This’n’That; July Twenty-Fourth #1; More Straws

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obama Continues To “Grasp (and Gasp)!”

    For the past three-and-a-half years, “Clown Prince obama has eroded America’s respect, worldwide.  At the recent G-20 conference in Mexico City, the “Clown Prince” garnered all the respect of a confused junior partner in a law firm going down for it’s third bankruptcy!  Even the worldwide communist and muslim leaders have little respect for obamaand by extension–the United States.

   Not only has obama made a complete travesty of foreign policy, he can’t even get all his followers to attend the largest blather opportunity of his reign!  Many obamacRATics are choosing to not attend the DNC convention at the “New Black Panther Stadium in Charlotte, N.C.  Those like West Virginia’s Joe Manchin (Senator), Nick Rahall (Representative) and Earl Ray Tomblin (Governor), as well as Senators Claire McCaskell (Mo), Jon Tester (Mt) and Rep Jim Matheson (Ut).


    Of ‘grasping at straws,’ the most blatant illustration in recent weeks is the Stephanie Cutter (the Regime’s Deputy Campaign Manager) statement that Governor Mitt Romney is a felon.  This statement would be laughable if it weren’t such an outright lie!  From the Romney Campaign, the accusation deserves no defense.  Particularly in the face of obama‘s–or maybe barry soetoro‘s or maybe Bill Ayers–admission in print that obama/soetoro smoked ‘whacky-weed,’ used cocaine as well as his family’s prescription drugs.  This makes him at least a three-time felon candidate; marijuana use and possession with intent, marijuana distribution, using drugs not prescribed to him and cocaine use and distribution.  I have (with no affiliation) suggested the Romney folks to ‘make hay’ of the Stephanie Cutter statement but it would appear they chose not to.


    The most recent ‘straw’ is the re-immaculation campaign equating “Bain (Capital, LLC)” with “Bane (the archvillian of ‘Batman: The Dark Knight Rises‘)” as being dastardly, capitalistic, villianous! This, just the latest in the obama Regime‘s and campaign’s attempts to paint Governor Mitt Romney as evil and villianous.  What a sad, unfunny joke the obama campaign staff is becoming.  This latest ‘straw’ is far beneath the dignity of the presidency, IF said president had any dignity or even a modicum of presidential bearing!!


‘Splain to me again why YOU elected this Verdammte Arscholch!?!

Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; June Twenty-Fifth #2; owe-bama Campaign

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Campaign Refuses To Reimburse Durham, N.H.

    As reported in ‘The Sunday Report (06/24)’ the City of Durham, N.H., has asked the owe-bamaI Need 4-More Years To Fix What I Broke” Re-immaculation Campaign to reimburse the city for police and fire expenses related to the “Clown Prince‘s” campaign stop in their city:

Durham, NH Requests Reimbursement For Obama Campaign Stop


CBS, Boston

June 22, 2012

DURHAM, NH (CBS) – President Obama is scheduled to visit New Hampshire on Monday, and the town of Durham wants help paying for it. Town Administrator Todd Selig estimates the cost of the campaign trip will be between $20,000 and $30,000 for police and fire services. [….]

    The owe-bamaI Need 4-More Years To Fix What I Broke” Re-immaculation Campaign regional office in Portsmouth, N.H., is not confirming that said “I Need 4-More Years To Fix What I Broke” Re-immaculation Campaign will reimburse the city for the added expense to hear the “Clown Prince‘s” excuses, Bush-bashing and unremarkable remarks.  Actually, the office is dragging it’s feet in even wanting to discuss the matter.


    Reading the ‘comments’ section of the news article (

 will illustrate the dire-straits the owe-bamaI Need 4-More Years To Fix What I Broke” Re-immaculation Campaign is finding itself in, after three-and-a-half years of broken promises, economic destruction, over regulation and bowing to every third-world-rathole potentate on the planet!!


‘Splain to me again why YOU elected this Verdammte Arschloch!?!

Til Nex’Time….


This’n’That; June Twentieth #2; Get Ready!!

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SEIU To Support owe-bama In 8 States

    The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) will concentrate their owe-bama re-immaculation efforts in the key states of Colorado, Florida, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.  The union expects to spend the same $85 Million in membership dues they did during the 2008 campaign.  They will field 100,000 volunteers as well as 750 paid campaign workers, knocking on three million doors and making thirteen million phone calls.

    You may recall during the 2008 campaign the union’s “Purple People BEATERS” waged intimidation, mayhem, assualts and thuggery at various polling places.  Their negro cohorts, the New Black Panthers, were involved in the same ‘activities’ in support of the same candidate.

    If I might be so bold as to make some suggestions:

1.  The “Tea PartyMovement members in the aforementioned states should organize ‘watchers’ at as many polling places as they can, staffed by as many ‘souls’ as practical.

2.  Said poll watchers should be equipped with riot helmets and bullet-resistant vests (flack-jackets) for their own protection, safety–just kiddin‘!! Although it’d make a hel’u’va statement.

3.  Said poll ‘watcher’ organizers should consult the URLs below for any help, inspiration that can be gleaned.

4.  The “Tea PartyMovement membership in the aforementioned states should emulate the legal, non-violent efforts of “The Purple People BEATERS.”

Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; May Twenty-Seventh #2; Spending ‘Hoax!’

