherent as the people staging protests across the country? Taxpayers ought to be protesting against having their money spent to educate people who end up unable to say anything beyond repeating political catch phrases.
It is hard to understand politics if you are hung up on reality. Politicians leave reality to others. What matters in politics is what you can get the voters to believe, whether it bears any resemblance to reality or not.
I hate getting bills that show a zero balance. If I don’t owe anything, why bother me with a bill? There is too much junk mail already.
Radical feminists seem to assume that men are hostile to women. But what would they say to the fact that most of the women on the Titanic were saved, and most of the men perished — due to rules written by men and enforced by men on the sinking ship?
If he were debating Barack Obama, Newt Gingrich could chew him up and spit him out.
Whether the particular issue is housing, medical care or anything in between, the agenda of the left is to take the decision out of the hands of those directly involved and transfer that decision to third parties, who pay no price for making decisions that turn out to be counterproductive.
It is truly the era of the New Math when a couple making $125,000 a year each are taxed at rates that are said to apply to “millionaires and billionaires.”
On many issues, the strongest argument of the left is that there is no argument. This has been the left’s party line on the issue of man-made global warming and the calamities they claim will follow. But there are many scientists — some with Nobel Prizes — who have repudiated the global warming hysteria.
With professional athletes earning megabucks incomes, it is a farce to punish their violations of rules with fines. When Serena Williams was fined $2,000 for misconduct during a tennis match, that was like fining you or me a nickel or a dime. Suspensions are something that even the highest-paid athletes can feel.
Most of us may lament the fact that so many more people are today dependent on food stamps and other government subsidies. But dependency usually translates into votes for whoever is handing out the benefits, so an economic disaster can be a political bonanza, as it was for Franklin D. Roosevelt. Don’t count Obama out in 2012.
Politicians can solve almost any problem — usually by creating a bigger problem. But, so long as the voters are aware of the problem that the politicians [….]

Protests Are a Payday for Security Firms

by Kevin Roose,
The New York Times
October 18, 2011
They call when they make the Forbes 400 list. They call when annual hedge fund rankings appear, when their names are mentioned on CNBC and when their children travel abroad. And, these days, they call when protesters camped in Lower Manhattan grow uncomfortable with the idea of their existence.
The ultra-rich bankers, hedge fund managers and private equity executives of New York City have long enlisted private security firms to help safeguard them and their wealth. But as the mood on Main Street turns increasingly hostile, New York’s financial titans are cranking their security measures up to 11. For the high-end security firms that provide the moneyed elite with specialty services like around-the-clock bodyguards and elaborate home security systems, Occupy Wall Street has been a stimulus package all its own.  “We expect to more than double our revenue in New York this year,” said Paul M. Viollis, a [….]

No Apology Necessary, Mr. President

by Ben Crystal
October 15, 2011

Mexican drug cartels recruiting Texas children

By Jim Forsyth
October 18, 2011
SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) – Texas law enforcement officials say several Mexican drug cartels are luring youngsters as young as 11 to work in their smuggling operations.  Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, told Reuters the drug gangs have a chilling name for the young Texans lured into their operations.
“They call them ‘the expendables,'” he said.
McCraw said his investigators have evidence six Mexican drug gangs — including the violent Zetas — have “command and control centers” in Texas actively recruiting children for their operations, attracting them with what appears to be “easy money” for doing simple tasks.
“Cartels would pay kids $50 just for them to [….]

