“Clown Prince” Proves To Be A Whiny Prick!
    Jan Brewer won’t play nice and let “Clown Princeowe-bama win!!  So…. he’s gonna take his balls and go home!  The past three years is wha’cha get when ya allow an election be bought for an inept, whiny-ass, Verdammte Arschloch!!

    Shortly after–the same day, in fact–“The Supremes” handed down their decision on the regime’s lawsuit against Arizona’s SB-1070, the “Clown Prince” cut the “287(g)” program benefits for Arizona law enforcement officers who want to check on an alien’s immigration status with the Department of Homeland Security.  An owe-bama stooge in said department said:

“287(g) agreements are not useful in states that have enacted ‘SB1070-type’ laws.”

    The Oval Orifice Arschloch ‘cherry-picks’ the laws he wants enforced, without regard as to the affects on anyone other than his own narcissistic self.  Now the wet-back illegals can commit all the crimes they want, nothing will happen in most states until said miscreants–no, the illegals!–actually kill someone, then they’ll be deported; only to return in a week or so.  Hell–not only that–the Oval Orifice Arschloch has set up an ‘Illegal Alien Complaint Hotline‘ so the the miscreants can complain to “Clown Princeowe-bama his-own-narcissistic-self, personally each-and-every time a cop asks for proof of citizenship!!  The Verdammte Arshloch continues to fu*k the American citizen–particularly the taxpayer–at every turn, while he simultaneously kisses every ‘fuzzy, brown ass’ he can find!!!

    All “Clown Princeowe-bama‘s actions of the past three-and-a-half years begs the questions:

    Why the hell do we even have a president, even one as disgraceful, as dispicable as the current one?!?
   Why the hell do we even have a Constitution, particularly when those in the executive branch–who’re supposed to be the smartest on the planet–don’t bother to read it, let alone protect-and-defend it?!?
   Why the hell do we even have a Congress, especially when it’s as ineffective as the 112th Congress?!?

    Had “Clown Princeowe-bama read Adolf Hitler‘s “Mein Kampf” as closely as he did Saul Alinsky‘s ‘Rules for Radicals‘ he’d know that as the dictator he’s become, he didn’t–and doesn’t–have to go through the hassles of the immaculation–or re-immaculation–process.  The position had already been bought for him; the election results a foregone conclusion!
We should–by now–have a clear idea what it was like in Adolf Hitler‘s Germany, he and the “Clown Prince” share a communistic dictatorial style of oppressive rule. The only thing necessary to complete the scenario is to rename the country: The Communist States of Bilderberg!!
‘Splain to me again why YOU elected this Verdammte Arschloch!?!
Til Nex’Time….