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The owe-bama Spending Hoax Revealed

    By now everyone on the planet–excepting maybe, a couple of folks in Appalachia who don’t really give a crap–has read or at least heard of, the Rex Nutting fictional piece on the owe-bama spending phenomenon:

‘PolitiFact’–using the same flawed methodology–agrees with the Nutting piece:

The ‘politicalmath’ guy is highly adept at explaining all things ‘numbers,’ and as such exposes the flawed methodology for what it is, a thinly-veiled attempting at putting a ‘smiley-face’ on the owe-bama out-of-control socio-fascist, economy-destroying spending: 

    After reading all three articles, one thing continues to be blatantly clear:  the national pamphleteers’ clear and unrelenting bias is all-the-more evident!  Not only does the next president–former Governor Mitt Romney have to battle the sitting ruler, he must contend with and counteract owe-bama‘s in-the-tank national pamphleteers.

Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; May Nineteenth #1; How Will You Vote?

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Going Into The November Presidential Elections:

    Here are some quotes–from those FAR more learned than I–to consider when making your decision.

From President James Garfield (1831-1881; presidential term: March-September, 1881):

“Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress.  If that body be ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption.”

From Victor Hugo, French essayist, statesman (1802-1885):

“When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right.”

From William F. Buckley, Jr. (1925-2008), Conservative commentator, author; founder of the ‘National Review:’

“The best defense against a usurpatory government is an assertive citizenry.”

From Patrick Henry (1736-1799), 1st and 6th Governor of Virginia; attorney:

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government–lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”

From Daniel Webster (1782-1852), leading statesman; U.S. Senator from Massachusetts:

“There are men in all ages who mean to govern well but they mean to govern.  They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.”

    The upcoming presidential election is the most important federal election since President George Washington was elected in 1788!!  The voter must personally ‘vet’ BOTH candidates, insuring that incomplete or non-existant media ‘vetting’ does not “rule-the-day!!”

Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; May Eighth #4; All That Emptiness!

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I Suggest owe-bama Quit As FAILURE Looms!

    “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist” ‘opened’ to a dismally small crowd in one of Ohio State’s many sports venues.

‘Borrowed’ from Rush Limbaugh’s EIB Network Site!

As evidenced by the photo above, owe-bama ‘played’ to a mostly-empty arena in Columbus, Ohio, supposedly one of the “swing” states.  Estimates have been 9,000-10,000 in this 20,000 seat venue in one of the largest universities in the owe-bamaPrince-dom!’

Photo by Romney Campaign Spokesman, Ryan Williams


The owe-bama campaign handlers used all the tricks like moving some attendees onto the floor to appear larger for the television coverage; like having students spend the previous week canvassing Columbus and it’s suburbs to drum up attendance.  Nothing worked!!  The ‘over-flow’ crowds his handlers had projected, NEVER MATERIALIZED, it was just owe-bama and his buddy, ‘Mr Teleprompter!!’

    As evidenced by the “Clown Prince‘s” ripoff of “Ronaldus-Magnus‘”  ‘Morning in America‘ campaign ad from 1984, the owe-bama re-immaculation is in deep doo-doo, as they say!  The result of the owe-bama strategists writing-off the middle-class, the working-class, the taxpayer-class voters is the aforementioned dismal turnouts as compared to the 2008 campaign.  Isn’t it kinda sad when gaggles of students can’t convince the locals to attend this (hee, hee, hee) vital (hee, hee, hee) campaign kick-off announcement?!?

(President Reagan‘s ‘Morning in America’ 1984 campaign ad:)

(The owe-bama ‘rip-off’ re-immaculation campaign ad:)

    Has the wind gone out of the re-immaculation ‘sails?!?’  The owe-bama handlers–read: George Soros and the ‘Bilderbergers‘–are having great difficulty in assembling a cohesive campaign; without original thought the owe-bama ‘spinners’ are forced to copy from previous, successful campaigns; source and topics, be dammed!!

‘Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch!?!

Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; May Seventh #1; Biden’s Problem

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What We DIDN’T Need:

    The “first deputy Under-Clown” Joe “Hairplug” Biden was the ‘talking-head’ of the day on Sunday’s “Meet The (de)Press(ed).”  Of course he’d studied the appropriate pages in the owe-bamacRATic playbook to taylor his responses.  Not only did “Plug” espouse the standard “Clownish” lines, he had the audacity to answer his own question:

“How is he (President Romney) gonna create jobs?”

“He (President Romney) talks about another $2 Trillion in taxcuts for the very wealthy.”

“Your [blogger: “You’re….”] gonna create jobs?”

“Is that how he’s (President Romney) gonna do it?”

    I have a couple of questions for “Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist,” “Plug” biden, “TurboTax-Timgeithner, et al:

As a core course, did you ever take and pass, ‘Econ-101?!?

How many times has each of you been hired by a ‘poor-person?!?

My questions speak to the very nature of ‘PresidentRomney‘s campaign; continued and increased tax relief for the very taxpayers who actually create the jobs, for the very taxpayers who are the backbone of the American economy.  Both individual entrepreneurs and small-business owners create the vast majority of jobs in the United States!


    The current occupants of “barackingham Palace” and Number One Observatory Circle, continue to promote their various ‘warfare’ persuasions on America’s student ‘corpse;’ on America’s young–inexperienced, uneducated–voters as well as the 52% of Americans suckling at the government tit (the ‘wagonRIDERS‘).  One of said ‘warfares’ is economic-warfare, pitting the do-nothings against the well-to-do in the owe-bambastic world of socio-fascist politics.  With a declining ‘follower numbers,’ the owe-bamacRATic politicians are at a loss to attract new followers or reinvigorate those fallen-off-the-wagon.  The various ‘warfares’ are the owe-bamacRATic attempt toward that goal. 


    There are two blatant truisms afoot here:  

The owe-bamacRATics will say-and-do-anything in their attempts to bolster followership;

While ‘PresidentRomney is on the right track in correcting the owe-bamaDepression, he very well have an unsurmountable task of convincing the majority of the aformentioned classes of young voters.