Mark Cuban and His OWS White Lie

by Jeff Carter
October 17, 2011Mark Cuban has shared his opinons on Occupy Wall Street. I empathize with them, but Mr. Cuban and I have very different opinions on the movement.
I like Cuban’s public persona. He is obviously smart, is unafraid of risk and has been wildly successful. I have never met him.
Wall Street doesn’t shoot straight with the public. Investment bankers are salesman. Do you think a car salesman shoots straight with you when you go into the showroom? Why do you think an investment advisor that makes money selling you financial products is going to be any different? “Buyer beware” holds true no matter what you are buying.
In order to be a successful CEO of a company, you have to know how to sell. It’s one of my basic requirements if I am going to invest in a start up. Some CEO’s are great salesman, and it’s reflected in the companies stock price. Warren Buffett is a tremendous sales person. How much value he himself by force of personality adds to the stock price we won’t know until after he is gone. Apple’s ($AAPL) Steve Jobs was a great salesperson too. It will take some time for the dust to settle to see how much of a dollar effect his loss figures into the stock price. One of the reasons that Apple doesn’t mind articles pushing the fact that “Jobs still has products in the pipeline” is because they want to Jobs effect to be priced into their stock.
Cuban says, “Great CEO White Lie = “We are acting in the best interests of shareholders.””.
It is a great white lie depending. CEO’s also act in the best interest of management, which doesn’t always align with the best interests of shareholders. If the economic interests of shareholders and CEO compensation are aligned correctly-everyone benefits. That’s generally where the problem is found.  I don’t pay too much attention to the actual salary of the CEO and top management. I pay more attention to the type of asset they are being paid to manage, and how much risk the shareholders have at stake. The CEO of Boeing ($BA) ought to be paid more than the CEO of Kellogg ($K). Boeing has a market cap of 47 billion, Kellogg 19 billion. Steve Kaplan did [….]

[Content related to above article.]
Professor Steven Kaplan on CEO pay in Crain’s Chicago Business

by Steven Kaplan,
ChicagoBooth News,
June 10, 2005Are CEO salaries too big? Steven Kaplan, Neubauer Family Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance , took the opposing view in a May 30 Crain’s Chicago Business article. He squared off in the debate against Dale Moyers, president of the Chicago Compensation Association and director of compensation and benefits at Loyola University of Chicago.
The article took the form of a series of four email responses to questions posed by Crain’s. The use of email allowed each speaker to polish his thoughts.  The debate kicked off with a look at executive salaries for Chicago’s 20 top companies. At an average of $10.3 million, they have increased 35% over the last two years. Kaplan observed that larger salaries “…(boost) the (relationship) of CEO wealth to stock performance by a factor of more than 10.” Kaplan sees that relationship [….]

In tiny rural Kansas district, students out-performing global competition
By Liz Goodwin
National Affairs Reporter
The Lookout
October 20, 2011
In the rural Waconda Lake area of North Central Kansas, the nearest Wal-Mart is 60 miles away and the best-known local landmark is an enormous ball of twine that locals claim is the largest in the world. (Darwin, Minnesota begs to differ.)  But don’t be fooled. The students in this sleepy agricultural community are not only out-performing American kids in other, much wealthier schools; they’re also out-performing most students in developed nations around the world, according to a new analysis.  The average student at the Waconda school district of 385 kids scores better than 90 percent of students in 20 developed countries on math and reading tests, according to The Global Report Card, published in the journal Education Next. In fact, Waconda is the second [….]

Pampered Protesters

by Michael Reagan
October 12, 2011
The hordes of so-called “protesters” now polluting the streets of several U.S. cities, including New York, are sending confused messages about their grievances.  The unemployed among them complain that the jobs available to them are beneath them. I guess that cancels out the old concept of starting in the mailroom and advancing step-by-step to the boardroom. It used to be the norm that one started at the bottom and worked his way up. This bunch seems to be living under the delusion that simply by virtue of having been born they are entitled to immediate arrival at the boardroom level with appropriate compensation.
Viewing these unruly mob scenes, featuring numerous public sexual activities posing as protests, I am reminded of the manner in which my dad dealt with such malcontents. If they were government employees he simply fired them. It worked. The remaining ones slinked back to work.
And I recall how he dealt with his son (me) back in 1965, when I dropped out of Arizona State University and thought that I was simply going home to live with — and off — either my mom or dad, who were then divorced. When I got home I found that their doors were locked to college dropouts.
Nancy, my ever-loving stepmom, was busy calling all branches of the military to let them know I was a college dropout and thus now eligible to be drafted. Don’t you just love such devoted stepmothers, eager to help their stepsons make their way in the world by locking the doors to keep them out?
When I finally was able to speak to my parents, they simply told me to find another place to live and to get a job. I did both. I moved in with some friends and got a job working at Asbury Transportation Company in Los Angeles loading oil-well freight from 5:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m., Monday through Friday. That’s where I was working when my father was elected governor of California.  Did I complain that my lowly job was beneath my new station in life as the son of the governor of California? How could I? I was the one who set [….]