‘Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch!?!

Til Nex’Time….


This’n’That; May Fourth #1; “Forward?!?”

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Who’s Spending Who’s Money?!?

    The latest distractionary kerfuffle involves ladies’ wear. 

Apparently Ann Romney can not spend HER OWN MONEY on whatever fashionable attire she wants. 

Apparently “Michelle Antoinette” can spend THE TAXPAYERS’ MONEY on those fashionable pieces she desires.

    So…. what’s “the big stink,” here?!?  Creating a distraction with the cost of a single top worn by Mrs Romney while ignoring the “Clown Princess” carrying a purse by the same designer–with a comparative cost–or the $2,250 jacket in said “Clown Princess‘s” closet?!?

Said $2,250 Jacket in Michelle Antoinette‘s closet

(Check out her jacket: there ain’t four-bucks worth of material there!!)

    The “big stink” should be the entitlement attitude the owe-bamas continually display since moving into barackingham Palace; contrasted with the Romney Family‘s self-sufficiency in spending their own money on whatever baubles they choose!!  The baubles the owe-bamas tend to buy are “million-dollar plane rides” to their monthly vacation destinations; half-million-dollar” vacation excursions for 25-30 of their closest supporters.  The owe-bamas rarely reference the source of said money, which is usually the American taxpayer!!  The Romney Family doesn’t have access to taxpayer funds so they spend their own money!!  Who-the-hell-cares how they spend their money; it’s theirs to spend as they choose!!  Nearly everone cares how the owe-bamas spend money; it ain’t theirs, they didn’t earn it although they believe they’re entitled to it!!

“We’re entitled; You owe us!!”

Ok boys’n’girls…. who’d ya rather have as a ruler:

    Someone who–verifiably–created hundreds-of-thousands of jobs or someone who preaches about the jobs he’s saved without explaining the rationale for defining ‘saved’?!?

    Someone who saved at least one major corporation (Staples) or someone whose EPA created mountains of red-tape to hinder business growth?!?

    Someone who saved an international event from bankruptcy (the 2002 Olympics=$100 million PROFIT) or someone who increased foodstamp recipients by 65% (2008-30.3million>>2012-46.6million)?!?

….and on, and on, and on, et al!

    The inept clowns on the owe-bama re-immaculation campaign have chosen “Forward” as the slogan to replace the unfulfilled “Hope’n’Change,” or more accurately: ‘Hopeless Change.’

Given: the owe-bamaKare cram-down, against the wishes of 60+% of the American citizenry, and

Given: $52 Billion in Social Security revenues being double-counted; Medicare was reduced by $500 Billion to make owe-bamaKare seem more palatable-more financially viable, and 

Given: gas pump prices are up 110% since the owe-bama immaculation, and

Given: the economy tanked since the owe-bama immaculation, and

Given: the owe-bama Regime took over (read: socialized) most of the U.S. auto industry, and

Given: the owe-bama Regime brought about the $787billion of PORKulus bail-out funds, and

Given: the owe-bama Regime‘s “green-energy” program translates to payoffs to campaign donors, supporters and workers, and


Given: the owe-bama Regime increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED, and


Given: the owe-bama re-immaculation effort has had more fundraisers than all presidents COMBINED from Jimmuh Cahtah forward, and on, and on!!


    Why-in-hell would the sensible voter, the average American citizen want to move ‘forward?!?’  The owe-bama ‘forward‘ would continue–more accurately, increase–the move into federal socialism.  The owe-bama ‘forward‘ would continue his circumvention of the U.S. Constitution in favor of a “Bilderberg Group” solution; a Soros path toward a one-world government; a one-world economy; a one-world currency!

Well, friends’n’neighbors…. ya gotta lotta thinkin’ ta do in the next six-months!

‘Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch!?!

Til Nex’Time….

This’n’That; April Eighteenth #1; Unremarkable Remarks!

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“Michelle Antoinette’s” Campaign Blather

(BlogNote:  We’re only gonna do this once [hopefully!], so enjoy it!)

Taxpayer-paid Campaign Event

The Pinnacle at Symphony Place,

Nashville, Tennessee

    [….] I want to thank all of you for taking the time to be here with us today.  And I know that there’s a reason why you all took the time out to be here today. You’re here because you know that next November, we are going to make a choice that will impact our lives for decades to come — I cannot say that enough.  And I know that you’re here because you know that choice won’t just affect all of us; as Nicole said, it’s going to affect our children and our grandchildren, and it’s going to impact the world we leave behind for them long after we’re gone.  And that’s why I’m here today as well. That’s why I am going to be out there on the campaign trail like nobody has ever seen.   As First Lady, I have had the privilege of traveling all across this great country, and I get to meet folks from all different backgrounds and I get to hear what’s going on in their daily lives. And let me tell you, every day, I hear about people’s challenges and struggles, what they’re doing to try to keep it together — the bills they’re trying to pay, the businesses they’re trying to keep afloat, the home they love but are struggling to afford.  But no matter what they’re going through, no matter what the challenges they face, they keep working and sacrificing because they desperately want something better for their kids. That’s what people in America do: They believe in that fundamental vision for our economy that we all share — the idea, as your President says, that hard work should pay off, that responsibility should be rewarded, and more importantly, that everyone should get a fair shot, and do their fair share, and play by the same rules.
Michelle-Antoinette” as a truthful spokesperson:  As THE domineering member of the first family, I’m the one whose primary responsibility is to choose the destination of our monthly vacations. I also co-ordinate the various fundraisers at these locales, making campaign stops and fundraisers along-the-way: AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE!!  Dam’ cleaver, huh?!?   

    One of the most disturbing things I hear from these wealthy folks I speak with:  Their service help as well as their employees are feeling the pinch of this disasterous economy; of my husband’s stupid choices!!  Rather than paying their employees a fair rate-of-pay, they have their own definition of ‘fair‘ which actually parallels Barry‘s: ‘fairness’ as a race warfare-card; ‘fairness’ as a economic warfare-card!!

    Barry is having a difficult time equalizing ‘fairness’ with the relationship of “the WelfareRAT” as he or she applies to those American TAXPAYERS who actually drag-their-asses out of bed every morning to contribute to the economy rather than being a drag on it!!  See, Barryand rightfully so–supports the socio-fascist way of sucking all control, all desire, all initiative, all liberty, all sense of responsibility out of the American individual and having the government provide everything from diapers to death-panels!!

    [….] Let’s start with all those tax cuts my husband passed for middle-class families.  See, those cuts are about whether people can heat their homes, right; it’s about whether people can send their kids to college, maybe retire with some dignity, a little security. That’s what that’s about. It’s about putting more money in the people’s pockets, which means more money in our entire economy, which means more jobs. That’s what that’s about.  And those kind of cuts for working-class people are about making sure that everyone pays their fair share. That’s why my husband proposed the Buffett Rule, to close the tax loopholes so that millionaires and billionaires aren’t paying lower tax rates than firefighters and teachers.  But that’s what’s at stake in this election. That’s what we’re fighting for. 

Michelle-Antoinette” as a truthful spokesperson:  Aw, come-ON, folks!?!  There’s absolutely no way I can make this bullshit even-a-little-bit believable!!  owe-bama tax cut…?!?  Come-ON, people!!  Barry wouldn’t know ‘a tax cut’ if it bit’em in the ass!! Barry hadn’t done crap about any tax cuts; he wouldn’t if given the choice, that dam’ George Soros puts him up to this crap!!  Like he knows how to rule a country!?!  I can tell you right now, Barry Soetoro…. er…. the “Clown Prince….” would no sooner initiate a tax cut than “The-Man-In-The-Moon!!?!!” 

   Barry did absolutely nothing more than continue those tax-cuts signed into law by that evil President George W. Bush!!!  And now he’s expecting me to go out and ‘lie-through-my-teeth’ about them!!  Luckily, Barry was able continue President Bush‘s break for HIS subjects when he actually wants the government–HIS government–to control everything…. and I mean EVERYTHING!!                                                  And how about everything my husband has done to create jobs in this economy? Think back to when all those folks in Washington were telling Barack to let the auto industry go under, with more than a million jobs on the line. Remember that? But you’ll also remember that Barack had the backs of American workers. He put his faith in the American people, and today, as a result of that persistence, the auto industry is back on its feet. And as a result, people are back at work, providing for their families.  That’s something we can never forget. 

And think back to when Barack first took office, what he came into. We were losing in this economy an average of 750,000 jobs a month. That’s what he walked into; that’s what he inherited. But for the past 25 straight months, we’ve actually been gaining private sector jobs -– a total of more than 4 million jobs in two years. That’s the math.  Those are the facts.  So yes, while we have a long way to go, we have more work to do to rebuild our economy — yes, we are not finished, but today, millions of folks are collecting a paycheck again. That’s what’s happening. That is what’s at stake. That’s the choice we face.  And what about all that has been done for small businesses -– the companies that create two-thirds of all new jobs each year — small businesses? I’m talking about the mother who opens up a drycleaner to provide for her kids. That’s who we’re talking about. Or the family that’s been running that neighborhood diner for generations. See, for these folks, the small business tax cuts this administration has passed, that means the difference between hiring new employees or handing out pink slips; the difference between keeping their doors open or perhaps closing shop for good. So that’s the choice we face.  And how about the very first bill my husband signed into law? The very first thing he did as President — the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to help women get equal pay for equal work. That’s the first thing your President did.  He did this because he knows what it means when women aren’t treated fairly in the workplace. He watched his own grandmother -– a woman with a high school education –- work her way up to become a vice president at a little-bitty community bank. She worked hard. She was good at her job. But she watched as she hit that glass ceiling, and watched men no more qualified than she was climb that corporate ladder — men she had actually trained move ahead of her.  So believe me, for Barack, this issue is not an abstraction. This isn’t a hypothetical for him. He signed this bill because he knows that closing that pay gap, that can mean the difference between women losing $50, $100, $500 from every paycheck, or having that money in their pockets to buy gas and groceries and school clothes for their kids. He did it because when so many women are now breadwinners or co-breadwinners for their families, women’s success in this economy is the key to families’ success in this economy. Your President knows that.  And he did it because, as he put it, he believes that here in America there should be no second-class citizens in our workplaces. That’s what’s at stake.
Michelle-Antoinette” as a truthful spokesperson: First, let’s take this ‘owe-bama Motors‘ thing:  What bullshit I’m expected to read from HIS teleprompter!!  That whole deal went down just as planned!  Screw the taxpayer out of hundreds-of-billions-of-dollars; give most of the bailout money to friends, supporters and donors; give one of Barry’s largest contingents of supporters–the auto and the service unionsONE-FIFTH of the stock in the new ‘Government Motors;’ save both ‘Government Motors‘ as well as Chrysler for Barry‘s friends so they would profit handsomely when one or both were sold to foreign entities!! 