A Blueprint for America’s Survival During the Next 50 Years (Part 1 of 2)

by Cliff Ennico Columnist
October 18, 2011
A lot of people are worried about America’s future right now.
And they are right. Things have changed so quickly in the past few decades that only a handful of people — and I’m not sure about them, either — have an idea of what it even means to be an American right now. What values do we uphold? Does our Constitution continue to make sense? Does it matter that we may soon no longer be the No. 1 economy in the world?
This is a column for entrepreneurs, not political junkies, but you can’t write for business owners without at least thinking about the political, economic and environmental climate that is healthiest for them. I try to do this from time to time, hopefully without getting too personal about my own opinions.
That’s why I thought it might help the current debate to point out a few self-evident, if inconvenient, truths about what America will need to do — not just the government, but all of us as Americans — if our country is to survive the next 50 years on Earth.
— We have to maintain leadership in technology.
We no longer can be the world’s manufacturer; many countries have proven that they can make stuff cheaper and better than we can. If America has an economic future, it is as the world’s research-and-development department. We must maintain our leadership in innovation and the development of new technologies, ideas and business models that will rule the future. If we let China, India or anyone else take that away from us, we’re toast.
— We have to maintain our military might.
We live in an increasingly dangerous world. A nationalistic [….] 

‘Occupy’ memo could discourage victims from reporting assaults
Protest group says it wants to be self-contained community
October 19, 2011
By Peter Hermann,
The Baltimore Sun
Efforts by the Occupy Baltimore protest group to evolve into a self-contained, self-governing community have erupted into controversy with the distribution of a pamphlet that victim advocates and health workers fear discourages victims of sexual assaults from contacting police.
The pamphlet says that members of the protest group who believe they are victims or who suspect sexual abuse “are encouraged to immediately report the incident to the Security Committee,” which will investigate and “supply the abuser with counseling resources.”
The directive also says, in part, “Though we do not encourage the involvement of the police in our community, the survivor has every right, and the support of Occupy Baltimore, to report the abuse to the appropriate authorities.”
Despite this caveat, the heads of three rape crisis centers and a nurse who runs the forensic division at Mercy Medical Center called the message about not involving police dangerous. They said it contains erroneous information that could undermine efforts to convince victims to properly report crimes and get the counseling they need.
“It might actually passively prevent someone from seeking justice,” said Jacqueline Robarge, the executive director of Power Inside, a nonprofit support group that helps women who have been victimized.  The hodgepodge of anti-establishment activists who have erected a tent city at the Inner Harbor as part of the broader Occupy Wall Street movement [….]
Until Next Sunday….

This’n’That; October Twenty-First #1; Here They Come!!!

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Increased Danger On American Highways?!?
    Today’s the big day!  At least for Mexico!  New avenues opening for drug cartels and human-smuggling gangs!
“Cross-border trucking”–as it’s known by it’s foes–has seen delay-after-delay since it’s inclusion in the ‘North American Freedom, Traded Away (NAFTA).’ NAFTA officially came into being on January 1, 1994, the day we first heard “that sucking soundH. Ross Perot warned us about. Discounting Monica Lewinsky‘s vision of Oval Office daily life, “Slick-WillieClinton did at least one thing right.  For all the years of NAFTA, “Slick” and his cronies opposed “cross-border trucking,” primarily for personal and highway safety concerns.
    Clearly, the Mexican federal government places lower value on human life than does the U.S. government.  Now that the drug and human-smuggling cartels have taken over the northern ‘states’ of Mexico the lack of concern becomes more evident by the day!  The drug smugglers have long had their way with border restrictions; crossing in rural areas, tunnelling into American border-towns, hiring American adolescents to move vehicles from parking-space-to-parking-space as well as being lookouts and runners.
    Ray DaHoodthe owe-bama head of the Transportation Department–approved a permit allowing ‘Transportes Olympic‘ to cross the U.S.-Mexican border at Laredo, Texas; Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.  This will–most likely–occur on Friday as the company moves a load of industrial machinery to Garland, Texas; fifteen miles northeast of Dallas.  Previously, Mexican freight was delivered to border cities to be transported deeper into the United States by American truckers; American trucking companies.  Among the negatives, this program will be the cost of several-to-hundreds of American trucking jobs.
    Todd Spencer, Executive VP of OOIDA (Owner-Operator, Independent Drivers Association) has long held that the Mexican government has few–if any–historical records on driver safety, driver drug testing, company safety records, et al.  I contend that American highways will be exposed to added peril with the addition of Mexican drivers.  The drivers I’ve observed seem not to have the same approach to driving on crowded highways, don’t have the same approach to the stress involved in over-the-road trucking on American highways.  The Mexican–as a nationality–has a reduced concern for human life as evidenced by the drug cartels’ takeover of cities on both sides of the border.
    I don’t see this experiment-in-political-stupidity ending well!  The “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist‘s” regime is doing nothing more than pandering for more votes:  How many drivers will actually return to Mexico?!?  I think we’ll find trucking assets abandoned in various rest areas and truckstops as the drivers opt for ILLEGAL ALIEN status!!
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; October Fifth #2; Quiet Fascism