    Speaking to ‘jobs and unemployment’ is nearly as dismal as speaking to Barry‘s screw-up in all the PORKulus bailouts!!  There’s not even a modicum of truth in any statement on jobs, employment, unemployment, labor-participation numbers, et al, when they come from Barry‘s mouth!!  He uses the “Slick-WillieClinton method of communication-with-the-taxpayer:  “Just keep lyin’…. eventually they’ll believe it!!”  I keep getting questions I hesitate to answer, the most frequent one:

“How is it possible to have LESS PEOPLE WORKING, increased unemployment claims and yet the unemployment rate falls?!?  

I find this, one of the hardest to answer…. and make the answer believable!

All the statistics the teleprompter programmers had me to quote:  There’s absolutely no factual verification for any of it!!

    Two years ago, we made history together by finally passing health reform — something that no one had been able to do before. And because we passed this law, insurance companies now have to cover basic preventative care — things like mammograms, prenatal care — at no extra cost. And insurance companies can now no longer deny our children coverage because they have preexisting conditions — things like asthma, diabetes, right? Kids can now stay on their parents’ insurance until they’re 26 years old. That’s what we accomplished.  So that when they graduate from college, our young people are just starting out, they don’t have to worry about whether they’ll get health care while they’re trying to look for a job or build a career, build a family. And that’s how 2.5 million of our young people in this country are getting their coverage.  And since we passed this law, millions of our senior citizens have saved an average of more than $600 a year on their prescription drugs.  So the question has to be: Are we going to take all those savings away from our parents and our grandparents? Are we going to allow insurance companies to refuse to cover our children? Or will we say that here in America, no one should ever have to choose between going bankrupt or watching their child suffer because they can’t afford a doctor? But that is the choice we face.

Michelle-Antoinette” as a truthful spokesperson:  What a ‘kerfuffle’ that owe-bamaKare fiasco turned out to be!!  Not a truthful sentence in the entire 2,700+-page law!! Barry, George Soros and their minions worked on it incessantly; double-counting dollar amounts–among many other things–just to make it APPEAR financially feasible.

   The Senate–so proud of their accomplishment–finally passed the owe-bamaKare bill on Christmas Eve, 2009, when their opposition was at home with family!!  A show of hands:  when was the last time the United States Senate voted on ANYTHING on CHRISTMAS EVE?!? 


That auspicious occasion was in 1895, when the Senate met to consider including former Confederate officers in the United States Army!!

owe-bamaKare–in it’s continuingS & M activities–includes such things as allowing children up to the age of 26 to continue on their parents’ health insurance.  The “S & M” aspect here is:  while Barry brags about this, it’s a benefit that goes largely unneeded.  Young men and women in this demographic rarely get ill or injured; hence will have no negative affect on the bill’s ongoing statistics.

    And think, for a moment, about all that we’re doing to give our kids a good education. Think about the investments this President has made to raise standards and reform our public schools.  Think about how my husband has been fighting for the DREAM Act, so that talented, hardworking young people  young people who were brought to this country through no fault of their own, so they can have a chance to earn their citizenship. This is about responsible young men and women who want to go to college. They want to defend our country. They want to contribute to our economy. And it is time that we gave them a chance. It’s time.  And think about how my husband took billions of dollars in taxpayer money that used to go to middleman banks and lenders and sent it where it belongs — to help millions of young people go to college. That’s what he did.  But we have to remember that these kind of investments won’t just determine our children’s success, they will determine nothing less than the success of our entire economy. They will determine whether we’re prepared to make the discoveries and to build the industries that will allow us to compete with any country, anywhere in the world. But that’s what’s at stake.

Michelle-Antoinette” as a truthful spokesperson:  If I were to be truthful–and that’s a huge IF–the DREAM Act has little to nothing to do with education or citizenship.  It’s nothing more than a thinly disguised plan to ingratiate incoming illegal aliens with the owe-bamacRATic party; to enlarge the owe-bamacRATic voter base with said illegal aliens.

The reduction in financing choices will benefit the student?!?


In what world?!?

These funds that are supposed to ‘help millions of young people go to college‘ never make it to their intended destination.  The funds serve as a financial source to by syphoned off for what ever is Barry‘s “pet-project-of-the-moment!”  The reduction in choices is a reduction in competition.  Competition is a mainstay of the free-market system; necessary to keep prices inline with value received.  Under the owe-bama takeover of the student-loan industry has had quite the opposite affect:  increased prices with the commensurate reduction in value received!!   Continuing to take over various aspects of the economy will serve to destroy said free-market economy just as Barry demands.

    And let’s not forget how my husband appointed those two brilliant Supreme Court justices.  Let’s not forget how, for the first time in history, our daughters and our sons watched three women take their seat on our nation’s highest courts.  And we cannot forget the impact the Court’s decisions will have on our lives for decades to come — on our privacy and security, on whether we can speak freely, worship openly, and love whomever we choose. But that’s what’s at stake. Those are the choices that we are facing in this election.  And finally, let us not forget all this administration has done to keep our country safe and restore our standing in the world.  Thanks to our brave men and women in uniform, we finally brought to justice the man behind the 9/11 attacks and so many other horrific acts of terror.  My husband kept his promise — he ended the war in Iraq. He brought our troops home for the holidays.  And we are working hard to give them and their families the benefits they’ve earned.  And finally, because my husband ended “don’t ask, don’t tell,” our troops will never again have to lie about who they are to serve the country they love.  I could go on and on and on. But that’s what’s at stake.  So make no mistake about it, whether it’s health care, our economy, whether it’s education or foreign policy, the choice we make will determine nothing less than who we are as a country, but more importantly, it will determine who we want to be. Who do we want to be for our kids? Will we be a country where opportunity is limited to just a few at the top? Is that who we are? Or will we be a place where if you work hard, you can get ahead, no matter who you are, no matter how you started out? Who are we? Who do we want to be? Will we tell folks who’ve done everything right, but are still struggling a little bit, are we going to tell them, “tough luck, you’re on your own”? Who are we? Or will we honor that fundamental American belief that we are all in this together, and we are strongest when we’re all better off?  Will we continue all the change we’ve begun? All the progress we’ve made? Are we going to allow everything we’ve fought for to just slip away? 

Michelle-Antoinette” as a truthful spokesperson:  Each of Barry‘s Supreme Court appointees are as socio-fascist as the-day-is-long; with Barry‘s aim of destroying America as the citizen knows it!!  As for Justice Kagan:  That dumb-ass is setting the regime up to have the Court’s owe-bamaKare decision overturned if it doesn’t come in on the side of logic; on the side of unconstitutionality!!  If Barry is re-immaculated; “Katy, bar-the-door!”  Confronted with the retirement of some of the foggies on the Court, socio-fascists will reign supreme for decades to come.  You–the conservative; the majority; the American taxpayer–can kiss any remaining liberties good-bye!!

    But those are the choices we face. Those are the stakes. And believe me, Barack knows this. He understands these issues because he’s lived them. He was raised by a single mother who struggled to put herself through school, pay the bills. And when she needed help, who stepped up — his grandmother, waking up every morning before dawn to take that bus to that job at the bank. And even though she was passed over again and again for all those promotions, she never complained. How many people do we know like that in our lives? Never complained; she just kept showing up, just kept doing her best.  So believe me, your President knows what it means when a family struggles. This is not a hypothetical. He knows what it means when someone doesn’t have a chance to fulfill their potential, how painful that is. Because those are the experiences that have made him the man, and more importantly, the President he is today. And we are blessed to have him.  We are so blessed.

Michelle-Antoinette” as a truthful spokesperson:  That paragraph was good listening (in our case, good reading), right?!?  Complete bullshit!!  Barry has never wanted for anything in his life!!  He’s been given everything he ever wanted or needed, either by his grandparents or the avowed communist, Frank Marshall Davis!!  Most of his socio-fascist ideology came from either said Mr Davis or Saul Alinsky, the Chicago Street Agitator. 

    And what I share with everyone is that that is what I hear in my husband’s voice when he comes home after a long day traveling the country, and he tells me about the people that he meets. And that’s what I see in those quiet moments late at night, after the girls have gone to bed, and he’s up late at night going over the letters people have sent him. The letter from the woman dying of cancer whose insurance company won’t cover her care. The letter from the father struggling to pay his family’s bills. The letters from far too many young people with so much promise, but so few opportunities.  And I hear the passion and the determination in his voice. And he says, “Michelle, you won’t believe what people in this country are still going through.” That’s what he tells me. He says, “Michelle, this is not right. This is not who we are. We’ve got to fix this. We have so much more work to do.”

Michelle-Antoinette” as a truthful spokesperson:  There’s no truthful way to rebutt the previous paragraph!!

    See, when it comes to the people Barack meets, he has a memory like a steel trap. He might not remember your name, but if he’s had a few minutes and a decent conversation with you, he will never forget your story. It becomes imprinted in his heart. And that is what he carries with him every single day –- our collection of struggles, our hopes and our dreams. That is where Barack Obama gets his passion. That is where he gets his toughness and his fight. And that’s why even in the hardest moments — and there have been hard moments over the last few years — when it seems like all is lost, your President never loses sight of the end goal — never. He never lets himself get distracted by that chatter and that noise, right? You all can see him — he’s calm. See, because he just keeps moving forward, just like his grandmother — just keeps moving forward.  That is the kind of President this country deserves.  But I have said this before, and I will say it again: He cannot do this alone. That was never the promise. He needs your help, all of you here. He needs you to get out there and make those calls. He needs you to register those voters. He needs you to take those “I’m In” cards, right, and sign them.  Get your friends and your neighbors and your colleagues — sign them up. Convince them to join in giving just a little part of themselves each week to this campaign because we all know that this not just about one extraordinary man, even though I think my husband is awesome.  I’m a little biased.  But this has always been about us, all of us. Regardless of party or race or background, it’s about all of us coming together for the values we all believe in and the country we want to be.  Now, I’m not going to kid you. This next phase of our journey, it is going to be long, and it is going to be hard, and there will be plenty of twists and turns along the way. But the truth is — and you have to remember, because I have to remind myself every day — that is how change always happens in this country. It always does.  The reality is that real change does take time, and it never happens all at once — never does. But if we keep showing up, which we always do, if we keep fighting the good fight, fighting for the values we believe in, then we always get there. We always do. We have never gone backwards, not in this country.  Maybe not in our lifetimes. It may not happen right now, but maybe in our children’s lifetimes. Maybe in our grandchildren’s lifetimes.

Michelle-Antoinette” as a truthful spokesperson: The values ‘Family owe-bama‘ believes in are not the values of the conservative American MAJORITY!! 

This’n’That; April Twelfth #1; Unremarkable Remarks

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[General-of-the-Army; President Dwight D.]

Eisenhower Executive Office Building,

District of Corruption

April 11, 2012

(A Conservative Perspective….?)

Lately, we’ve been talking about the fundamental choice that we face as a country. We can settle for an economy where a shrinking number of people do very, very well and everybody else is struggling to get by, or we can build an economy where we’re rewarding hard work and responsibility — an economy where everybody has a fair shot, and everybody is doing their fair share, and everybody is playing by the same set of rules.