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[For an in-order view:]
owe-bama Regime Promotes ‘Dirty’ Air!
    While Presidents George H.W. Bush (41), “Slick-WillieClinton and George W. Bush (43) approved various aspects of the NAFTANorth American Freedom Traded Away–agreement, they–to a man–refused to approve and implement the ‘cross-border trucking’ provision.  This has been ‘a bone of contention’ for as long as there has been a NAFTA!
    Primary negative issues involved with cross-border trucking are:  driver qualifications requirements; driver qualifications compliance; driver records archives; defection of illegal aliens; drug trafficing; vehicle safety standards; vehicle emissions standards, et al.  As an O-T-R driver for Transport America, MS Carriers and Crete Carrier Corp., I’ve delivered dozens (more probably, hundreds) of loads to the border-area warehouses in Brownsville, Tx., Laredo, Tx., El Paso, Tx., and San Diego/Otey Mesa, Ca.  It would be impossible to convince anyone of the complete lack-of-attention to safety of the Mexican trucking companies; of the Mexican drivers, themselves!  These spectacles have to be seen to be believed; doors hanging by one hinge, fuel tanks barely hanging on, headlights hanging by wires, mirrors flappin-in-the-breeze, et al.  The three companies I leased my truck to, did only “drop-and-hooks” in the border cities.
[A “drop-and-hook:”  dropping a loaded trailer at the correct warehouse; ‘hooking’ to an empty trailer in preparation for the next load, northward.]
There were–and presumably, are–some U.S. trucking companies who venture into the countryside of Mexico.  Along with these border crossings are horror stories of cargo hijacking, vehicle hijacking, collecting bribes from American truckers, raping and murdering American truckers!
    In early July (2011) Transportation Secretary Ray The LaHood quietly went to Mexico City and–with his Mexican counterpart-Dionisio Perez-Jacome–signed America’s highway safety away, to say nothing of the bogus American global-warming requirements!  While the ‘regime blather’ is the kerfuffles with the Mexican transportation system have been resolved, it’s common knowledge that they’ll “look-the-other-way” for almost any amount of money!! News reports of the time quote the regime blather-line:

The U.S. Department of Transportation says the safety concerns have now been resolved. Electronic monitoring systems will track how many hours the trucks are in service. Drivers will also have to pass safety reviews, drug tests and assessments of their English-language and U.S. traffic sign-reading skills. Mexico has the authority to demand similar measures from U.S. truck drivers entering their territory.

As any American trucker knows, electronics can be tweeked (wink;wink)!!  For the right number of pesos, the remaining provisions can be circumvented.  OK, my primary concern is for the American trucker and his profession:  There will be a tremendous loss of jobs when American shippers start taking advantage of the Mexican pay-scales:  They’ll work for less than 25% of what a U.S. driver earns.  Some unscrupulous American shippers will undertake to violate U.S. cabotage laws. 

[The U.S. cabotage laws as they apply to the trucking industry {in a nutshell}:  Foreign drivers–primarily Canadian and Mexican–can deliver to a point in the U.S.; deadhead {empty trailer} or bob-tail {tractor only; no trailer} to the next loading point.  The freight a foreign driver loads, MUST return to their country-of-origin; NOT TO ANOTHER POINT IN THE UNITED STATES!!]