    It can be said that every society; every segment of every society has rules, no matter how loosely perceived; how loosely applied. To that end–in federal governance–there are rules for all participants in the system.  For Executive Branch  edification: laws are written by the Congress, voted upon by the Congress, signed into law–or vetoed–by the president–or currently–our exalted ruler.  The rule is: the president doesn’t circumvent the Congress–and by extension, the will of the people–with executive orders to install ‘a rule’ disagreeable to both said Congress and said people.

The people who have joined me here today are extremely successful. They’ve created jobs and opportunity for thousands of Americans. They’re rightly proud of their success. They love the country that made their success possible, and most importantly, they want to make sure that the next generation, people coming up behind them, have the same opportunities that they had.  They understand, though, that for some time now, when compared to the middle class, they haven’t been asked to do their fair share. And they are here because they believe there is something deeply wrong and irresponsible about that. At a time when the share of national income flowing to the top 1 percent of people in this country has climbed to levels we haven’t seen since the 1920s, these same folks are paying taxes at one of the lowest rates in 50 years. In fact, one in four millionaires pays a lower tax rate than millions of hardworking middle-class households. And while many millionaires do pay their fair share, some take advantage of loopholes and shelters that let them get away with paying no income taxes whatsoever — and that’s all perfectly legal under the system that we currently have.

How would it skew the “Clown Prince‘s” doctrine of “class-warfare wins political office,” to consider those evil rich, pasty-white guys’ having paid their fair share of income taxes ….by extension?!?!  Those evil, rich, pasty-white guys have created umpteen hundreds-of-thousands of–TAX PAYING–jobs–far more than any owe-bama give-away program–and yet they’re vilified for not paying additional monies to the IRS!!

You’ve heard that my friend Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary — because he’s the one who’s been pointing that out and saying we should fix it. The executives who are with me here today, not just behind me but in the audience, agree with me. They agree with Warren — they should be fixed. They, in fact, have brought some of their own assistants to prove that same point — that it is just plain wrong that middle-class Americans pay a higher share of their income in taxes than some millionaires and billionaires.  Now, it’s not that these folks are excited about the idea of paying more taxes. This thing I’ve always made clear.  I have yet to meet people who just love taxes. Nobody loves paying taxes. In a perfect world, none of us would have to pay any taxes. We’d have no deficits to pay down. And schools and bridges and roads and national defense and caring for our veterans would all happen magically.  We’d all have the money we need to make investments in the things that help us grow — investments, by the way, that have always been essential to the private sector’s success, as well, not just — they’re not just important in terms of the people that directly benefit from these programs, but historically, those investments that we’ve made in infrastructure, in education, in science, in technology, in transportation, that’s part of what has made us an economic superpower.

owe-bama, again with the ‘apples-versus-oranges’ comparisons!  Warren Buffett‘s annual compensation is primarily dividends and interest income which is taxed at 15%.  The “Clown Prince” would like the public–the stupid people he plays to–to believe that Mr Buffett has actual earned income like any factory or office worker which is taxed in a range of 0% to 28%.  The ‘average’ evil rich guy pays 21%; the top 10% of working-aged adults pay 34% of taxes; the bottom 45% of working-aged adults pay ZERO-PERCENT of taxes!!  So much for the “Clown Prince‘s” class-warfare!!

FACT: Are you aware that Warren Buffettthe guy owe-bama parades around at all these class-warfare blatherings–owes the U.S. Treasury over ONE-BILLION-DOLLARS in unpaid income taxes?!?

And it would be nice if we didn’t have to pay for them, but this is the real world that we live in. We have real choices and real consequences. Right now, we’ve got significant deficits that are going to have to be closed. Right now, we have significant needs if we want to continue to grow this economy and compete in this 21st-century, hyper-competitive, technologically-integrated economy. That means we can’t afford to keep spending more money on tax cuts for wealthy Americans who don’t need them and weren’t even asking for them. And it’s time we did something about it.  Now, I want to emphasize, this is not simply an issue of redistributing wealth. That’s what you’ll hear from those who object to a tax plan that is fair. This is not just about fairness. This is also about growth. This is also about being able to make the investments we need to succeed. And it’s about we as a country being willing to pay for those investments and closing our deficits. That’s what this is about.  Now, next week, members of Congress are going to have a chance to vote on what we call the Buffett Rule. And it’s simple: If you make more money — more than $1 million a year, not if you have $1 million, but if you make more than $1 million a year, you should pay at least the same percentage of your income in taxes as middle-class families do. If on the other hand, you make less than $250,000 a year — like 98 percent of American families do — your taxes shouldn’t go up.  That’s all there is to it. That’s pretty sensible. Most Americans agree with me, so do most millionaires. One survey found that two-thirds of millionaires support this idea. So do nearly half of all Republicans across America.

I have to admire how this guy–the “Clown Prince“–can speak in the abstract; lies just roll off his tongue like ‘sweet-nothin’s’ in Michelle Antoinette‘s ear!

    Speaking of “….we’ve got significant deficits that have to be closed….”  Where do you suppose the bulk of these deficits came from?!?  From the $787 Billion PORKulus give-away; from the purchase of two auto manufacturers and giving substantial ownerships to the labor unions; from the untold billions-of-dollars passed out like gum-drops to owe-bama‘s- and owe-bamacRATic- supporters; from the untold billions-of-dollars given to various alternative energy companies who promptly filed bankruptcy; each and every one a result of one in the myriad of failed owe-bama economic policies!!  The interest on the national debt alone is $226.2 BILLION; wasted money that’s taken out of the economy; money that could stay in the economy to create hundreds of small businesses hiring several million unemployed workers!!

  Remember when earning a million-dollars was really big stuff?!?  Now, if you earn a–comparatively–measly $250,000.01, you’re one of those evil, rich, pasty-white guys to be demagogued by the owe-bama regime in their attempt to tax them out-of-existance!!