This quote from the same article clearly illustrates how out-of-touch Secretary The LaHood really is:

“By opening the door to long-haul trucking between the United States and Mexico, America’s third largest trading partner, we will create jobs and opportunity for our people and support economic development in both nations,” he (The LaHood) said.

What jobs will be created?  Freighthandlers?  Warehouses only hold so much freight, which is effectively, efficiently handled by the current labor force, therein.
More American drivers?  How, when adding umpteen-hundred Mexican drivers to the American labor force?  More diesel technicians; more towing-and-recovery companies?  If a driver is driving junk, why would he have it repaired?  Just abandon it where it dies.  If a driver is driving junk, why would he have it dragged out of the median?  Why would he have it lifted off a dead family’s ‘granny-van?’  Just run-like-hell and avoid the cops ’til he reaches his border!
    In conclusion, this policy is just so-much-more pandering to all things unAmerican!  More regime kissing of “the fuzzy, brown ass!”  It has no positive consequences to–or for–the American economy, the American worker, the American trucker!   Every citizen should contact his/her senators and representative, relaying their displeasure of the socio-fascist ‘path’ American trade policy is taking.
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; October Fifth #2; Quiet Fascism

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[For an in-order view:]
owe-bama Regime Promotes ‘Dirty’ Air!
    While Presidents George H.W. Bush (41), “Slick-WillieClinton and George W. Bush (43) approved various aspects of the NAFTANorth American Freedom Traded Away–agreement, they–to a man–refused to approve and implement the ‘cross-border trucking’ provision.  This has been ‘a bone of contention’ for as long as there has been a NAFTA!
    Primary negative issues involved with cross-border trucking are:  driver qualifications requirements; driver qualifications compliance; driver records archives; defection of illegal aliens; drug trafficing; vehicle safety standards; vehicle emissions standards, et al.  As an O-T-R driver for Transport America, MS Carriers and Crete Carrier Corp., I’ve delivered dozens (more probably, hundreds) of loads to the border-area warehouses in Brownsville, Tx., Laredo, Tx., El Paso, Tx., and San Diego/Otey Mesa, Ca.  It would be impossible to convince anyone of the complete lack-of-attention to safety of the Mexican trucking companies; of the Mexican drivers, themselves!  These spectacles have to be seen to be believed; doors hanging by one hinge, fuel tanks barely hanging on, headlights hanging by wires, mirrors flappin-in-the-breeze, et al.  The three companies I leased my truck to, did only “drop-and-hooks” in the border cities.
[A “drop-and-hook:”  dropping a loaded trailer at the correct warehouse; ‘hooking’ to an empty trailer in preparation for the next load, northward.]
There were–and presumably, are–some U.S. trucking companies who venture into the countryside of Mexico.  Along with these border crossings are horror stories of cargo hijacking, vehicle hijacking, collecting bribes from American truckers, raping and murdering American truckers!
    In early July (2011) Transportation Secretary Ray The LaHood quietly went to Mexico City and–with his Mexican counterpart-Dionisio Perez-Jacome–signed America’s highway safety away, to say nothing of the bogus American global-warming requirements!  While the ‘regime blather’ is the kerfuffles with the Mexican transportation system have been resolved, it’s common knowledge that they’ll “look-the-other-way” for almost any amount of money!! News reports of the time quote the regime blather-line:

The U.S. Department of Transportation says the safety concerns have now been resolved. Electronic monitoring systems will track how many hours the trucks are in service. Drivers will also have to pass safety reviews, drug tests and assessments of their English-language and U.S. traffic sign-reading skills. Mexico has the authority to demand similar measures from U.S. truck drivers entering their territory.

As any American trucker knows, electronics can be tweeked (wink;wink)!!  For the right number of pesos, the remaining provisions can be circumvented.  OK, my primary concern is for the American trucker and his profession:  There will be a tremendous loss of jobs when American shippers start taking advantage of the Mexican pay-scales:  They’ll work for less than 25% of what a U.S. driver earns.  Some unscrupulous American shippers will undertake to violate U.S. cabotage laws. 

[The U.S. cabotage laws as they apply to the trucking industry {in a nutshell}:  Foreign drivers–primarily Canadian and Mexican–can deliver to a point in the U.S.; deadhead {empty trailer} or bob-tail {tractor only; no trailer} to the next loading point.  The freight a foreign driver loads, MUST return to their country-of-origin; NOT TO ANOTHER POINT IN THE UNITED STATES!!]

This quote from the same article clearly illustrates how out-of-touch Secretary The LaHood really is:

“By opening the door to long-haul trucking between the United States and Mexico, America’s third largest trading partner, we will create jobs and opportunity for our people and support economic development in both nations,” he (The LaHood) said.

What jobs will be created?  Freighthandlers?  Warehouses only hold so much freight, which is effectively, efficiently handled by the current labor force, therein.
More American drivers?  How, when adding umpteen-hundred Mexican drivers to the American labor force?  More diesel technicians; more towing-and-recovery companies?  If a driver is driving junk, why would he have it repaired?  Just abandon it where it dies.  If a driver is driving junk, why would he have it dragged out of the median?  Why would he have it lifted off a dead family’s ‘granny-van?’  Just run-like-hell and avoid the cops ’til he reaches his border!
    In conclusion, this policy is just so-much-more pandering to all things unAmerican!  More regime kissing of “the fuzzy, brown ass!”  It has no positive consequences to–or for–the American economy, the American worker, the American trucker!   Every citizen should contact his/her senators and representative, relaying their displeasure of the socio-fascist ‘path’ American trade policy is taking.
Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; September Thirteenth #1; YUP, True!

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Ref: The Sunday ‘Report;’ 09/04/2011
    I remember the referenced article clearly (and fondly); it dealt with my chosen career:  an over-the-road truck driver!  The ‘google’ query–from Charlotte, N.C.,–most probably was concerned over the earnings claimed by the subject: Jeff McGee, 37, who earns ~~$160,000/year.
    I can’t speak directly to Mr McGee’s annual earnings; he’s in a specialized segment of the the trucking industry:  He picks up brand-new road tractors (singularly, or in groups like 2,3,4), and delivers them to trucking companies or truck retail sales companies.  I was an over-the-road driver from July, 1995 to January, 2006.
  The industry:
**The most notable distinction is that practically everything in any American’s daily life was on a truck at some point!   Railroad tracks don’t go the local Walmart’s back door!!
**The O-T-R driving career is quite segmented:  longhaul (coast-to-coast); regional (like Northeast: New England, New York, New Jersey, etc); dedicated (hauling for a particular company like: the auto manufacturers, General Mills or John Deere, and related suppliers) as well as other segments I’m not familiar with.
    Each segment has it’s pluses and minuses like:
~Some pluses in longhaul  are:  You wake up each morning in a locale you’ve probably never been before; you see sights others pay ‘tons ‘a’ money‘ to visit; you will meet some of the nicest folks on the planet, etc.
~Some of the minuses in longhaul are:  most companies require an ‘away-from-home’ period of at least two-weeks;  extended periods away from home and family; the stress involved in meeting loading and delivery appointments;  the stress involved in traffic and construction conjestion; you’ll meet some of the biggest a’holes and bullshit artists on the planet; the stress of dealing with company dispatchers and their road-service departments.
The other segments have pretty-much the same pluses.  The minuses:  Regional-travelling the same routes time-after-time; Dedicated:  To-the-minute delivery appointments;  constant load scheduling, little time between loads.
    My history:
**In early June 1995, I was laid-off from a boring, dusty, piecework,  manufacturing job; later that month, I went to the C-1 Drivers School in Indianapolis, Indiana.  After a 17-day course–classroom, range and highway time–I graduated on July Third.

**On July 6 or 7th, I reported to my first company, Transport America (TCAM, Eagan, Mn), in North Jackson, Ohio.  I was assigned to a company driver/trainer and spent 8 weeks driving with him, earning a flat salary of $250/wk (I think).  I stayed with TCAM until the Fall of 1998.  My perception was that my dispatcher had slighted me over some detail of my next load; I got pissed-off somewhere in Indiana and bobtailed (no trailer) back to the North Jackson terminal (at my expense-I bought the fuel!); turned in the truck and the keys, unloaded my crap and went home to Cohocton, N.Y.  When I was initially assigned my own truck I started earning 23.5 cents-per-mile (CPM).  I finished with TCAM earning 34.5 CPM.
**After less than a week, I was certifiably ‘stir-crazy!’  I had bullshitted with some Crete (Crete Carrier Corp[CCC], Lincoln, Ne) drivers earlier, and decided to call the company for an interview. 