So we just need some of the Republican politicians here in Washington to get on board with where the country is. I know that some prefer to run around using the same reflexive, false claims about wanting to raise people’s taxes. What they won’t tell you is the truth — that I’ve cut taxes for middle-class families each year that I’ve been in office. I’ve cut taxes for small business owners not once or twice, but 17 times.  As I said, for most of the folks in this room, taxes are lower than they’ve been, or as low as they’ve been, in 50 years. There are others who are saying, well, this is just a gimmick. Just taxing millionaires and billionaires, just imposing the Buffett Rule won’t do enough to close the deficit. Well, I agree. That’s not all we have to do to close the deficit. But the notion that it doesn’t solve the entire problem doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do it at all.  There are enough excuses for inaction in Washington. We certainly don’t need more excuses. I’d just point out that the Buffett Rule is something that will get us moving in the right direction towards fairness, towards economic growth. It will help us close our deficit and it’s a lot more specific than anything that the other side has proposed so far. And if Republicans in Congress were truly concerned with deficits and debt, then I’m assuming they wouldn’t have just proposed to spend an additional $4.6 trillion on lower tax rates, including an average tax cut of at least $150,000 for every millionaire in America.

owe-bamaas his defeat gets ever closer–blathers on about tax cuts for this business; tax cuts for that class of taxpayer.  What this clown NEVER REFERS TO is the ‘net effect’ of his actions.  While he cuts taxes on the one hand; he’s establishing new fees, fines, reglatory red-tape which–in the end–never reduces taxpayer’s tax liability; most generally increases revenues to the Treasury to continue feeding his insatiable spending proclivities!!

They want to go in the opposite direction. They want to double down on some of the inequities that already exist in the tax code. If we’re going to keep giving somebody like me or some of the people in this room tax breaks that we don’t need and we can’t afford, then one of two things happens: Either you’ve got to borrow more money to pay down a deeper deficit, or you’ve got to demand deeper sacrifices from the middle class, and you’ve got to cut investments that help us grow as an economy. 

You’ve got to tell seniors to pay a little bit more for their Medicare. You’ve got to tell the college student, we’re going to have to charge you higher interest rates on your student loan or you’re just going to get smaller student loans. You’re going to have to tell that working family that’s scraping by that they’re going to have to do more because the wealthiest of Americans are doing less.  That’s not right. The middle class has seen enough of its security erode over the past few decades that we shouldn’t let that happen. And we’re not going to stop investing in the things that create real and lasting growth in this country just so folks like me can get an additional tax cut. We’re not going to stop building first-class schools and making sure that they’ve got science labs in them. We’re not going to fail to make investments in basic science and research that could cure diseases that harm people, or create the new technology that ends up creating entire jobs and industries that we haven’t seen before. In America, prosperity has never just trickled down from a wealthy few. Prosperity has always been built from the bottom up and from the heart of the middle class outward. And so it’s time for Congress to stand up for the middle class and make our tax system fairer by passing this Buffett Rule.  Let me just close by saying this. I’m not the first President to call for this idea that everybody has got to do their fair share. Some years ago, one of my predecessors traveled across the country pushing for the same concept. He gave a speech where he talked about a letter he had received from a wealthy executive who paid lower tax rates than his secretary, and wanted to come to Washington and tell Congress why that was wrong. So this President gave another speech where he said it was “crazy” — that’s a quote — that certain tax loopholes make it possible for multimillionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying 10 percent of his salary. That wild-eyed, socialist, tax-hiking class warrior was Ronald Reagan.  He thought that, in America, the wealthiest should pay their fair share, and he said so. I know that position might disqualify him from the Republican primaries these days  but what Ronald Reagan was calling for then is the same thing that we’re calling for now: a return to basic fairness and responsibility; everybody doing their part. And if it will help convince folks in Congress to make the right choice, we could call it the Reagan Rule instead of the Buffett Rule.  But the choice is clear. This vote is coming up. I’m asking every American who agrees with me to call your member of Congress, or write them an email, tweet them. Tell them to stop giving tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans who don’t need them and aren’t asking for them. Tell them to start asking everybody to do their fair share and play by the same rules, so that every American who’s willing to work hard has a chance at similar success, so that we’re making the investments that help this economy grow, so that we’re able to bring down our deficits in a fair and balanced and sensible way. Tell them to pass the Buffett Rule.  I’m going to keep on making this case across the country because I believe that this rule is consistent with those principles and those values that have helped make us this remarkable place where everybody has opportunity.  Now, each of us is only here because somebody, somewhere, felt responsibility not only for themselves, but also for their community and for their country. They felt a responsibility to us, to future generations. And now it’s our turn to be similarly responsible. Now it’s our turn to preserve that American Dream for future generations.

WHY–when he wants to APPEAR ‘centrist‘–does owe-bama invoke “Ronaldus-Magnus?!?”  I’ll tell’ya why: Ronald Reagan IS the best; the greatest president of BOTH the twentieth and twenty-first centuries!!  Mister Reagan is one of the very few presidents in American history who truly took the best interests of the American citizen to heart.  He presided over a period of almost unbelievable economic growth; 51 continuous months of increasing GDP! Over the ten-year period covering President Reagan‘s administration, revenues to the Treasury INCREASED nearly 30% due to his tax-rate reductions.  As a result of the Reagan economic policies, those evil, rich, pasty-white guys paid more in taxes after the Reagan tax cuts than they did under the previous tax rates!!  One needs no clearer evidence than Mr Reagan‘s policies to conclude the Buffett Rule is but one more of owe-bama‘s myriad of presidential failures.

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