CCC had several benefits others didn’t offer, like their–at that time–exclusive ‘Load-Select’ system.  Upon delivery, the company offered up to three trips-driver’s choice!  Those trips were usually in different directions; with different lengths, so whether the driver wanted to ‘see the country’ or ‘get some miles,’ the choices were there!!  Another great advantage–businesswise–is, CCC is a privately-owned company-owned by the Dwayne Acklie family.  Everything the company has is wholly owned–they essentially don’t owe nobody, nothin’!!

Freightliner Crete Carrier Corp on US 222 outside Lancaster, PA.After an interview and road test at CCC‘s regional terminal, McGungie, Pa., I drove in a rented car to orientation at their Linoln, Ne., headquarters.  I drove with a company driver/trainer for 4 weeks and then was assigned a truck of my own with an initial–as well as final–payrate of 30CPM.  I was a CCC company driver for about a year before I bought my own truck and became an ‘owner-operator.’
**In October 1999, I bought a 1998 Freightliner FLD120 (a basic, off-the-rack model).  The truck only had the basics, but with 106,000 miles-in the industry, that’s “just barely broke-in!”  I leased the truck to MS Carriers, Inc (MSCC), Memphis, Tn., a the ’empty-and-loaded’ rate of 65CPM, which went up over the course of the lease(s).  MSCC was an ‘alright’ company; I leased onto them to get the ‘home time’ I wanted, I was dating a Dallas-area actress at the time.  I stayed with MSCC until they were near finalization of a sell-out to Swift Transportation, Phoenix, Az.  I knew from experience that we would NOT be a good fit: a the time, Swift castrated (demanded they be governed) owner-operator trucks to 65MPH!  It’s my truck, I’m payin’ for it, I’ll drive it as fast or slow as I want to!!

**In the Summer of 2001, I returned to CCC, leasing my truck under their sliding-pay-scale, plus 65CPM-empty.  The shorter the trip miles, the more CPM and the converse.  I stayed with CCC as an owner-operator until September 2005 when I sold my truck (at that time, the truck had 843,000, very profitable miles!!).  I then became a CCC company-driver until January, 2006, when “The Young Miss Lovely” made the decision that I should sleep in our bed more than just every-other weekend!!
 Crete Carrier
    In conclusion, YES-the basic facts of what I’ve presented here are the truth as I remember them.  One should not consider–or enter into–the trucking industry, lightly!  It can be a hell’uva stressful job; it can be the most rewarding job you will ever have!  It worked well for me; I had no wife or girlfriend at the time I became a trucker; my kids were all grown with families of their own.  I was–and will always be–a nomad!  I loved the job so much that–during a couple of years of my owner-operator days–I wouldn’t see ‘the homestead’ for three months at a time; if money is your goal, that’s one way it’s done.  With fuel prices being what they are; with the fluxuation they suffer, I’m not so sure that owner-operatorship is the way to go.  Company-driver pay has gone up in the past few years; one can make a very comfortable living, with every-other weekend at home.  This career is certainly ‘worth a look’ for practically anyone: man, woman, the retired, the retired-and-bored former professional, the returning veteran-anyone!  I’ve met all kinds of people out on the road: retired doctors, lawyers, accountants; some of the nicest ladies anywhere; just the average ‘joes’ trying to make a living!
  For further information, check some of the sites below, among others.  I’ve included a couple from OOIDA (Owner-Operator, Independent Drivers Ass’n, Grain Valley, Mo.).  OOIDA is the only organization that TRULY has the drivers’ best interests at heart.  I’ve been a life-member for years, back to when I first bought the Freightliner.
  Hey YOU!!  That ‘googler’ from Charlotte:  if you see this, I hope it helps to answer some of the questions you may have!!
Til Nex’Time….

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